Written By Uswa Zainab
This saying is based on the long and natural experience of the ways of the world. It points out to the social relationship in this materialistic world, where people conduct themselves in a manner that exposes their true nature. Human life is a mixture of success and failure, and happiness and sorrow which we have to face. It is a stark reality of life. The ups and downs of life provide valuable opportunities to know what is what. In this saying, the word ‘laugh’ refers to happiness and joy, while the word ‘weep’ refers to sorrow and grief. Happiness and sorrow occur in everybody’s life. Their impact on human beings is universal. Happiness manifests itself in laughing, singing, and dancing, etc., while grief makes one weep, cry, and moan.

In this era of globalization, people talk of high idealism. It is said that the poverty of one nation in the world is a manner of great concern to all other countries. It is also sermonized that human grief in any part of the globe must be shared equally by the rest of the world. Such assertions have become fashionable slogans for great world leaders, politicians, and thinkers. These appear to be only for the consumption of others because they suffer from a basic contradiction as a witnessed inhuman character all over the world.
This saying means that everybody shares your happiness, but nobody shares your grief. It is easy and rather pleasant to associate with and join those who are laughing, eating and dancing. Happiness and laughter are usually associated with the celebration of auspicious ceremonies and remarkable achievements. These celebrations mark a sort of collective social festivity, in which, if not all, most of your acquaintances participate with great enthusiasm. The guest participants are generally not required to spend anything on their rejoicing. If you have enough resources, you can practically invite the whole world to laugh and make merry with you. Human nature is such that it is in constant search of occasion to amuse itself. It likes amusement. That is why it is said: “Laugh, the World Laughs with you.” It means that you can find any number of people to give you company in your happiness and enjoyment.
But, the position is quite different when you are in sorrow and grief. Human nature reacts unfavourably to things associated with sorrow and grief. All of us want to keep away from sadness. We avoid all such things as may give up the pain. It is a matter of common experience that few people sympathize with those who are in grief. Even near relations and fast friends fight shy of extending a helping hand, what to say of acquaintances. Thus, one is left to weep all alone, when in grief.
This is the way of the world. One who is happy does not need the society of others too much as one stricken with grief. But in practical life, what we see is that a man overwhelmed with sorrow is left alone, while a man blessed with happiness is surrounded by a large number to share his happiness. How cruel and selfish the world is!
The saying boils down to the fact that in happiness and prosperity, one is surrounded by a large number of persons, but in sorrow and grief, one is left to weep alone. So much so that even those who might have at one time shared one’s happiness and prosperity, are apt to keep aloof in adversity.
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About the writer:
Miss Uswa Zainab is an apt student of Sir Syed Kazim Ali, one of the distinguished grammarians in the contemporary world. She has gone through his 4-month course on Freelance Creative English Writing and Basic to Advanced Grammar. Pursuing graduation in the field of computer science and studies in English writing, she relishes writing articles and blogs on diverse themes: academic articles – everyday science, current affairs – and creative blogs – technology, beauty, fashion, entertainment, etc.
Name of the Student: Miss Uswa Zainab
Qualifications: BSCS
Total Articles/Blogs: 10
English Coach: Sir Syed Kazim Ali
Course Taken: Creative English Writing & Article Writing
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