CSS Solved Islamiyat Past Paper 2021 | Importance of Sufism in Spreading Islam
The following question of Islamiat is solved by Miss Ayesha Irfan, the highest scorer in CSS Islamiat. Moreover, the question is attempted on the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

Question Breakdown
The examiner demanded a suitable justification for the Significance of Sufism in advancing Islam. A thorough introduction to Sufism is necessary if you wish to do well in Islamic studies. After that, it provided relevant examples to address most of the questions. This section briefly studies how Sufism might help ameliorate present deviance.
1- Introduction
2- A historical glance at the history of Sufism
3- Sufism’s Significance in Extending Islam
4- Is Sufism a means of facilitating the deviation that exists now?
5- How is the amelioration of current deviation possible through Sufism?
- 5.1-Sufism allows coexistence in harmony and peace
- 5.2-Create a powerful connection with the Divine
- 5.3-Encouraging Spiritual Profoundness and Moral Principles
- 5.4-Emphasize internal Transformation
- 5.5-Refrain from materialism
6- Conclusion

Answer to the Question
Sufism is a mystical subset of Islam in which adherents seek knowledge and the existence of divine love through close, one-on-one interactions with the Almighty. It consists of various mystical paths meant to unveil the true nature of God and humanity and facilitate the perception of divine love and wisdom in the world. Not to mention, Sufi’s head a significant global missionary effort that is still going strong. Sufi’s have had a tremendous influence on Muslim piety through their Muhammad mysticism because of their elevated portrayal of the Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam. Sufism is the living embodiment of what Islam teaches; it is the pragmatic side of Islam that may be comprehended via artistic expression and total submission to Allah. Sufism uses dedication and simplicity to help its adherents achieve spirituality ingrained in the core of Islamic traditions. However, how Sufism is applied for this purpose will determine how much of a positive impact it has on present society’s problems or aberrations.
A historical glance at the history of Sufism
Islamic mysticism developed through several stages, including early asceticism, the formation and spread of fraternal orders of mystics, and the emergence of a classical mysticism of divine love. During the 13th century, known as the Sufi Golden Age, mystical organizations flourished throughout the Islamic world. Notable spiritual philosophers emerged despite the Mongol invasions’ political upheaval and the Abbasi empire’s demise. Ibn al-Farid composed profound spiritual poetry, while Ibn al-Arabi established the famous notion of the Unity of Being. Notable mystics Najmuddin Kubra and Farid al-Din Attar were also among them. Jalal al-Din al-Rumi wrote the Masnavi-yi Manavi. The Bektashi order preserves Turkish mystical poetry, which Yunus Emre started. Founded by Al-Shadhili, the Shadhiliyya order in Egypt gave rise to notable writers such as Alexandria’s Ibn Ataw Allah. Founded in the fourteenth century, the Naqshbandiyya order, led by Aḥmad Sirhindi, maintained waḥdat al-shuhud against waḥdat al-wujud. Delhi’s Shah Wali-Allah tried to bring disparate mystical traditions together in the eighteenth century. Later, significant contributions were made by mystical writers such as Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi in Syria and al-Sharani in Egypt. Sufism endured despite criticism from contemporary reformers, which prompted Kemal Mustafa Ataturk to shut down dervish lodges in 1925. Classical ideas of divine love were considered above conventional monist mysticism by modern thinkers such as Muhammad Iqbal.
Sufism’s Significance in Extending Islam
Sufis’ missionary and educational endeavour contributed significantly to the expansion of Islam. Sufism has remained significant in the Islamic world despite threats from radical Islamic organizations and a relative reduction in Sufi orders in the modern period. The teachings of the Prophet Muhammad are the source of Sufism; therefore, they help many Muslims discover inner calm and self-purification as they navigate today’s complex world. It influences spiritual development, art, culture, and social norms. It shapes social movements and builds inclusive communities. As Rumi said, “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. The world is too whole to talk about when the soul lies in that grass. Ideas, language, and even phrases from each other. Doesn’t make any sense. Thus, Sufism is an excellent way to spread the impact of Islam around the world and educate people about the religion’s core principles.
Is Sufism a means of facilitating the deviation that exists now?
The extent to which Sufism may be used to correct contemporary mistakes or social problems mainly relies on how Sufism is interpreted and used in modern circumstances. Sufism promotes virtues like love, compassion, and tolerance, which may help resolve moral and spiritual crises and promote societal cohesiveness. It also strongly emphasizes inner cleansing, ethical living, and togetherness. Its emphasis on inward change promotes morally upright societies, and its rejection of extremism calls for a broader interpretation of Islam. For instance, A.R. Rahman was born a Hindu and converted to Islam in 1988. Because Islam’s mysticism and spirituality spoke to his creative sensibilities, he was drawn to it. Along with his sisters and mother, he became an Islamic convert and adopted Allah Rakha Rahman. Therefore, Sufism can help to lessen the existing divergence.
How is the amelioration of current deviation possible through Sufism?
Sufism can ameliorate present social variations by utilizing its tenets of oneness, spiritual depth, and ethical standards. Its emphasis on self-discipline and inner purification promotes personal development, which can result in more significant changes in society.
- Sufism allows coexistence in harmony and peace
Sufism allows individuals to practice the Islamic faith, which means everyone can establish a personal relationship with God. Whirling dervishes are one of the most well-known Sufi customs in Turkey. Whirling facilitates the integration of the performer into the global whirling. Whirling dervishes are an easy way to join this global prayer, as everything in the cosmos, including the Earth and our cells, is in constant motion. There is no devotion to religious doctrines or imitation of the way of life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). For instance, According to Dr. Israr Ahmad, Love, affection, and justice don’t appear to exist; instead, there is bloodshed, terrorism, greed, exploitation, and deceit. Sufism offers a modern-day remedy for these degradations. Sufism assists individuals in the current world by teaching them the necessary principles, such as respect for relationships and life, gratitude for love, and coexistence in harmony and peace. Therefore, Sufism allows individuals to freely investigate the positive aspects of compassion and harmony in Islamic beliefs.
- Create a powerful connection with the Divine
Through activities like prayer, they were chanting (dhikr) and poetry. Sufism emphasizes direct, personal experience of God’s presence, which facilitates the development of a strong relationship with the Divine. Sufis aim to rid their hearts and souls of all external distractions so that they may only concentrate on the oneness and love of God. For instance, British singer-songwriter Yusuf Islam, formerly Cat Stevens, rose to prominence in the 1960s and 1970s with his folk, rock, and pop songs. He followed rigorous religious rules for about two decades after converting to Islam in the late 1970s and focusing his musical career on Islamic Qawalis. As a result, the core of Sufism instils in people a sense of divine existence. Nevertheless, Sufism has the effect of revealing the truth about their creation to a large number of ignorant individuals. Without a doubt, Sufism and mysticism opened people’s brains and allowed the light of Islam to enter their hearts.
“As Allah says in the Quran, When My servants ask you, ˹O, Prophet˺ About Me, I am genuinely near. I respond to one’s prayer when they call upon Me. So let them respond with obedience to Me and believe in Me; perhaps they will be guided to the Right Way.”
- Encouraging Spiritual Profoundness and Moral Principles
Sufism places immense value on moral behaviour, self-control, and internal purification. It imparts virtues that can help society’s moral and spiritual challenges, such as tolerance, humility, love, and compassion. Rumi says, “Would you become a pilgrim on the road of love? The first condition is that you make yourself humble as dust and ashes.” This saying represents the profundity of Sufism spirituality. However, it also suggests that an individual’s morality and ethics are the only things that truly matter.
- Emphasize internal Transformation
Changed spirits and purified hearts will inevitably have an impact, both visible and invisible, in practical ways and ways referred to as “spiritual influence.” Often far more than is seen, every human being who breaks free from the poison of egoism is making a vibrational contribution to the status of humanity. Undoubtedly, Rumi’s path is the road of beauty; he was overwhelmed by divine beauty. God can be approached through grace, and people are supposed to adore God. Rumi treats a wide range of religious illnesses and ailments in this sense. For instance, Rumi aptly said, “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” Thus, a person’s inner transformation centres on the beauty and strength of spirituality and inner serenity.
- Refrain from materialism
Sufism forbade the exclusive love of the world, and leaving earthly pleasures requires admiring Allah and upholding one’s spiritual principles. Materialistic concerns erode the love of the Almighty Allah and lead to despair, tension, and worry. Sultan Bahoo (R.A.) encouraged people to accumulate riches for the right reasons rather than being opposed to it. As he states, Half curse upon the world and whole curse upon mundane Hoo; Those who have not spent on the path of Almighty, enraged punishment they will Obtain Hoo; It makes fathers slaughter sons, damn you o worldly ploy Hoo; Those who have abandoned the world ‘Bahoo’ spring gardens pleasure they will Enjoy Hoo. While many Sufis explored the materialistic world, Sultan Bahoo (R.A.) emphasized avarice, frailty, and other harmful aspects. Hazrat Sultan Bahoo’s (R.A.) teachings remain a vital source of inspiration and direction for spiritualism. They are a fundamental source of support for Muslims navigating this contemporary world, bringing harmony to their surroundings and inner selves, and pursuing Allah’s pleasure.
In summary, Sufism has traditionally been a critical factor in the growth of Islam. Dhikr, or remembering God, is one of the main areas of Sufi devotion. Sufis’ missionary and educational endeavours contributed significantly to the expansion of Islam. Numerous conversions occurred in South and Southeast Asia, as well as sub-Saharan Africa, owing to the work of Sufi missionaries. Last but not least, Sufism has significantly influenced the development of Muslim society. Despite their opposition to the lawyer-divine’s dry casuistry, the mystics rigorously followed the dictates of the divine law.
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