Nothing, for sure, over-powers the world’s peace, prosperity, and stability, the way global warming does. Meanwhile, being a global issue, it has started affecting Pakistan’s social, political, and economic developments. However, pragmatic steps, such as planting trees, adapting advanced skills and technology in agriculture, and converting the fossil fuel energy sector into electrical energy, can help the country effectively fight against the monster of global warming.
Nothing, for sure, over-powers the world’s peace, prosperity, and stability, the way global warming does. It hampers not only socio-economic development but also hinders human progress globally. It is, moreover, a fact that global warming- the constant increase in temperature of the Earth since its inception- and health hazards go hand in hand in the blue planet- earth. Global warming, a global issue, has affected the development of Pakistan socially, politically, economically, and, above all, technologically. Recently, a report has revealed that global warming goes hand in hand with each development in the world. It is, Moreover, not a political issue. But it is one of the greatest threats providing a constant psychological diether to the masses. Most people do not take it seriously and follow steps that worsen the situation of global warming. In consequence, it has many impacts due to several reasons. All that reasons need proper measures to stop global warming. If proper steps are not taken globally, the world has to face catastrophic results. It is, thus, entirely plausible that every country must play a role in minimizing global warming. The question enlightens its impacts and causes and presents some solutions to solve the hot issue.

Global warming has started impacting the world in several ways. First, it increases the temperature of the earth resulting in the melting of glaciers. It raises sea level and decreases the area of habitats, decreasing the amount of agricultural production. Secondly, when the temperature rises in a habitat, certain species find it impossible to regulate their body temperature. And results in their extinction, such as dinosaurs- a certain of extinct species. Moreover, a rise in temperature causes water evaporation, making it difficult to find water for drinking0 in certain areas. Thirdly, global warming damages the ozone layer- a particular layer of gases in space hindering the flow of hazardous rays from the sun to the earth- increasing the number of diseases. The diseases take several important lives and disable many children both mentally and physically. The impacts are very precarious.
“Global warming isn’t a prediction. It is happening.”
Global warming has certain causes behind the impacts. First, industries like transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture, consume gasoline releasing carbon dioxide ( CO2) and chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere. The gases in the atmosphere react with ozone resulting in the depletion of the ozone layer- a major obstacle in the path of hazardous rays coming from the sun. Secondly, deforestation- the reduction of trees and forests- is another cause of global warming. Deforestation and the thickness of the Ozone layer go hand in hand. Trees produce oxygen during the daytime, producing ozone with the chemical formula O3 ( O-O-O). Lastly, Green House Effect- a natural phenomenon in which heat enters but finds no way to escape- continuously increases the Earth’s temperature. if Pakistan wants to control global warming, it has to adopt some measures recommended globally.

When it comes to global warming, coal is the gorilla in the room. (HOD Environment Department, UOP)
There are several measures to nullify global warming. However, in respect of Pakistan, some suggestions are highly effective to counter its effects. First, planting trees as many as possible can surely help reduce the earth’s temperature. Secondly, the major portion of fossil fuel in the form of gasoline is used by the transportation industry, causing carbon dioxide production. If cars, buses, and all other means of transportation are converted to electrical energy, the production of CO2, causing the depletion of the ozone layer, would reduce.
Similarly, a large amount of water is wasted in agricultural sectors while watering plants through the use of old techniques and technology. In addition, more fuel is consumed in watering them. However, practising new techniques and technology would reduce both the water and amount of gasoline, causing a reduction in global warming. Similarly, the consumption of natural gas in household use produces carbon dioxide in a very large amount evaporating to the space destroying the ozone layer. If Somehow, the use of natural gas is replaced with electrical energy or solar energy resources, global warming can be reduced. Last but not least, the amount of waste products, such as plastic bags, has to be reduced or replaced with recyclable products, so there might be no need to burn them. And there could be no chlorofluorocarbons- the killer of ozone- in space. If the suggested measures are adopted, global warming can be stopped.
I want you to act as if the house is on fire because it is. (Hafeez Jan- HOD Science Department- UOB)
The blue planet- earth- is under continuous change. Fossil fuels are endlessly used to produce energy, causing the emission of carbon dioxide and methane, leading to global warming. Deforestation is another cause of warmer temperature, i.e., global warming-the hazard causing sufficient major damage to the Earth. The Earth is facing the withering impacts of global warming. Consequently, it affects the ecosystems harshly. It is why multiple solutions- the conversion of technology consuming fossil fuels to electric energy- are suggested to counter the evil.
A monstrous hazard, global warming requires specific measures to be nullified. It not only affects human beings but also trees, plants, and animals. For example, glacier melts lead to floods and a rise in sea level, devastating agriculture and fishing. To embark upon the problems related to global warming, remedial measures have to be taken without any delay, as the usage of electrical energy instead of fuel energy and plantation of trees to produce more and more oxygen. Thus, Innovative, universally accepted measures must be brought into consideration to end global warming.

About Mr Sameeullah Kakar:
Sameeullah Kakar is one of the diligent students of Sir Syed Kazim Ali– one of the distinguished English language teachers in the world. Under his supervision, he has studied a Creative English Writing Course. Sameeullah Kakar- an English teacher in Balochistan- writes blogs and articles about the myths, issues, and social evils prevailing in society. However, being a teacher, he not only helps his students to write expressively but also teaches the art to attempt and get high grades in board exams. He chairs training sessions that let teachers and parents act, with their students and children, according to the need of time. Above all, in his free time, he loves to go hiking with his four brothers; finally, he has been a renowned personality for his expressive style of writing and speaking. On the whole, if you are also interested in his writings, like blogs, articles, and his techniques of writing, follow him on Gmail, Whatsapp, and Twitter.
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