Technology is not confined to any specific field. It has strengthened its position in the medical field as well. Heart diseases are very common in this generation and technology, especially Heart Flow has made it easy to cure such diseases.
The heart is the key organ of the human body. Continuous blood circulation is carried through the heart. Double circulation is performed by the heart. The health of the heart is necessary for the health of the entire human body. Our body absorbs all the essential nutrients: proteins, minerals, carbohydrates, vitamins, lipids, etc. from the blood. This blood is pumped by the heart. Hence, it is very essential to keep the heart healthy and fit. Moreover, our body needs oxygenated blood, and the heart provides oxygen to the blood. Therefore, heart diseases can cause serious problems and there must be any technology that should be available to cure such diseases. Science has always tried to keep the world calm. Thus, it has introduced many methods to treat heart diseases such as Mitra Clip, Heart Flow, Left Ventricle Assist Devices, etc. The most common heart disease is coronary artery disease.

The heart is the core part of our body. The procedure of blood circulation is very simple to understand. In the first, blood from the body enters the heart through the vena cava. In the second stage, it enters the right atrium; it contracts and then enters the right ventricle. In the third stage, it enters the left atrium through the pulmonary vein and then enters the left ventricle through a contraction. From there, it enters the pulmonary artery. Now the oxygenated blood is carried to the body. Furthermore, the disruption in this flow can cause many disorders. The disease, in which the supply of blood is stopped by the coronary artery to the heart, is called coronary artery disease. It happens when the fatty acids increase beyond the limit in the artery and block the passage of the blood to the heart. Unfortunately, it can cause heart failure and many other types of heart diseases. It has been observed that some patients do not experience any symptoms of coronary artery disease. But some people might experience pain in the upper parts of the body, chest, and difficulty in breathing. Sadly, it can lead to sudden death in many cases but often can cause a heart attack. Women premenopausal are at risk because this disease is very common among such women. This disease can further cause breast and lung cancer. The causes of heart diseases are lack of exercise, high cholesterol levels, usage of cigarettes, drinking, alcohol intake, and obesity. By avoiding these, it is very easy to prevent heart diseases.

Technology has omitted the fear of death from heart ailments. Before the invention of this technology, patients were not known that their hearts are damaged. As mentioned earlier, some patients do not face symptoms of heart diseases. When they came to know about their heart diseases, the lives of patients were at stake. No treatment could be possible then. But, through modern technology, it has become possible. Heart Flow is the technology that tells a person can survive with the heart or he needs any transplant. Through this technique, in the first, Computed Tomography Angiogram (CTA) is made. In this process, the arteries become 70 to 80 percent narrow and take close images of the arteries. These images are sent to Heart Flow analysis. This analysis explains the condition of the heart thoroughly. But the restriction is, this technique can only be used for patients having symptoms of severe chest pain and tightness in the chest. Moreover, Mitra Clip is another splendid technology. During heart surgery, the heart valve can be a leak, which can produce complications during the surgery. This chip is inserted into the valve to remain it open and close in the proper way. It improves the life span of a human. Last but not least, a Left Ventricle Assist Device (LVAD) is implanted into the chest for the extra circulation of the blood to keep save the other organs of the body from damage. This technology is applied only during a heart transplant. As a result, technology is encompassing every field of life and enabling man to spend healthy, luxurious life, and can enjoy, surely, all panoramas of life.