The Islamic story “Hazrat Yaqoob (a.s) Part 1” is written by Ayan Ahmed, the youngest blogger in Pakistan. Instead of wasting time on games as most school-going kids do, the young, enthusiastic boy, Ayan Ahmed, is making his name in the world of blogging. He is one of the proud students of Miss Syeda Saba, Miss Amreen Mir, and Miss Zaineb – who are known because of their content writing coaching across the country. Let’s share Ayan Ahmed stories, blogs, and poems with your younger siblings and kids so that they can also feel motivated and start writing like Ayan. Share your Kids work with us, and we will help you shape your kids future, indeed your future.

Death of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S):
Hazrat Ibrahim (as) had grown very old. He had spent all his life preaching about the oneness of Allah. He realized that his end was near, so he worried that his son Hazrat Ishaq (a.s) should get married now. So he married got Hazrat Ishaq (a.s)to his niece named “Rafqa’’. He did not live long after Hazrat Ishaq’s (a.s) marriage and soon passed away.
Hazrat Eis (a.s) and Hazrat Yaqoob (a.s):
Allah Almighty blessed Hazrat Ishaq (a.s) with twin sons; one was named “Eis” and the other one “Yaqoob”. This name Yaqoob is taken from the word “Aaqab”, which means “heel”. So the reason for choosing this name was when Hazrat Yaqoob was born with his twin brother, he was holding his brother’s heel.
Another name of Hazrat Yaqoob (a.s) is “Israel” which is a Hebraic (Ibbranni) word, and it means “Allah’s being”; like the name “Abdullah” means.
Stay tuned for Part 2
Do you also have kids or younger siblings, and you want them to engage in writing instead of wasting time in mobile games? Let’s contact us at Whats App 0332-6105842 to help them shape their future or share their work with us to impact society.
Initiative by Sir Syed Kazim Ali