
Write a Note on Any Two, 1) Constitution of Madina, 2) Peace Treaty of Hudabiya, 3) Last Sermon of the Prophet(PBUH)

Constitution of Madina and Peace Treaty of Hudabiya by Miss Ayesha Irfan

PMS 2017 Solved Islamiat Past Papers | Constitution of Madina and Peace Treaty of Hudabiya

The following question of PMS Islamiat 2017 is solved by Miss Ayesha Irfan, the highest scorer in CSS Islamiat. Moreover, the question is attempted using the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students, who have scored the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

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Question Breakdown

About this specific question, the examiner inquired how the Islamic State protected the rights of non-Muslims and gave an analysis of the protection of non-Muslim rights enshrined in the constitutions of Pakistan. The question is addressed in two parts. The first is an outline, which is broken down into different parts. Moving further, the introduction is given, followed by the Islamic perspectives of non-Muslim rights, principles and mechanisms for the protection of non-Muslims in an Islamic state, constitutional safeguards for non-Muslims in Pakistan and conclusion.


Constitution of Madina


2- A brief overview of the main points of the Constitution of Madinah

3- Significance of the charter of Madinah for a society

  • ✓ Safeguard human rights
  • ✓ Social equality and justice
  • ✓ Peaceful coexistence in a multifaith society


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Answer to the Question


In 622 A.D., Prophet Muhammad established the Medina Charter, a magnificent political-constitutional document for the ten thousand residents of Medina, who were multi-religious. This early Islamic history document is based on two agreements formed between the tribes of Medina and the Prophet Muhammad shortly after their departure to Medina. The agreements placed the muhajirun, the early Muslims who followed Muhammad, on equal footing with the eight clans of Medina. Collectively, the nine tribes created the first Muslim community (ummah) and also regulated Muslim-Jewish ties in Medina. The Madina Charter is significant because it is the first written Constitution and proclaimed a plural society, granting equal rights to all citizens and allowing them to participate in government decisions.

A brief overview of the main points of the Constitution of Madinah

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) tried to establish order in every citizen in order to achieve political, economic, and social stability in Madinah, as well as precise and disciplined interactions between Muslims and non-Muslims. Therefore, the essential terms for this purpose were: First, all Madinah tribes shall live in peace and order, and all people will participate equally in establishing peace and order. Second, if an external opponent attacks, everyone will battle them collectively. Third, neither party intends to hurt the other. Fourth, the treaty’s parties must be friendly and benevolent to one another. Fifth, the signatories to the pact will recognize Madinah as Haram and will not disturb it. Sixth, the believers will assist the indebted Muslims. Seventh, if one of them does something terrible, the entire community will protest him. Eighth, none of the treaty signatories will provide asylum to the Quraysh. Ninth, An ally of one party is considered an ally of the opposing party. Tenth, in the event of a disagreement amongst the participants regarding the agreement, everyone will accept the decision of the Holy Prophet. Thus, under the Constitution, all religious, ethnic, and tribal groups are guaranteed equal protection, rights, and dignity.

Significance of the Charter of Madinah for a society

  • Safeguard Human rights

The Charter of Medina, also known as the Constitution of Medina, is an early Islamic text that outlined rights and duties for the inhabitants of Medina while also regulating relations between the city’s various communities. The charter is regarded as an essential document in the history of human rights and religious freedom. According to Articles 3 and 11 of this Constitution, the parties to the treaty must treat each other with kindness and benevolence. Every party will have religious freedom. Thus, it would respect their private lives, defend their freedom to practice their faith, and involve all citizens in managing society’s concerns by the obligations and rights specified in the Constitution.

  • Social equality and justice

The charter guaranteed equality to all residents and acknowledged the coexistence of various religions within the community. The Constitution guaranteed all religious, ethnic, and tribal groups equal protection, rights, and dignity. They would follow their own views and evaluate themselves by their own rules. For instance, according to Articles 7 and 12 of this Constitution, if one commits a wrong, all the people will reject him, and each party will be accountable for discipline in their own area. Hence, this charter safeguards social equality and social justice.

O believers! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. If you disagree on anything, refer it to Allah and His Messenger if you ˹truly˺ believe in Allah and the Last Day. This is the best and fairest resolution. (4-59)

  • Peaceful coexistence in a multifaith society

The Charter of Medina, also known as the Constitution of Medina, was a model for peaceful cooperation in a multifaith society. The Prophet Muhammad created the charter, founded on the Quran’s teachings. The Prophet Muhammad reached a formal arrangement with the tribes and households of Yathrib, the traditional name for Medina. According to Articles 4 and 9, the parties to the treaty must treat each other with respect and generosity, and an ally of one party is considered an ally of the other. As a result, under the Constitution, all religious, ethnic, and tribal groups were guaranteed equal protection, rights, and dignity. They would follow their own views and evaluate themselves by their own rules.


In a nutshell, the Constitution guaranteed equal protection, rights, and dignity to all religious, ethnic, and tribal communities. Consequently, the Madina Charter promoted reciprocal social justice. Medinah established discipline in all of its parties. Those groups with various religions used to struggle and subjugate one another. Through this charter, peace was established between these groups. The Covenant of Medina (Charter of Madina) united all parties, creating social justice by resolving tensions between them, and each party was obligated to uphold this social justice and put an end to mutual fighting and animosity.

Treaty of Hudaybiyah



2- A brief overview of the conditions of the Treaty of Hudaybiyah

3- The far-reaching consequences of the Treaty of Hudaybiyah

4- lessons of the treaty of Hudaybiyah

  • ✓Peace-full solution for disputes
  • ✓ strategic patience for future gains




“In the sixth year of migration to Madinah, the Holy Prophet had a dream that he, along with his blessed companions, entered Makkah with peace and prosperity and performed Umrah. Some of them shaved their heads, while others had their hair cut. They entered Baytullah and took its key. Furthermore, they stayed in (the ground of) Arafat.” (Seerat-e-Halbiyah, vol. 3, pp. 13) The dream of a prophet is a revelation. Therefore, in Zul-Qa’dah, 6 AH, the Holy Prophet travelled for Makkah with the goal of [doing] Umrah with his 1400 blessed companions. They had to stay in Hudaybiyah. Unbelievers stopped them from entering Makkah. It was here that the Hudaybiyah Treaty was drafted. Thus, the document addresses the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, which was signed by Muhammad and the Quraysh tribe. It formed a 10-year peace treaty and permitted Muslims to practice and preach Islam freely.

A brief overview of the conditions of the Treaty of Hudaybiyah

A ten-year ceasefire was agreed upon, and the Muslims of Medina calmly undertook a shorter pilgrimage (ʿumrah) in the years that followed. This is another reason why the Hudaybiyya agreement of 628 is essential. Historically, Budayl Bin Warqa Khuza’i, Urwah Bin Mas’ood Saqafi, Hulais Bin Alqama, and Mikraz, representing the unbelievers, arrived for negotiations. The Qurayshite orator Suhail Bin Amaru Qurayshi finally reached and signed the pact, which included the following terms. Subul-ul-Huda, vol. 5, for example, states that both sides will adhere to a ceasefire for ten (10) years. Additionally, this year’s Muslims should return without undertaking Umrah. They should spend three days in Makkah the following year and do Umrah. Furthermore, Muslims should only carry swords, and they should be sheathed. Additionally, a person will be sent back if they migrate from Makkah to Madinah, but they won’t be sent back if they migrate from Madinah to Makkah. With the exception of these, the Arabian tribes will be free to choose any side.

The far-reaching consequences of the Treaty of Hudaybiyah

Although the provisions of the treaty seemed to be anti-Muslim, they had profound repercussions. According to Imam Ahmad Raza Khan, Although Islam appeared to have conceded, it actually achieved a significant triumph, which Allah has characterized as: We have indeed granted a clear victory for you (O beloved)  (Part 26, Surah Al-Fath, Verse 1). Then, in his interpretation of Surah Al-Fatah’s Ayah 25, he stated: This Ayah was given to comfort Muslims, suggesting that there were numerous reasons why they were not allowed to enter Makkah: In Makkah, there are a lot of ladies and men who secretly practice Islam. As you attacked unbelievers, you might have unintentionally trampled them. Furthermore, Allah Almighty will shortly bestow His bounties on those who do not now believe. He will respect them by accepting Islam. It is not acceptable to murder them. For these reasons, Makkah’s unbelievers were shielded from murder and devastation. (Fatawa Razawiyyah, vol. 30)

Lessons of the Treaty of Hudaybiyah

  • Peaceful solution for disputes

Medina’s Muslims calmly undertook a shorter pilgrimage (ʿumrah) the following year after the Hudaybiyya agreement of 628, which also calmed tensions between the two sides and agreed to a ten-year ceasefire. It was the quintessential illustration of how conflicts are resolved in the modern world without resorting to violence or war. Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad SAW and his followers made a determined effort to seek peace via discussion and compromise, which led to the creation of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. The Muslims of Medina and the Quraysh of Mecca had a long history of hostility, but they understood the value of peaceful cohabitation and respect for one another and chose diplomacy over conflict. Moreover, the understanding of points of agreement and the readiness to resolve disagreements through discussion and compromise were central to the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. Constructive conversations were held between the two sides in an effort to resolve disputes and issues in a cooperative and kind manner. This emphasizes how crucial it is to create empathy and understanding bridges even when there is conflict.

  •  Strategic patience for future gains

The path to peace is frequently tricky and drawn out, requiring perseverance and patience in the face of hardship. There were tense and uncertain moments throughout the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah discussions, including the unfounded story of ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan’s passing. Nevertheless, the Prophet Muhammad SAW and his companions showed tenacity and resolve in pursuing their objectives, remaining firm in their dedication to peace. Consequently, strategic patience pays off in the long term.


The path to peace is frequently tricky and drawn out, requiring perseverance and patience in the face of hardship. There were tense and uncertain moments throughout the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah discussions, including the unfounded story of ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan’s passing. Nevertheless, the Prophet Muhammad SAW and his companions showed tenacity and resolve in pursuing their objectives, remaining firm in their dedication to peace. Therefore, the idea of settling the conflict with empathy and compassion was central to the spirit of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. Notwithstanding the historical hostility between Muslims and Quraysh, both sides entered the talks with an attitude of forgiveness and healing, acknowledging the humanity and dignity of their opponents. This is a potent reminder of the ability of compassion to heal long-standing wounds and promote enduring harmony.

Last sermon of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)



2- A brief overview of the last sermon of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

3- Significance of Human rights in the Last sermon

  • ✓ Focusing on women’s rights
  • ✓ Strengthening minority rights
  • ✓ Focusing on social equality




On the ninth of Dhul Hijjah, the 12th and last month of the Islamic year, ten years after Hijrah (the migration from Makkah to Madinah), Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) gave his final speech, or Khutbah, in the Uranah Valley of Mount Arafat. He addressed all of humanity with his succinct and straightforward remarks. As a final message to his followers before his death, Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) final sermon is regarded as highly significant in Islam because it encapsulates fundamental Islamic principles such as universal human equality, the value of treating women well, the prohibition of discrimination based on race or tribe, and a strong emphasis on justice and kindness. In essence, it serves as a summary of the Islamic faith and a guide for living a moral life.

A brief overview of the last sermon of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

During his final sermon, the great Prophet (SAW) emphasized that no race or ethnicity is superior to another and that all people are equal in Allah’s eyes. Furthermore, according to the Messenger, “All mankind is descended from Adam and Eve; an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, and a non-Arab has no superiority over an Arab; likewise, a white person has no superiority over a black person apart from piety and good deeds.” the Key Points of the last sermon are, A pivotal point in Islamic history, the sermon was given during the Farewell Pilgrimage. Furthermore, Prophet Muhammad urged community members to be honest and respectful, emphasizing the sanctity of life and property.

Fairness in financial transactions is promoted by the prohibition of usury and the waiver of all prior duties pertaining to it. Except to these, in an effort to promote justice and forgiveness, the Prophet renounced all the rights related to pre-Islamic murder. Regardless of colour or ethnicity, he proclaimed that all people are equal and emphasized that the only things that make one superior are piety and good acts. Thus, it covers all the aspects of human rights.

Significance of Human rights in the Last sermon

  • Focusing women rights

During the beloved Prophet Muhammad’s farewell speech, he emphasized the significance of treating women equally, kindly, and with respect. He noted that men have a duty to provide for and defend their wives and daughters, as well as women’s rights to be treated fairly by their husbands and families. Therefore, the beloved Prophet (PBUH) said, “O People, while you do have certain rights over your women, remember that they have rights over you as well. Recall that you have only accepted them as your wives with Allah’s approval and trust. They have the right to food and clothing, provided they respect your rights. Since women are your partners and devoted assistants, please treat them with respect and kindness. You also have the right to demand that they never be unchaste and that they not make friends with anyone you disapprove of.” Moreover, “You have rights over your wives, and your wives have rights over you,” he said to the crowd. Never forget that you should always be kind to your wives. Because she is weak, a woman cannot defend her own rights. God designated you as the trustees of those rights when you were married. Indeed, women are regarded as having the same social dignity as men in Islam. They have the same rights and opportunities as men because they are respected and valued members of society. Islam teaches that men and women should be treated with dignity and respect because they are equal in God’s eyes.

  • Strengthening minority rights

A critical message regarding minority rights is found in the Farewell Sermon, the Prophet Muhammad’s final sermon. It states unequivocally that all people are equal in Allah’s eyes, regardless of race, ethnicity, or tribal affiliation. This means that no group, including minorities, should face discrimination and that everyone should be treated with justice and respect based only on their good deeds and piety. “Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things”.

  • Mounting social equality

The great Prophet (SAW) stated in his final speech that no race or ethnicity is superior to another and that all people are created equal in Allah’s view. “All humanity is from Adam and Eve; an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also, a White has no superiority over a Black nor a Black has any superiority over a White except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing should be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly.” Thus, the last sermon is a direct route towards social equality and harmony.


In conclusion, during the Farewell Pilgrimage in 623 AD, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave the Last Sermon, which focused on the value of treating all Muslims equally regardless of ethnicity and the sanctity of life, property, and individual rights. It also highlighted the rights of women. In addition to urging dedication to prayer and worship, the lecture expressed a rejection of usury and pre-Islamic injustices, laying the groundwork for future religious and communal values. At a pivotal point in Islamic history, it ended with a heavenly revelation confirming Islam’s supremacy as the chosen faith.

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