
What is Bureaucracy and What are its Characteristics? How did it Play its Role in Strengthening and Integration of Pakistan?

CSS 2012 Solved Pakistan Affairs Past Papers | Bureaucracy and its Role in Integration of Pakistan | Miss Iqra Ali

CSS 2012 Solved Pakistan Affairs Past Papers | Bureaucracy and its Role in Integration of Pakistan

The following question of CSS Pakistan Affairs 2012 is solved by Miss Iqra Ali, the best Pakistan Affairs Coach, on the guided pattern of Sir Syed Kazim Ali, which he taught to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

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Question Breakdown

In this question, the examiner has asked you three things. First, what is meant by bureaucracy? Second, what are the characteristics of bureaucracy? Last, he asked about the role of bureaucracy in strengthening the country and promoting national integration. So, answer all three portions by giving equal weightage to all the portions.



2-Behind the Red tape, Understanding Bureaucracy and its Characteristics

  • Decoding and Defining the Term Bureaucracy
  • Characteristics of Bureaucracy

3-The Backbone of Governance: Understanding Pakistan’s Bureaucracy

  • Formation
  • Leading Transformations

4-Beyond Paperwork: the Role of Bureaucracy in Strengthening and Integration of Pakistan?

  • By Ensuring administrative Continuity Post-Partition
  • By Contributing to Nation-Building and Economic Development
  • By Maintaining Law and Order
  • By Boasting Public Service Delivery


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Answer to the Question


Bureaucracy refers to an administrative system structured to govern large organizations, especially government. It is a hierarchical authority that functions according to formal rules. The leading characteristics of bureaucracy include hierarchical structure, specialization and division of labor, formal rules and regulations, merit-based recruitment, and predictability and stability. Indubitably, bureaucracy is the backbone of the governance of a country. In the case of Pakistan, bureaucracy played an effective role in strengthening governance and national integration between socio-culturally diversified units by ensuring administrative continuity post-partition, contributing to nation-building and economic development, maintaining law and order, and boasting public service delivery. To conclude, excessive paperwork or red tapism, political interference, corruption, and resistance to digitalization are among the leading challenges the bureaucracy has experienced. However, digitalization or inclusion of technology can help mitigate the issue if not met with bureaucratic resistance.

Behind the Red tape, Understanding Bureaucracy and its Characteristics

It is indispensable to define and analyze the term bureaucracy and its characteristics to understand its function behind the red tape. The following points define and decode the term bureaucracy. Besides, it also describes its characteristics.

  • Decoding and Defining the Term Bureaucracy

Bureaucracy refers to an administrative system structured to govern large organizations, especially government. In government structures, it is a hierarchical, specialization-based cadre that ensures formal rules-based decision-making. Besides, it is a hierarchical authority that functions according to formal rules. The term bureaucracy originated from the French word bureau, which means office or desk; also, its roots are linked to the Greek suffix –kratia, meaning rule or power. Max Weber, a German sociologist, described bureaucracy as one of the most efficient and rational forms of organization. However, bureaucracies are designed to reduce personal biases and ensure effective administration through fair and merit-based division of labor. In its ideal form, it is impersonal and ensures effective administration through impersonal procedures.

  • Leading Characteristics of Bureaucracy
  • Hierarchical Structure – Bureaucracy involves a chain of command where legal authority flows from top to bottom, whereas a transparent hierarchy is created through the delegation of power.  The authority, supervision, control, and command follow a descending order but every office holder or official is part of the hierarchy. However, each position is provided with authority and jurisdiction on a particular function, jurisdiction to perform assigned tasks, and authority to make a link that helps in ensuring accountability.
  • Specialization and Division of Labor – Specialization in Bureaucracy is also referred to as jurisdictional competency. There is a systemic division of duties, powers, and rights where each individual performs a specific role. The system of assigning specific roles and the required power to perform the role helps in targeting the work. As a result, it increases overall efficiency. As far as compliance with the instructions of the office holder is concerned, it is limited to the area of jurisdiction.
  • Formal Rules and Regulations – Formal rules, the lifeblood of a bureaucratic organization, and regulations ensure uniformity of action, where decisions and actions are guided by established laws and procedures, which are prescribed in writing to carry out administrative functions. The decisions of bureaucrats and procedures to carry out responsibility are based on codified rules and precedents. Thus, there is an element of impersonality, where the discharge of duties is based on rules rather than personal relationships or preferences.
  • Merit-Based Recruitment – In bureaucracy, professionalism is indispensable. In the case of bureaucracy in government, selection and promotion are reliant on test and merit-based qualifications and efficiency in performance.
  • Predictability and Stability – A structured system in bureaucracy ensures consistency in decision-making. In bureaucracy, administrative behavior is highly predictable because the officials are linked through formal relations in a hierarchy.

The Backbone of Governance: Understanding Pakistan’s Bureaucracy

Indubitably, bureaucracy is the backbone of the governance of a country. In the case of Pakistan, the following points explain the formation of bureaucracy and leading transformations that took place in the bureaucratic setup of the country with time.

  • ✓ Formation

First, the country inherited the bureaucratic system from British India, which was set up by the Aitchison Commission in 1886. After the War of Independence in 1958, the Indian Civil Service (ICS) was officially established by the British government to administer the territories, maintain law and order, implement British policies, manage land revenue collection through the zamindari systems, oversee judicial, police, and economic policies of the British government. However, after independence in 1947, the Civil Service of Pakistan (CSP) emerged as a successor of the Indian Civil Service (ICS).

  • ✓ Leading Transformations

Second, the bureaucracy of the country experienced myriad changes in its administrative structure influenced by political shifts, military interventions, and economic reforms. In the first decade of the country’s political history (1947-58), the CSP emerged as the dominant cadre affecting policy-making and administrative authority. However, it played a significant role in strengthening the foundations of the newly emerged state. In the following years (1958-1971), the military took control of governance under the umbrella of martial law by Ayub Khan. His economic reform policies, a state-led economic development, strengthened the sway of bureaucracy in politics. Besides, the introduction of the Basic Democracy System (BDS) in 1959 facilitated an effective position of bureaucracy in local governance. As a result of its elitist position, it was criticized as a power hegemon detached from public service.  The following year, in 1973, which was the revival of civilian rule after twelve years, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the then-prime minister, introduced sweeping reforms in the civil service. Under the effect of the reforms, the CSP was abolished. In addition, it was replaced with Unified Pay Structure. Reducing the autonomy of civil service started a new course, which was more politicized, and appointments were meant to secure the political allegiances of the power holders.   

Next, during the second martial law period under Zia-ul-Haq (1977–1988), a nexus was built between military and bureaucracy. Supported by the military, bureaucracy regained its strength and autonomy. The nexus inspired by political interest caused corruption and inefficiency. In the decade (1988–1999), bureaucracy emerged as a weak institution due to its past experience holding more political control in local government.  However, President Parvez Musharraf’s Local Government Reforms (2001) replaced the traditional administrative structure with elected district governments. Resultantly, bureaucratic control was reduced at the district level. At the present stage, the government took initiatives to reform the cadre, such as E-Governance and ensuring merit-based recruitment. However, challenges persist in the implementation of these initiatives, such as corruption, inefficiency, and red tapism.

Beyond Paperwork: the Role of Bureaucracy in Strengthening and Integration of Pakistan?

E xcessive Paperwork or red tapism is one of the leading challenges the bureaucracy is facing. The inclusion of technology can help mitigate the issue if it is not met with bureaucratic resistance. According to Irfan-ur-Rehman Raja, as he aptly described in his book Elixir of Public Administration With Special Reference to Pakistan, there is red tapism and excessive paperwork, as every decision must be put in writing. Decisions are taken after having detailed discussions with all stakeholders and then recorded in a number of documents. Despite many hurdles, the bureaucracy of the country played an effective role in strengthening governance and national integration between socio-culturally diversified units.

  • By Ensuring administrative Continuity Post-Partition

First, bureaucracy played a critical role in stabilizing the country in the crisis-ridden phase after independence in 1947. Many issues, such as the rehabilitation of refugees, resource shortage, and lack of institutional infrastructure, impacted the stability of the state in an unprecedented way. One of the leading challenges was the shortage of experienced civil servants because those who had Indian origin migrated to India, leaving only 101 Indian Civil Service (ICS) officers and 95 officers from the Indian Police Service (IPS) in the cadre. Despite the challenges, bureaucracy emerged as a competitive and efficient cadre, ensuring administrative continuity in governance. For illustration, bureaucrats, namely Ghulam Muhammad and Choudary Muhammad Ali, played a significant role in shaping financial and administrative policies.

  • By Contributing to Nation-Building and Economic Development

Second, the country’s bureaucracy played a crucial role in economic development and nation-building, especially when political institutions weakened due to political polarization. For illustration, after independence in 1947, the resource shortage caused challenges in the resettlement of nearly seven million refugees. Bureaucrats, such as Ghulam Muhammad and Choudhry Muhammad Ali, played leading roles in relief efforts. Next, civil servants like Dr. Mahbub-ul-Haq played a significant role in economic development, such as in the development of the Planning Commission of Pakistan. The commission’s formulated Five Year Plan helped in driving industrialization. Notably, after the dismemberment of East Pakistan in 1971, bureaucracy played a leading role in rebuilding institutions promoting national integration among diverse units.

  • By Maintaining Law and Order

Third, bureaucracy has played a crucial role in maintaining law and order in the country. After independence, they actively managed refugee resettlement in the wake of communal riots. For example, I.G. Police Quran Ali Khan actively contributed to establishing police control in the focal areas of riots, namely Lahore and Karachi. Next, the civil service helped in establishing leading institutions like the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) in 1974 to counter cybercrimes, ensuring the internal security of the state. The Police Service of Pakistan (PSP), a civil service cadre, actively contributes to policing urban and rural areas to reduce crimes and maintain law and order. Besides, in the wake of political turmoil, bureaucracy takes its turn to manage riots, strikes, and civil disobedience cases. Last, they also play an advisory role in formulating the National Action Plan (NAP), de-radicalization programs, terror operations, and security policies.

  • By Boasting Public Service Delivery

Next, bureaucracy has remained instrumental in launching healthcare programs, such as the Extended Program on Immunization (EPI), to combat measles, polio, and other diseases. In addition, bureaucracy played its administrative role in the implementation of social welfare programs, like the Benazir Income Support Program, which is the largest social welfare program in the country. The National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) worked under bureaucratic leadership, promoting adult literacy and basic education. Last, several other programs, like the National Disaster Management Authority, run under the bureaucratic authority boasting service delivery in all areas. 


To conclude, bureaucracy refers to an administrative system structured to govern large organizations, especially government. The leading characteristics of bureaucracy include hierarchical structure, specialization and division of labor, formal rules and regulations, merit-based recruitment, and predictability and stability. In the case of Pakistan, bureaucracy played an effective role in strengthening governance and national integration between socio-culturally diversified units by ensuring administrative continuity post-partition, contributing to nation-building and economic development, maintaining law and order, and boasting public service delivery. To conclude, red tapism, political interference, corruption, and resistance to digitalization are one of the leading challenges the bureaucracy is facing. The inclusion of technology can help mitigate the issue if not met with bureaucratic resistance.

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