
The Encroachment on Kashmiri Rights and Growing Colonisation of India in Kashmir is the Manifestation of Bringing the Israeli model to Kashmir. Elaborate.

SS Pakistan Affairs | Bringing Israeli Model to Kashmir

CSS Pakistan Affairs | Bringing Israeli Model to Kashmir

The following question of CSS Current Affairs is solved by Ayesha Maqsood under the supervision of Howfiv’s Pakistan Affairs and Current Affairs Coaches. She learnt how to attempt 20 marks question and essay writing from Sir Syed Kazim Ali, Pakistan’s best CSS and PMS English essay and precis teacher with the highest success rate of his students. This solved past paper question is attempted on the pattern taught by Sir to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory and optional subjects for years, and uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

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2-An Overview of the Revocation of the Special Status of Kashmir and its Relation with Israel’s Moves in Palestine

3-What is the Israeli Model in terms of the growing colonization of India in Kashmir through the encroachment of human rights?

4-Manifestations of bringing the Israeli Model to Kashmir by Growing Colonization and increasing encroachment of human rights

  • Manifestations related to security aspects
    • Case in point:  The Reports of Human Rights Watch (2020), Amnesty International (2019), and The New York Times (2019 and 2020) on the security threats
  • Manifestations related to demographic aspects
    • Case in point: The Reports of Human Rights Watch (2019 and 2020), and Amnesty International (2019 and 2020) on demographic changes
  • Manifestations related to Governance aspects.
    • Case in point: UN document (1947), British Parliamentary (1947) and Indian Constitution records on governance manipulation
  • Manifestations related to economic aspects
    • Case in point: The Reports of The Kashmir Monitor (2020), The Economic Times (2020), and The Wire (2020) on economic exploitation
  • Manifestations related to human rights abuses and genocides
    • Case in point: The Reports of Human Rights Watch (2020), Amnesty International (2019), B’Tselem (2020), UN (2020), and JKCCS (Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society) on human rights abuses and genocides

5Remedial measures to mitigate the problems in Kashmir


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Answer to the Question


Kashmir lies at the crossroads of South Asia and important factor in enhancing socioeconomic and political development by promoting trade and commerce through this region. Its importance can never be underestimated because of the diversified natural resource-rich places and attractive places for increasing GDP growth and developing tourism. Therefore, Pakistan and India have been trying to integrate this region with their state due to its geostrategic location and resources.  Despite many resolutions passed on it, this issue is unsolvable because of their internal and external conflicts. However, India has been trying to integrate this region from 1947 to till date through the instrument of accession to abrogation of Articles 370 and 35A. India has increased its military control over Kashmir and tried to change demographics by settlement expansion. Moreover, it violated human rights abuses and genocides. This situation could be comparable to Israel’s violation of human rights, military control and demographic changes. This seems like India has been trying to bring the Israel Model to Kashmir and increasing encroachment on Kashmir by growing colonization of India to Kashmir. The new domicile act is a clear manifestation of the growing colonization of India to Kashmir by giving rights of residency, owning property and doing business to non-Kashmiri. This has happened to get favour from non-Kashmiri by increasing the population of non-Kashmiri for integrating Kashmir into India. Thus, these sufferings are the manifestations of bringing the Israel Model to Kashmir and growing colonization.

How does Revocation pave the way for bringing the Israeli Model to Kasmir through colonization?

The Instrument of Accession paved the way for the Indian constitution to provide special status to the Occupied Kashmir under articles 370 and 35A. According to Article 370, the Kashmiri people have the right to own a constitution, flag, and laws, except for defence, foreign affairs, and communications, and Article 35A, the Jammu and Kashmir legislature has the right to define permanent residents, confer special rights and privileges to them, such as property ownership and government jobs. From 1947 to 2019, although Kashmiris have the right to live, Kashmiri faced violations of human rights in terms of exploitation, and now in the form of abrogation of articles. Before revocation, many political agendas from the side of the opposition state prevailed in terms of security, demographics, governance, and economics. After revocation, the opposition state played the game by snatching the rights of autonomous status, and the state was divided into two union territories. Indian laws and provisions apply to the state, putting restrictions on movement, introducing new domicile laws, and trying to change demographics by manipulating socio-economic and political aspects. This made seem like the conditions of encroachment on Kashmiri rights and the growing colonization of India in Kashmir led to the Israel Model. Thus, from the pre-revocation to the post-revocation phase, conditions become harsh for Kashmiri’s survival.

What is the Israeli Model in terms of the growing colonization of India in Kashmir through the encroachment of human rights?

Before diving deep into the topic, it is indispensable to comprehend the Israeli Model in terms of growing colonization through the encroachment method. The promises of the Israeli model can never be undermined as it provides various aspects of growth and development, but some pitfalls hurt the sentiments of other nations. The pitfalls of this model include some statements that reflect the violation of human rights, a strong surveillance system that interferes with other nation’s affairs, and a strong military system that contains AI-based machinery and tools for assaulting innocent, resulting in the worst situation, that the Israeli model has been a developing threat to most nations. The results of the aggression of Israel on Palestinians are given below, due to which the stakeholders of India are impressed and started the encroachment of human rights by growing colonization of India to Kashmir

Manifestations of Bringing the Israeli Model to Kashmir by Growing Colonization and increasing encroachment of human rights

Israel and India are trying to merge Palestine and Kashmir, respectively. There are many interests present of both states behind this agenda in terms of founding non-indigenous settlements in occupied territories, altering the population by demographic changes, ensuring the presence of a large number of military troops in occupied territories, decreasing demand for help from others, trying to occupy resources and infrastructure, and threatening cultural identity. Thus, it results in human rights abuses and genocide. Some of the manifestations that highlight the manifestations are given below,

  • Manifestations related to security aspects

In security aspects, it could be seen that India, before revocation, has been increasing its military presence in Kashmir, as could be compared and seen in Israel’s military control over Palestine. After a revocation, India has military control over this region to decrease the resistance of Kashmiris like Israel in Palestine. According to Human Rights Watch (2020, 2023 &2024), Amnesty International (2019 & 2023), and The New York Times (2019 & 2020)- they recorded that Israel has been involved in military expansion by deploying 10000-15000 troops actively in the West Bank, Gaza strip, and Jerusalem for decreasing resistance of people, in the same way, India has deployed 700000 Indian troops and increased military control and restrictions on movement, increased utilization of pullet guns and excessive force against protesters, and increased restrictions on movement and communication and recorded protests and clashes between protestors and security forces- respectively. These reports show that the stakeholders of India have been much inspired by the Israel military expansion, resulting in bringing the Israel model to Kashmir. Thus, it is the manifestation of bringing the Israel Model to Kashmir, increasing tensions and unrest, and increasing encroachment on Kashmir by growing colonization.

  • Manifestations related to human rights abuses and genocides

Observing human rights abuses and genocides ratio, it is a clear manifestation of bringing the Israel      Model to Kashmir, the growing colonization of India to Kashmir and the encroachment of human rights in Kashmir as Israel from October 2023, actively involved in human rights abuses and genocide cases. It can be proved with UN resolutions on Kashmir and Palestine for Human Rights, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch (HRW), B’Tselem, and JKCCS (Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society). These organizations record genocide massacre ratio and human rights abuses, as in September 2024, in the Hammas war over 43000 Palestinians were killed by facing the aggression of Israel, in the same way, in 1947, the ratio of Jammu Massacre was 200,000-400,000 Kashmiri Muslims killed (Estimates vary), and in the 1989-2019 Kashmir Conflict, the ratio of the civilian massacre was 70,000-100,000 (Various estimates), led to Forced displacement and migration (Kashmiri Pandits, Rohingya), and in Human Rights Violations, including Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) enables impunity (HRW), Torture, extrajudicial killings, and enforced disappearances (JKCCS), Restrictions on freedom of expression and assembly (Amnesty), Discriminatory laws and policies (Kashmiri Muslim and Dalit communities), etc. This report shows the unkind acts performed by both aggressive states, resulting in growing colonization through this encroachment of human rights. Thus, India has increased encroachment on Kashmir by violating human rights.

  • Manifestations related to Demographic aspects

In Demographic aspects, it could be seen that India has been changing demographic aspects by manipulating Kashmiri in terms of growth and development, as could be compared and seen in the Israel model that also manipulates Palestine by manipulating resources and infrastructure. Human Rights Watch (2019, 2020 and 2024), and Amnesty International (2019, 2020 and 2024) recorded that Israel has been crossing its limit by bringing changes in demographic aspects through settlement expansion, changing legacy, and owing land, in the same manner, the Indian government has changed the infrastructure of Kashmir by providing 200000 homes to non-Kashmiri settlers, Hindu-only colonies, RSS’s plan to settle 10000 Hindu families in Kashmir, new domicile law granting residency rights to non-Kashmiri, allowing non-Kashmiri to buy land and property, increases non-Kashmiri population on Kashmir valley for demographic changes, promotion of Hindu heritage and festivals in Kashmir, suppression of Kashmiri language and literature, and destruction of Kashmiri cultural sites and monuments. Thus, this results in the displacement of Kashmiri, loss of cultural identity, settlement expansion, and demographic changes, which is the manifestation of bringing the Israel Model to Kashmir by growing colonization.

  • Manifestations related to Governance aspects

In governance aspects, it could be seen that India, before revocation, had been trying to manipulate the government of Kasmir as could be compared and seen that Israel has also manipulated and interfered in Palestine’s affairs through gradual invasions. It can be seen by observing the timeline of Israel’s Invasion of Palestine from 1917 to the ongoing violence of that day, 2024; Palestinians have been facing the aggression of Israel, resulting in a change in the governance of Palestine by growing colonization, in the same way, from 1947 to till date of Kashmir’s accession to India – 1947 through the Instrument of Accession and Indian Independence Act (1947)- the 1950s-1960s through the gradual erosion of autonomy by presidential orders extending Indian laws to Kashmir and the formation of J&K Constituent Assembly – the 1980s-1990s through the rise of militancy and Indian counter-insurgency by the formation of the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) – the 2019 through abrogation of Article 370 and 35A and introduction of new domicile law by Presidential Order CO 272 and Jammu and Kashmir Re-organization Act (2019). Thus, it is the manifestation of bringing the Israel Model to India by gradually trying to change governance in India through settlement expansion and growing colonization

  • Manifestations related to Economic aspects

In Economic aspects, it could be seen that India has tried to control resources and infrastructure as could be compared and seen in the Israel Model that also tries to control resources and infrastructure of Palestine. The Kashmir Monitor (2020), The Economic Times (2020), and The Wire (2020) recorded that Isreal has manipulated the economy of Palestine, controlled resources and put limitations on business and trade, in the same manner, the Indian government has tried to control Kashmir’s hydroelectric power, allocate Kashmir’s land and resources to non-Kashmiri corporations, put restrictions on Kashmiri Business and trade led to economic exploitation and marginalization. This report illustrates the increasing dependency of the economy on aggressive states like Israel and India is the clear manifesto of growing colonization. Thus, it is the manifestation of bringing the Israel Model to Kashmir by growing colonization in the form of the economy because India is behind the crossroads of South Asia, which Is Kashmir, and Israel is behind the crossroads of the Middle East, which is Palestine that is enriched with resources.

Remedial measures to mitigate the problems in Kashmir

  • To ensure a durable ceasefire and cessation of hostilities by the UN Security Council
  • To resolve differences over Kashmir by peaceful means ‘through negotiations’
  • To initiate an impartial investigation bureau and branch offices for investigating human rights abuses and giving punishment to them
  • To ensure local human rights by initiating favourable policies for Kashmiri


Critically, Violations by India increase day by day, which tries to control Kashmir by increasing the presence of military groups and killing Kashmiris to change the demographic through settlement expansion. Briefly, it seems like stakeholders of India are impressed by Israel, resulting in bringing the complete model of Israel by following the footsteps of Israel in the way of increasing military presence, changing demographics, and violating human rights. Observing the Israel Model and its violation of Palestinians goes parallel to violations by India in Kashmir. Likewise, Israel has been busy snatching sacred places from Muslims just for the sake of getting control of resources and infrastructure; India has been trying to control the resources of Kashmir to increase its economy by utilizing the resources of Kashmir. Thus, it is the clear manifestation of bringing the Israel Model to Kashmir through the growing colonization of India to Kashmir and the encroachment of human rights by applying different propaganda.

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