
Explain the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as a Reformer and an Educator in Makkah and Madinah.

Holy Prophet (PBUH) as a Reformer and an Educator by Miss Ayesha Irfan

PMS 2016 Solved Islamiat Past Papers | Holy Prophet (PBUH) as a Reformer and an Educator

The following question of PMS Islamiat 2016 is solved by Miss Ayesha Irfan, the highest scorer in CSS Islamiat. Moreover, the question is attempted using the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students, who have scored the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

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Question Breakdown

The examiner asked about the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as a reformer and an educator in Makkah and Madinah. The first part is an outline, breaking the question into different parts. Moving further, an introduction is given, followed by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as a reformer and an educator in Makkah and Madinah as well as a critical analysis and conclusion.



2- Highlighting the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as a reformer and an educator according to the Quran

3- The role of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as a Reformer

A-Social Level

  • ✓Creating a kinship between Ansar and Muhajireen
  • ✓Formation of Messaq e madian(constitution of madina)
  • ✓Signing Treaty of Hudabiya

B-Government Level

  • ✓ Accomplishment of Fatah Makkah, or bloodless conquering
  • ✓Establishing foreign linkages
  • ✓ Reforming the Philosophy of war (Fatah Makkah)

4-The role of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as an Educator

  • ✓ At Makkah
  • ✓ At Madinah


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Answer to the Question


The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was, without a doubt, the greatest reformer and educator in history. The Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) triumph after becoming a prophet was marked by perseverance, peace, and tolerance. “We have sent you (o Muhammad (PBUH)) as a mercy for all mankind,” the Quran states. Muhammad (PBUH) was known for uniting people and reforming Arab society. Even when he established the Medina Peace Sanctuary, which Muslims believe to be the first surviving written constitution in history, he produced written records. He demonstrated his abilities as a brilliant historical reformer through his accomplishments in administration, the military, and the economy. Therefore, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was a brilliant educator and reformer.

“There is indeed a good model for you in the Messenger of Allah – for the one who has hope in Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah profusely.” (Surah Al-Ahzab, 33:21)

Highlighting the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as a reformer and an educator according to the Quran

The Holy Quran demonstrates the Prophet’s (PBUH) honourable personality. It is evident that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was an excellent reformer and an educator in every facet of the Prophet’s life, including his words, deeds, and circumstances. Many people were moved by his elegance, which is a genuine manifestation of truth and beauty. The companions’ devotion to the Prophet s.a.w. Evolved into a deep sense of faith in the religion’s tenets. These same companions, along with Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali r.a., went from being a little community in comparison to the larger civilizations of the period to being influential figures in world history. The Quran’s depiction of universal charity was epitomized by the Prophet’s sharing of Divine truth with his companions. According to the Quran, “We have sent you (O Prophet) only as a mercy for the whole world.” (Surah Al-Anbiya, 21:107). Through his deeds, he (PBUH) revitalized Arab society and taught them how to lead honourable lives.

The role of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as a Reformer

A-Social Level

The Holy Prophet Muhammad drastically altered Arab society by outlawing pagan customs such as female infanticide, tribal warfare, and idolatry, promoting social justice, equality, and human rights, advancing women’s status, and instituting a monotheistic (Allah) system in which all people were treated equally regardless of their social status or tribal affiliation. In other words, the Arabian Peninsula was transformed from a society steeped in tribalism to one governed by divine law, as described in the Quran.

  • Creating a kinship between Ansar and Muhajireen

Nonetheless, the Prophet (PBUH) was an exceptional leader. His achievements and supporting data are self-evident. A notable accomplishment was the Mawakhat e Madinah. In order to escape Meccan oppression, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions moved to Medina, marking the beginning of Mawakhat’s history. This led to an imbalance in the economy. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) founded the Mawakhat-e-Madina Brotherhood to solve this financial issue. Thus, these steps proved a way to revive the Arabs. Therefore, their actions proved to be a means of restoring the Arabs.

  • Formation of Messaq e Madinah (constitution of madina)

Moreover, the great Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) drafted the Medina Constitution, a set of papers about Medina’s tribal affairs. Muslim writers claim that the proclamation “assumed an oversized significance” in the “modern Muslim imagination,” “lit the torch of freedom,” and produced a diversified community that is “the first of its kind in the intellectual and political history of human civilization.” The excellent statesman prophet Muhammad (PBUH) alone brought about a dramatic shift in the history of the Muslim empire, which had grown from the little Muslim community in Medina. As a result, this action helped to bring the Arabs closer to a civilized society.

“He who comes to this mosque of mine comes only to learn a good thing; his status is like that of one who strives in the cause of God. He who comes for any other motive, his status is like that of a person who covets the property of another”. (Tirmidhi, 2000, Hadith No.244)

  • Signing Treaty of Hudabiya

Furthermore, the Prophet’s (PBUH) remarkable achievement as a great politician was acknowledged by the Treaty of al-Hudaybiya. Muhammad, acting on behalf of the state of Medina, signed the historic Treaty of al-Hudaybiya with the Qurayshite tribe at Mecca on AH 6. The agreement eased tensions between the two cities and permitted Muhammad’s followers to return on a nonviolent pilgrimage known as the First Pilgrimage the following year. It also confirmed the state of peace for ten years. The Quran states, “Surely we have granted you a clear victory” (Surah Al-Fath 48:1). Allah further states in Surah Al-Fath 48:2, “So that Allah may forgive you your shortcomings, whether earlier or later, and may complete His favours upon you and guide you to the Straight Way”. Thus, this agreement revealed the holy Prophet’s (PBUH) extraordinary and unmatched powers as a great leader. The Arabs were, therefore, closer to a civilized civilization as a result of this move.

B-Government Level

  • Accomplishment of Fatah Makkah, or bloodless conquering

Apart from these, the capture of Makkah was a great example of occupying a region without resorting to bloodshed or killing. The Prophet (SAW) retaliated by getting ready for combat in order to capture Makkah. He instructed the Sahabah (RA) to keep the intentions secret to surprise the Makkans and prevent further devastation. The conquest of the city was one of the most significant occasions in Islamic history. Before the Muslims attacked Makkah, the Prophet (SAW) gave Abu Sufyan the assurance that anyone seeking refuge in their homes or the Sacred Masjid would be safe. The city was overrun without any deaths, and the Ka’bah’s holiness was respected. Thus, this move demonstrated the Prophet’s (PBUH) greatness as a reformer and enabled the Arabs to become more civilized.

“Each of you is the mirror of his brother. So if he sees any fault in him, he should wipe it away from him”. (Tirmidhi, 2000, Hadith No. 1286)

  • Establishing foreign linkages

Except for these, a pivotal moment in Muhammad’s (PBUH) extraordinary career as a Reformer at the government level was the development of international relations. In a series of letters delivered through diplomatic channels, he encouraged several leaders of state, including the Great Ruler of Rome, the King of Abyssinia, and the Great Ruler of Persia, to convert to Islam. In the end, the King of Abyssinia accepted Islam as a result of these letters, but neither the Roman nor Persian rulers did. In a similar vein, the Prophet (PBUH) wrote letters to the rulers of Yemen, Oman, and Bahrain, all of whom converted to Islam, using his exceptional diplomatic skills. In addition, the Prophet established friendly diplomatic and political ties inside and outside the Arabian Peninsula following the conquest of Makka. The Prophet Mohammed, peace and prayers be upon him, wrote several letters urging kings and rulers outside the Arabian Peninsula to convert to Islam. The Prophet (PBUH) saw Heraclius and the Ethiopian emperor Ashama ibn Abjar. This conduct thus demonstrated the Prophet’s (PBUH) greatness as a reformer and contributed to the Arabs’ transition to a civilized civilization.

  •  Reforming the Philosophy of War (Fatah Makkah)

At last, for the first time in Arab history, the Prophet (PBUH) set new rules for battle. When he left Madinah and went to Badar, he appointed the administrator in Madinah to take a position. This concept of concealing knowledge about the enemy’s activities helped with professional military training and became the basis of modern philosophies of warfare. Allah’s will motivated all of the rules and regulations that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) set. Among the principles established by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) are the virtues of purpose, endurance, and struggle. Because they believed that “Allah surely helps those who help him (his cause); surely Allah is strong, mighty,” they lived, fought, and died in Allah’s way to defend His methods. Therefore, this demonstrated the Prophet’s (PBUH) greatness as a reformer and contributed to the Arabs’ transition to a civilized civilization.

The role of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as an Educator

“O you who were raised amongst us

Coming with a word to be obeyed

You have brought to this city nobleness

Welcome! The best caller to God’s way.”

  • ✓ At Makkah

At Makkah, his function as a teacher was distinct. He began his quest covertly at Makkah and continued to do so for a while. He had to guide his friends in a challenging environment. There was to be a climate of doubt, anxiety, and animosity as the word was passed from mouth to mouth. Basic instruction was established, and all thorough, unambiguous instructions were anticipated. The interaction between the preacher and the followers became more intimate and personal in an environment of suspense and expectation. The first way the Prophet s.a.w. Would teach was by action. Nonetheless, identifying the hierarchy of knowledge and adopting a progressive approach while teaching or advising are two crucial teaching strategies employed by the Prophet s.a.w. This indicates that the Prophet was aware of his companions’ situation. Personal morality, which includes honesty, kindness, forgiveness, patience, justice, self-control, and constant remembrance of God (dhikr), is emphasized in the Holy Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) teachings at the individual level. This encourages people to strive for inner purity and ethical conduct in all their lives. Therefore, the Holy Prophet is a great teacher because he teaches everyone how to be flawless, including a leader, brothers, parents, and husbands. However, in a challenging environment, Muhammad, the teacher leader and his leadership provided his people with a great deal of power. All of his followers remained his ardent supporters for all time because of his moral and psychological assistance.

“No revolution in history, if we except that affected by the religion of the Gospel, has introduced greater changes into the state of the civilized world than that which has grown out of the rise, progress and permanence of Muhammadanism” – George Bush

  • ✓ At Madinah

His function was quite different in Madinah, where the Prophet was recognized as the leader. He built a mosque that served as a centre of study in addition to being a place of prayer. The Prophet’s teachings become commonplace. The Prophet motivated his followers, and resources were available to educate them on literacy. A religious and secular curriculum evolved, more prophetic companions became skilled educators, and the number of schools grew. The Prophet had given particular clearance to four leisure activities in order to promote physical education. Before issuing an order, the Prophet s.a.w. Would first carry it out himself. After that, the populace would follow his example and carry out his actions. Nobody would perceive him as contradicting his teachings. Nonetheless, his lifestyle embodies the teachings of the Divine. For instance, when the Prophet’s wife, Aishah r.a., was questioned about his personality in public and privately, she gave this well-known response: “His character was the Quran” (Al-Adab Al-Mufrad). Furthermore, “Aside from praying to God, everything else is frivolous except for four,” says Jabir [Chaudhri (1999), p. 346, cites Abu Dawud]. These include swimming, archery, horseback riding, and having fun with one’s spouse. As a result, the Prophet helped his pupils and colleagues embark on a significant educational revolution by acting as a great teacher leader. The Bani Saad bin Bakr tribe raised the Prophet, who was renowned for their language’s purity; he possessed an exceptional command of it. At one point, he declared himself the most articulate Arab. (Alam, 1991, p. 35, quoting Qazi Ayaz). After each prayer, he would routinely give a speech to his friends who had gathered around him. For instance, once he said three times, “Teach religion and make it easy,”. (Page 60 of Bukhari, 1971, Vol. 1).

“What is the greater holy war, Messenger of God?” he answered: “The war against the soul.” (Lings, 1983, p.327).


In a nutshell, Prophet Muhammad was, without a doubt, a great human being, a superb leader, a brilliant military tactician, a superb teacher, and a remarkable reformer. The life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the best example for the entire world, not only for Muslims but also for Western countries. The establishment of justice, equality, freedom, and moral values that were implemented during their leadership is attributed to Muhammad (SAW). In every aspect of life, he is the most exceptional reformer and leader in the world. His entire strategy was to turn the Arab pages into a well-mannered society. Despite this, he was an excellent teacher and a successful leader. He presented Himself as perfect in the face of difficulty, and He charmingly dealt with His enemies. He was an influential educator, the greatest reformer, and an outstanding leader.

“He (pbuh) told us how to live and how to die

Those who love him shine like stars in the sky.

He is the Prophet (pbuh) for all generations

He (pbuh) combines, in one, all human nations.”

(Prof. Niamat Ali Murtazai)

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