
The Objective Resolution Satisfied both Orthodox and Modernists by Combining the Features of Modern and Islamic Democracy.

The Objective Resolution Satisfied both Orthodox and Modernists by Miss Iqra Ali

PMS 2020 Solved Pakistan Affairs Past Papers | The Objective Resolution Satisfied both Orthodox and Modernists

The following question of PMS Pakistan Affairs 2020 is solved by Miss Iqra Ali, the best Pakistan Affairs Coach, on the guided pattern of Sir Syed Kazim Ali, which he taught to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

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Question Breakdown

In this question, one needs to explain how Objective Resolution satisfied both the orthodox and modernists by mentioning the features that were giving it an Islamic look and the features that gave it a western look.


1- Introduction

2- Historical Background of Objective Resolution

3- Core Features of Objective Resolution

4- Synthesis of Modern and Islamic Ideology in Objective Resolution

4.1- Appeal to Orthodox with features of Islamic Democracy

  • ✓Sovereignty of Allah
  • ✓Adherence to Islamic Values
  • ✓Promotion of Islamic Principles
  • ✓Commitment to Shariah

4.2- Appeal to Modernists with features of Modern Democracy

  • ✓Governance through Democracy
  • ✓Equal Fundamental Rights
  • ✓Protection of Minorities
  • ✓Secular Accommodation within an Islamic Framework

5- Legacy of Objective Resolution


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Answer to the Question


The Objective Resolution was a landmark event in the constitutional history of Pakistan. It was passed on March 12, 1949, by the first Constituent Assembly of the country. The resolution outlined the objectives on which the future constitution of the nation would be drafted. The good thing about the Objective Resolution was that it incorporated principles from Islamic political system as well as the Western Democracy. For instance, from an Islamic perspective, it admitted that the sovereignty of the entire universe belongs to Allah Almighty and committed itself to the adherence of Islamic ideals. Similarly, from a modern governance perspective, it called for democracy to rule the country and promised equal fundamental rights to all, without any discrimination. Moreover, this piece of document served as a preamble for 1956, 1962 and 1973 constitutions and formally became a part of the 1973 constitution when the Eighth Amendment was passed. In short, the Objective Resolution is an important constitutional document of the country that contains both the Islamic and Western ideals of governance.

Historical Background of Objective Resolution in Pakistan

Pakistan emerged on August 14, 1947, with no formal constitution being inherited from the British. However, the country functioned under the Government of India Act 1935 as an interim constitution with some amendments. The quest for drafting the constitution started under the leadership of the founder and the first President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Since the country emerged on the basis of the Two Nations Theory, the religious leaders of the country wanted to institutionalize the Islamic principles as guiding principles of the state. On the other hand, the minority community and a few modernists wanted a secular democratic state with equal citizenship rights. So, there was a strong need to draft a document that could harmonize the Islamic ideology with the modern governance principles. In such a polarized environment, Liaquat Ali Khan, who had been a loyal supporter of Quaid’s journey, presented the Objective Resolution within six months of Quaid’s death. The objective resolution is known to be a unifying document as it contains both Islamic ideals combined with modern governance principles.

Core Features of Objective Resolution

Some of the core features of objective resolution are as follows:

  1. The Authority over the entire world rests with Allah Almighty.
  2. The authority should be entrusted to the state through the chosen representatives of the people.
  3. The state shall exercise its power and authority through the chosen representatives of the people.
  4. Principles of democracy, freedom, equality, and social justice as guaranteed by Islam shall be implemented.
  5. Muslims shall be able to live their lives according to the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah.
  6. Minorities shall be enabled with the right to freely declare and uphold their faiths.
  7. It would be the responsibility of the State to protect the interests of minorities, backward and depressed people.
  8. The judiciary would be made independent.
  9. The integrity and territory of the country needs to be safeguarded.

Synthesis of Modern and Islamic Ideology in Objective Resolution

Appeal to Orthodox with Features of Islamic Democracy

  • Sovereignty of Allah

The very fundamental tenant of the Objective Resolution is that the authority over the entire universe belongs to Allah Almighty alone. He has entrusted it to the state via chosen representatives of the people as a sacred trust. This feature of Objective Resolution is also reiterated in the speech made by the first Prime Minister of Pakistan, Liaquat Ali Khan, while introducing it,

As all authority is a sacred trust, entrusted to us by God, for the purpose of being exercised in the service of man so that it does not become the agency for tyranny and selfishness”.

  • Adherence to Islamic Values

The Objective Resolution clearly stresses on facilitating Muslims to live their lives according to the Islamic teachings as set out in the Quran and Sunnah. This commitment was elaborated in the speech of the first Prime Minister of Pakistan, Liaquat Ali Khan in the words,

Muslims shall be enabled to order their lives in the individual and collective spheres in accordance with the teachings and requirements of Islam as set out in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah. It is quite obvious that no non-Muslim should have any objection if the Muslims are enabled to order their lives in accordance with the dictates of their religion. …….. The state will create such conditions as are conducive to the building up of a truly Islamic society, which means that the state will have to play a positive part in this effort.”

  • Promotion of Islamic Principles

The Objective Resolution aims to promote Islamic principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance, and social justice. The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Liaquat Ali Khan, explicitly recognized this aspect, saying,

You should notice, Sir, that the Objectives Resolution lays emphasis on the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance, and social justice, and further defines them by saying that these principles should be observed in the constitution as Islam has enunciated them.”

  • Commitment to Shariah

The objective Resolution binds the state to devise future laws in accordance with Shariah principles. No law can be passed in the country without its alignment with the Islamic injunctions. This set the basis in the future constitutions that those laws that were in contradiction with the Shariah were strike down and it has been witnessed a number of times in the constitutional and political history of the country.

Appeal to Modernists with Features of Islamic Democracy

  • Governance through Democracy

The Objective Resolution clearly proposes democratic principles for governance as it stresses the need to exercise authority by the state through the chosen representatives of the people. On this aspect, the pioneer of Objective Resolution noted,

The state shall exercise all its authority through the chosen representative of the people. This is the very essence of democracy because all the people have been recognized as the recipients of all authority and it is in them that the power to wield it has been vested. This naturally eliminates any danger of the establishment of theocracy.”

  • Equal Fundamental Rights

The Objective Resolution clearly mentions that the state will provide equal fundamental rights to all the citizens of the country without any distinction on the basis of religion, creed, color, or gender. The fundamental rights include the right to equal status, equal opportunity, equality before law, socio-economic and political justice, freedom of thought, freedom of expression, freedom of belief, freedom of faith, freedom of worship and freedom of association. On this aspect, the initiator of the Objective Resolution, PM Liaquat Ali Khan, expressed his views in the following words,

We believe that no shackles can be put on thought and, therefore, we do not intend to hinder any person from the expression of his views. Nor do we intend to deprive anyone of his right of forming associations for all lawful and moral purposes. In short, we want to base our polity upon freedom, progress, and social justice. We want to do away with social distinctions, but we want to achieve this without causing suffering or putting fetters upon the human mind and lawful inclinations.

  • Protection of Minorities

The Objective Resolution guarantees freedom of religion and equal citizenship rights to non-Muslim minorities, promoting inclusivity and pluralism. On this aspect, the first PM of the country, Liaquat Ali Khan, noted,

In our desire to build up an Islamic society we have not ignored the rights of the non-Muslims. Indeed, it would have been un-Islamic to do so, and we would have been guilty of transgressing the dictates of our religion if we had tried to impinge upon the freedom of the minorities. In no way will they be hindered from professing or protecting their religion or developing their cultures.”

  • Secular accommodation within an Islamic Framework

The Objective Resolution clearly incorporates a secular touch within an Islamic framework by guaranteeing equal fundamental rights to all citizens and providing protection to different religious groups. In the words of Pakistani writer, Yassir Latif Hamdani,

The Objective Resolution was a compromise document between Pakistan’s modernists and religious class.”

Legacy of Objective Resolution

The Objective Resolution is an important guiding document in the course of history of Pakistan, which is why Liaquat Ali Khan termed it an important event in the life of the country next to the independence of the country. This piece of document had lasting impacts on subsequent constitutions, may it be the 1956 constitution, the 1962 constitution or the 1973 constitution, whose Article 2A through Eight Amendment made the principles and provisions set out in the Objective Resolution its substantive part. For instance, all the three constitutions were drafted on an Islamic framework. All the three constitutions accepted that sovereignty belongs to Allah Almighty alone. Similarly, with regards to modern perspective, the three constitutions guaranteed fundamental rights to all citizens, regardless of religion, cast or creed. So, the Objective Resolution has lasting implications on the subsequent three constitutions passed in the constitutional history of the country.


In a nutshell, the Objective Resolution is, indeed, an important constitutional document that encompasses both the Islamic ideals of governance along with principles from western system of governance. On one side, it aims to promote Islamic principles, calls for commitment to Shariah and vows to protect religious practices, especially of Muslims; on the other side, it calls for governance through democracy and equal fundamental rights to all, without any discrimination. Moreover, the document has a lasting impression on the subsequent three constitutions passed in the lifespan of the country.

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