PMS 2019 Solved Pakistan Affairs Past Papers | Muslim Press and Struggle for Creation of Pakistan
The following question of PMS Pakistan Affairs 2019 is solved by Miss Iqra Ali, the best Pakistan Affairs Coach, on the guided pattern of Sir Syed Kazim Ali, which he taught to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

Question Breakdown
Notably, the question has two phases, the first phase demands the role of Muslim Press in the creation of Pakistan, and the next phase wants us to describe the editorship of prominent Muslim Journalists and their role. However, before jumping to the main arguments, it is essential to provide contextual understanding of this part of history. So, after the introductory paragraph, we give a historical background, and then move to the main arguments: 4-5 arguments on the Contribution of Muslim Press and 4-5 arguments on the role of Muslim Journalists. After that, do not forget to mention the positive impacts of both the roles of Muslim Press and Muslim Journalists in the lives of Muslims.
2-Historical Background behind the Creation of Pakistan
3-Contribution of Muslim Press in the struggle for the creation of Pakistan
- ✓ Awareness and Education
- ✓ Advocacy of Muslim rights
- ✓ Countering Misrepresentation
- ✓ Promotion of the Two-Nation Theory
- ✓ Support for Political Movements
4-Role of Prominent Muslim Journalists in the creation of Pakistan
- ✓ Role of Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
- ✓ Role of Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
- ✓ Role of Hamid Nizami
- ✓ Role of Mir-Khalil Ur Rehman
- ✓ T.K Durrani
5-Impacts of Muslim Press in the Sub-Continent
- ✓ Countering Hindu-Dominated Media
- ✓ Mobilization of Public Opinion
- ✓ Preservation of Muslim Identity

Answer to the Question
The creation of Pakistan in 1947 marked a significant turning point in the history of South Asia, rising from a complex array of socio-political dynamics and aspirations of the Muslim community for rights and identity of Muslims. Exploring more, the Muslim intellects by using press media acted as a powerful catalyst in enunciating the aspirations and grievances of Muslims in the subcontinent. Thereby, it can be said that the press served not only as a medium for circulated information but also as a platform for advocacy, education, and mobilization, upholding a sense of unity and identity among Muslims. Through its various publications, the Muslim press had also educated the masses about their rights, countered the dominant narratives propagated by Hindu-dominated media, and promoted the Two-Nation Theory, which set forth the idea that Muslims and Hindus in India belong to distinct nations. Moreover, prominent Muslim leaders played pivotal roles in this struggle, using their pens to inspire and enlighten public opinion towards the cause of Pakistan. To conclude, the article showcases the significant contributions of the Muslim press, and highlights the efforts of the influential figures who shaped the discourse, leading to the creation of a separate nation for Muslims, Pakistan, in the subcontinent.
Historical Background behind the Creation of Pakistan
In the context of history, the creation of Pakistan is rooted in the intricate socio-political landscape of the Indian subcontinent during the early 20th century. The struggle for independence from British colonial rule witnessed various religious and cultural communities fighting for political representation and autonomy. Accordingly, the rise of Muslims was significantly influenced by the perception of Hindu dominance by the Indian National Congress, which threatened Muslims’ rights and interests. Therefore, the need for a separate nation was felt owing to these anxieties. As a result, the Lahore Resolution of 1940 was the initial and official call for independent states for Muslims in the northwest and eastern zones of the Indian subcontinent. Nonetheless, the period was marked by growing communal tensions, exacerbated by events such as the communal riots of the 1920s and 1930s. For this cause, the All-India Muslim League, under the leadership of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, advocated for the political rights of Muslims, underscoring the distinct cultural and religious identity of the Muslims. Thence, this backdrop of political rise and the desire for self-determination set the stage for the partition of India in 1947, leading to the establishment of Pakistan as a separate nation for Muslims, transforming the subcontinent’s demographic and political outlook.
Contribution of Muslim Press in the struggle for the creation of Pakistan
Undoubtedly, the contribution of Muslim Press in reshaping the outlook of the Indian-subcontinent in the favor of Muslims cannot be undermined. The following paragraphs highlight the endeavors of Muslim media in detail.
- Awareness and Education
To begin with, the Muslim Press had played a significant role in promoting awareness and modern education in Muslim Societies, making them aware of their social and political rights. For instance, the role of Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan cannot be undermined in this scenario. His educational and scientific publications, such as scientific society and Tahzibul Akhlaaq, and interoperation of different religious and scientific books had been instrumental in helping Muslims be acquainted with modern education. As a result, Muslims realized their socio-economic and political rights and participated in government affairs. Therefore, by imparting awareness and Modern Education in Muslims, Muslim Press had taken initial steps towards the advancement of Muslim Society, which later shaped the movements for the creation of Pakistan.
- Advocacy of Muslim rights
Moreover, during the struggle for the creation of Pakistan, it was the fieriest efforts of the Muslim Press, who consistently raised the voice for the socio-political concerns of Muslims. In this regard, the powerful platforms, such as Zamindar, Nawa-i-Waqt, and Dawn had been the candle of hope for the then Muslims, expressing Muslims’ grievances and demands and advocating for Muslims’ separate political identity. For example, dawn served as the main avenue for advocating Pakistan’s creation, becoming a symbol of identification for Muslims. In a nutshell, Muslim Press had been the upholder of Muslims Rights.
- Countering Representation
Unfortunately, there had been misconceptions about Islam and Muslims in the Indian sub-Continent. Muslims had been considered as extremists and aggressors, making them deprived of their rights. To counter such misconceptions, Newspapers like Nawa-i-Waqt under the leadership of Hameed Nizami had actively countered the pessimistic ideas against Muslims and Islam and also challenged anti-Pakistan narratives. To conclude, the role and conduct of Muslim Press in combating anti-Muslim narratives was appreciable.
- Promotion of the Two-Nation Theory
Significantly, the efforts of Muslim Press did not stop in educational purposes only. Its role had been indispensable in introducing, promoting, and advocating the idea of ‘Two-Nation Theory’. To pursue the objective of a separate homeland for Muslims, Muslim Newspapers provided platforms for the Muslim Intellectuals and leaders to articulate and develop the idea of the Two-Nation Theory. Dawn, under the guidance of Qaid -e- Azam Muhammad Ali Jinah, provided extensive coverage of Muslim League Meetings and published articles in the support of their agenda. To conclude, Muslim Press laid the groundwork for the creation of Pakistan.
- Support for Political Movements
At last, when the Khizar Cabinet banned news of the movements for the creation of Pakistan, Muslim Press, via underground papers, distributed a vast array of information to the public. For instance, the newspapers, such as Pakistan Times, played well in covering and supporting the movements despite facing government bans. Moreover, these newspapers countered the ideas which opposed the creation of Pakistan. To conclude, Muslim Press served as a vital tool for political movements.
Role of Prominent Muslim Journalists in the creation of Pakistan
Indisputably, it was the prominent role of Muslim journalist who, through their fearless stand, advocated the rights and identity of Muslims using the press media. Therefore, the following paragraphs showcase the contribution of these well-known intellects.
- Role of Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
To begin, Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar, a journalist, politician, and activist, had been a significant figure in the efforts for the creation of Pakistan. Also, he was an advocate of Muslim rights and a great supporter of the Muslim League. As a journalist, Jauhar broadcasted ideas in the support of Muslim identity and rights through his influential publications, Urdu Weekly Hamdard and English Weekly Comrade. To conclude, Muhammad Ali Jauhar, as a journalist, had played a pivotal role in the struggle for the creation of Pakistan.
- Role of Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
Next, Maulana Zafar Ali Khan was one of the powerful figures in advocating Muslim Rights and the Pakistan Movement. He contributed his support through his powerful editorial, Newspaper Zamindaar, which often called as “naked sword”. Via his editorship, Maulana had raised voice against Hindu Domination and British Imperialism, and successfully mobilized Muslim masses toward the aim of an independent state. Moreover, his publications, which later were named as Urdu Journalism, had acquainted the then Muslims with religious enthusiasm and imparted in them the devotion to the idea of an independent homeland. Therefore, the father of Urdu Journalism, Maulana Zafar Ali Khan, proved to be one of the most prominent actors in the creation of Pakistan.
- Role of Hamid Nizami
Furthermore, Hamid Nizami, the founder of Nawa-i-Waqt launched on the day of Lahore Resolution (March 23, 1940), stands as one of the most influential journalists during the Pakistan Movement. Via lucid and argumentative writing styles, Hamid Nizami effectively convinced his readers, providing a potent voice for the Muslim community. His newspapers, which evolved from a fortnightly to a weekly in 1942 and then to a Daily in 1994, came up with innovative trends in traditional journalism. To sum up, the formidable role of Hamid Nizami had enlightened the idea of the separate nation in new generations, making them struggle for Pakistan’s achievement.
- Role of Khalil-Ur-Rehman
Meanwhile, Khalil-Ur- Rehman, founding man of JANG platform, had made crucial efforts in bringing Muslims under the banner of a separate nation. To pursue his goal, he fearlessly promoted the Two-Nation Theory and Muhammad Ali Jinha’s vision through his editorship, shaping public opinion in favor of a separate Muslim homeland. Moreover, after the attack of Hindu extremists on Muslim newspapers – Al Aman and Wahdat- Khalil ur Rehman doubled his support for Muslim League and refused to compromise Jang pro-Pakistan stance even when he was arrested under the defense of India Rules. In conclusion, Khalil – Ur- Rehman had contributed his tireless efforts in making public opinion in favor of Pakistan as well as in the creation of Pakistan.
- Role of T.K Durrani
Last but not least, even the writings of T.K. Durrani significantly veered around the creation of Pakistan, particularly highlighting the Two-Nation Theory and socio-political dynamics of the Muslims. Moreover, T.K. Durrani contributed, in his editorials, focused on the support for Muslim Political Leadership, Mobilization of Public Opinion and critiques on British colonial policies through his editorials. Overall, T.K. Durrani’s contributions through his writings had been effective in articulating the aspirations of Muslims in British India, framing their struggle for the pursuit of an independent state.
Impacts of Muslim Press in the Sub-Continent
Coming to the ladder, the article further points out some specific impacts which had arisen from the endeavors made by the Press Media and Muslim journalists.
- Countering Hindu-Dominated Media
In fact, studies have revealed that the Press, along with some Muslim newspapers, was adopting the Hindu-dominated stances and Hindu viewpoints. Narratives on socio-economic and political rights of Muslims and Islamic approaches were missing from their editorials. To counter the Hindu-Dominated Media, some platforms, such as the Muslim newspaper, THE DURBIN OF CALCATTA, and Dawn News, appeared and served as official publications of the Muslim League, discussing Islam and Muslims and functioning within the framework of broader Islamic teachings, imparting knowledge and promoting Muslims Rights. To conclude, Muslim intellects through press media have challenged the Hindu narrative and Hindu domination and made high efforts in promoting Muslims’ socio-economic and political rights.
- Mobilization of Public Opinion
Moreover, the Muslim Press played a significant role in mobilizing the Public Opinion and accelerating their involvement in Public Opinion. For this manner, the Muslim Press had been voice for Muslim perspectives and concerns, raised political consciousness among Muslims, served as platform for the intellects who advocated Muslims’ socio-economic and political rights, addressed misrepresentation of Hindus against Muslims, and finally, published articles that highlighted Muslims grievances and misdeeds of opposing groups, thereby, rallying support and awareness among the Muslim population. To conclude, the endeavors made by the Muslim Press laid the groundwork for the mobilization of public opinion.
- Preservation of Muslim Identity
Above all, by providing objective news coverage of Islam in India, the Muslim Press had not only challenged the Hindu narratives but also improved the portrayal of Muslims, preserving Muslim identity. To elaborate, the Muslim Press assisted in the emergence of Muslim Intellectuals well-versed in Muslim traditions, provided moderate views, promoted unity among Muslims for their rights, and particularly promoted education and awareness, which played crucial role in preserving and upraising Muslim identity. In a nutshell, the Muslim Press showcased the real and factual identity of Muslims among Hindu and British rulers.
In conclusion, the Muslim press played a pivotal role in the struggle for the creation of Pakistan, serving as a huge platform for awareness, advocacy, and the promotion of the Two-Nation Theory. Through the tireless endeavors of prominent journalists like Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar, Maulana Zafar Ali Khan, Hamid Nizami, Mir-Khalil Ur Rehman, and T.K. Durrani, the Muslim press not only countered the prevailing narratives of a Hindu-dominated media but also galvanized public opinion in favor of Muslim rights and identity. Moreover, the contributions of the Muslim press proved instrumental in uniting the Muslims and illuminating their aspirations, eventually leading to the establishment of Pakistan as a separate nation. As a result of the effective endeavors of the Muslim press, social and political justice for Muslim was ensured to some extent; cultural identity of Muslims was preserved; and a sense of unity was fostered among marginalized Muslim groups. To conclude, the article has penned the effective efforts and impacts of the Muslim Press- led by Muslim intellects- which served as a driving force in shaping the socio-political landscape of the subcontinent and advocating for the rights and aspirations of Muslims.
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