
How is it Possible to Eliminate Religious and Political Extremism in Pakistan in the Light of the Teachings of the Holy Prophet?

CSS Islamiat 2024 question, "Possibilities to Eliminate Extremism in Pakistan" is Solved by Miss Ayesha Irfan...

CSS Solved Islamiat Past Papers | Possibilities to Eliminate Extremism in Pakistan

The following question of Islamiat is solved by Miss Ayesha Irfan, the highest scorer in CSS Islamiat. Moreover, the question is attempted on the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

Question Breakdown

An appropriate explanation of ”How is it Possible to Eliminate Religious and Political Extremism in Pakistan in Light of the Teachings of the Holy Prophet” has been demanded by the examiner in this question. However, providing a historical overview of religious and political extremism in Pakistan, as well as an analysis of the current state of affairs, is crucial to achieving high marks in Islamic studies. after it addresses the major portion of the question with pertinent examples. This section can be explained by mentioning the eradication of religious extremism in Pakistan in the context of Islamic teachings.


1- Introduction

2- A historical glance at religious and political extremism in Pakistan

  • Ayub Khan’s Islamist Pakistan
  • Half backed Islamization of Zia ul Haq; Participation in Islamic jihad that promotes collection-cop culture in Pakistan
  • War on terror  in Musharraf’s era

3- Current scenario of religious and political extremism in Pakistan

4- Anti-extremism narrative of Islam in accordance with Hadith and the Quran

  • The defensive nature of jihad is clearly emphasized in 2:190 “And fight in the way of God with those who fight you, but aggressive not: God loves not the aggressors”.

5- Elimination of Religious extremism in Pakistan in the light of teachings of Islam

  • By promoting religious tolerance
  • By giving religious freedom
  • By bridging the gap between religious scholars
  • By promoting the actual teaching of Islam
  • By providing equal religious rights to minorities
  • By fostering social harmony among different sects

6- Elimination of political extremism in Pakistan in the light of teachings of Islam

  • By encouraging democracy in Pakistan and enacting anti-radical legislation
  • By granting people equal civil rights that counter the extremist narrative
  • By discouraging hate speeches and political marginalization via segment of society
  • By encouraging peaceful coexistence
  • By promoting justice in the country
  • By reforming and accounting public offices

7- Conclusion

Answer to the Question


Pakistan, a country where more than 96% of the people are Muslims, has experienced religious violence for a long time. The religio-political parties in Pakistan have never been able to form a federal government despite the state religion and the religiously dominated culture of the society. However, Islamic teachings strongly emphasize tolerance, moderation, and harmonious coexistence. Islam strongly condemns radicalism in all its forms, be it social, political, or religious. Muslims are commanded by the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Sunnah to pursue moderation and abstain from extremism in their beliefs and deeds. Unfortunately, shortly after its independence, several political and religious figures stated that the country’s primary goal was to establish an Islamic State. Islamist radicals’ attempts to make Pakistan “purer” in the sense of what they consider to be Islamic terminology are primarily responsible for the prejudice against religious minorities. Nevertheless, by adhering to Islam, religious and political extremism can be eliminated from the nation because extremism is viewed as a departure from the actual teachings of the religion and is harmful to both individuals and society.

A historical glance at religious and political extremism in Pakistan

Pakistan is dealing with a severe issue of extremism, particularly in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. Tracking down the timeline, it becomes clear that, despite appearing to be connected to the 9/11 attacks, extremism in Pakistan actually has roots in the country’s independence. While Ayub Khan’s rule in Pakistan was not as explicitly Islamist as other Pakistani regimes, it was nevertheless characterized by a move towards Islamization. Later on, the adoption of Islamic laws, like the Hudood Ordinance, the encouragement of Islamic education in educational institutions, and the involvement of Islamic Jihad organizations are all considered aspects of Zia ul Haq’s “half-backed Islamization.” In the end, this mix of Islamic Jihad groups’ involvement and partially supported Islamization policies led to the creation of Pakistan’s “collectioncop culture,” which is characterized by violence, coercion, extremism, and radical ideologies.

Prohibiting extremism in accordance with Hadith and the Quran

The Quran and Hadith both place emphasis on the idea of refuting extremism. Religious extremism is abhorred because it contradicts Islam’s teachings, which encourage moderation, harmony, and tolerance. Surah Al-Baqarah (2:190) of the Quran contains the following statement from Allah:  “And fight in the way of God with those who fight you, but aggressive not: God loves not the aggressors”.This verse emphasizes how crucial it is to live in a just and balanced community and stay away from extremism. However, The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated, “Beware of extremism in religion, for indeed those before you were destroyed because of their extremism in religion.” (Sunan Ibn Majah)

Elimination of Religious extremism in Pakistan in the light of teachings of the Holy Prophet

  • By promoting religious tolerance

During the Prophet’s time, the region of Arabia was home to people of different religious backgrounds. The city of Mecca, where the Prophet of Islam was born, was complex for him to live and met with opposition. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), however, always treated the unbelievers of Mecca with tolerance despite all the hostility and even the physical torture that his followers endured there. The Prophet read them a brief chapter from the revelation at one point in his mission, “O you who do not believe! I worship not what you worship, and you are not worshiping what I worship; nor am I worshiping what you worship; neither art you are worshiping what I worship. Therefore, to you, your religion, and me, my religion!” (109:1-6). Unfortunately, there is no religious tolerance in Pakistan; as a result, religious extremism is growing daily. For example, a mob in Lahore, Pakistan, threatened a woman, saying she had committed blasphemy because she was wearing a dress with Arabic calligraphy and the lynching of the Sri Lankan manager. However, adhering to Islamic teachings can eliminate it from the nation.

  • By giving religious freedom to everyone

Similar diversity existed in the Muslim society that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) founded the foundational principles of Islam; this society included members of numerous tribes and social groups and adherents of different religions. Furthermore, every other freedom (such as the right to own property and to live safely) and religious freedom must be related to the worth of every human being.

To uphold the rights of other visitors to Mecca who came for trade, he and a few other young people signed the “Accord of Chivalry” (futuwwat) prior to the Prophet (PBUH) receiving his mission. They committed that “we will support the victim, whether they belong to us or others, are respectable or inferior in status.”. In regards to this agreement, Ibn Hisham and Ibn Athir have stated the following: “They promised to stand with any victim at Mecca or from outside and against all those victimizing [others] unless they were convicted to make amends.”

  • By breaching the sectional divide among the religious scholar

There was a great diversity in the Muslim community when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) established the core principles of Islam; it included not only people of various religions but also numerous tribes and social groups. In fact, it is said that “when Muhammad arrived in Medina, its inhabitants were a mixed lot.”

واعْتَصِمُوا بِحَبْلِ اللَّهِ جَمِيعًا وَلَا تَفَرَّقُوا

And Hold Fast To The Rope of Allah, All of You Together, and Do Not Be Divided. [Majestic Qur’an Surah Al Imran


Even so, during the Prophet’s thirteen-year sojourn in Mecca, numerous instances of him bridging social divides can be seen. Unfortunately, there is a lot of social division among Pakistan’s religious scholars, which contributes to the daily rise of religious extremism. For instance, a more tense situation would be the conflict between the Shia Sunni and other sects. By abiding by Islamic teachings, it can be eradicated from the country.

  • By promoting the true teaching of Islam

Islam offers a route to harmony and peace. The religion upholds moral principles that are necessary for building a peaceful society, such as forgiveness, compassion, and regard for human dignity. Furthermore, Islamic teachings encourage people to pursue inner peace and social stability. It was narrated from Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (RA) that I saw the Imam of the Prophets (PBUH) on the day of Arafah in the Hajj of the Farewell Hajj while he was delivering the sermon on his camel. The format was heard: “O people, I have left something in you that you will never go astray until you follow them, the book of Allah and my respect for the Ahl al-Bayt.”(Jamai Tirmizi). Regrettably, the media frequently misrepresents and misunderstands Islam, which feeds into the ongoing rise of religious extremism. But after studying the Quran and Hadiths, people discover that the only way to bring peace is to understand, embrace, and live out peaceful Islamic culture and beliefs at every turn. With the support of actual Islamic teachings, let’s all attempt to apply the knowledge and abilities of Pakistan at peace.

  • By providing equal religious rights to minorities

Islam upholds and defends everyone’s right to life and dignity, irrespective of their race or creed. The holy Qur’an states that someone who takes another person’s life without legal authority or an adequate justification is considered to have killed humanity as a whole. Allah dislikes injustice and wrongdoing toward His creation.

When the Holy Prophet established the Medina Charter and declared, “He who tortures a dhimmi is like the one who has counteracted him (the Prophet). I shall counteract against him (he who tortures a dhimmi) on the Day of Judgment who has counteracted him.”He (PBUH) also stated, “They (Dhimmis) give jizyah to us generously so that their wealth becomes like that of ours and their blood like our blood31.”Unfortunately, in Pakistan, the rights of minorities have been eroded, which contributes to the continued rise of religious extremism. Asia Bibi’s case is just one of many blasphemy cases in Pakistan that involve the persecution of non-Muslim citizens.

Elimination of political extremism in Pakistan; in the light of teachings  of the Holy Prophet(PBUH)

  • By promoting democracy in Islam by implementing laws against extremism

Through the teachings of the Holy Prophet, democracy is being promoted in Islam by supporting values like accountability, equality, justice, and consultation (Shura). The Prophet Muhammad encouraged his companions to participate in decision-making by consulting with them. Establishing the Majlis Ash-Shura (Consultative Council) in Medina, where the Prophet conferred with his companions on various issues, is one instance of how the Prophet’s teachings have promoted democracy in Holy Prophet said,

وَشَوِّرْهُمْ فِي الْأَمْرِ

“Consult them in the matter”.

Unfortunately, in Pakistan, establishing democracy is still a challenging task. Pakistan’s political and religious elites are deeply divided from others, which fuels the radicalization of religion daily. It can be eliminated from the nation by adhering to Islamic teachings.

  • By giving equal civil rights to people that counter extremist narrative

Ensuring that everyone is treated equally under the law and advancing equality depend on granting everyone equal civil rights. They assure equal social opportunities and legal protection regardless of color, religion, or other attributes. The Medina Charter’s recognition of all communities as one nation, irrespective of religion or tribe, is one of its most essential aspects. They are a single community, according to the opening line of the Charter. This is regarded as a crucial initial action taken by Prophet Muhammad to bring the Medina communities together and illustrates the diversity of humankind, composed of people of various racial and religious backgrounds. The Prophet’s peace treaty with the Jews of Medina firmly ensured the Jewish community’s physical safety and security as well as their freedom to practice their religion as long as they also followed the terms of the agreement. Therefore, to build a more accepting and tolerant society in Pakistan, it is critical to support equal civil rights for people.

  • By discouraging hate speeches and political marginalization via segment of society

Who spend in the way of Allah both in plenty and hardship, who restrain their anger, and who forgive others. Allah loves such good-doers” the Quran (Surah Ali ‘Imran, verse 134). Hazrat Aisha says that Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that the worst person among you is the one whose evil words prevent people from meeting him. Unfortunately, hate speech is a severe problem in Pakistan. The emergence of radical organizations and individuals that incite violence and discrimination against marginalized communities through inflammatory language is one well-known example. Therefore, it is essential to discourage hate speeches in Pakistan in order to create a society that is more accepting and tolerant.

  • By encouraging peaceful coexistence among different sects in the country

The Medina Carter can be seen adhering to the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) visited Madinah, he told the St. Catherine’s Monastery guardians that their houses of worship would be safe. He emphasized the value of protecting minorities and preserving religious freedom in a written covenant that he made. Additionally, the Prophet (PBUH) promised that the Christians’ places of worship would be protected, that they would have the freedom to worship without interference, that their religious leaders would be respected, and that they would not be coerced into using force. Nevertheless, the targeted murders of Shia-Hazaras in Quetta demonstrate the sectarian majority’s fear that their respective minority will eventually subjugate them. To build a more accepting and tolerant society in Pakistan, it is imperative to encourage peaceful coexistence.

  • By promoting justice

Islam’s concept of justice is based on God’s divinity. The Qur’an states, “Truly, God does not do even an atom’s weight of injustice” (Qur’an 4:40). According to the Prophet Muhammad, God allegedly said, “O My Servants, I have forbidden injustice upon myself and have made it forbidden among you, so do not commit injustice.”It was narrated from Um ul-Momineen Hazrat Aisha (RA) that Usamah (RA) requested the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) about the woman who stole and then captured. He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “By God, in Whose hand is my life, if (my daughter) Fatima (may Allah be pleased with her) had stolen it, then I would have cut off her hand too. The people who came before you were destroyed because they punished the weak and spared the strong(Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 8, 6787). Therefore, it is essential to promote justice in order to eradicate extremism in Pakistan and create a society that is more accepting and tolerant.

  • By reforming and accounting public offices

The Holy Prophet, the great benefactor, carried out valiant legal and political deeds that serve as role models in the world of deeds. He (PBUH) served as Allah’s chief military commander and counsellor. He (PBUH) declared that all actions would be decided through consultation. Since the Holy Prophet (PBUH) disapproved of a society composed of hypocrites, authoritarians, and the upper and lower classes, he never claimed to be an authoritarian during his administration. Hazrat Abdullah ibn Umar narrated that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, reportedly said, “Everyone of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock.” The head of the people has guardianship and accountability over his subjects. The foundation of state politics and governance today is the same fundamental laws and rules that the Prophet (PBUH) established centuries ago in compliance with the Quran and Sunnah. Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) administrative actions are justified in light of current policies. Thus, to combat political extremism in Pakistan and build a more accepting and tolerant society, it is crucial that public offices be reformed and held accountable.


Islam gives a path towards unity and peace that preserves moral values like forgiveness, compassion, and respect for human dignity, all of which are essential for creating a peaceful society. Therefore, it is imperative to adhere to the teachings of the Holy Prophet to eliminate religious and political extremism in Pakistan. The teachings of the Prophet(PBUH) involve upholding the fundamentals of Islam, promoting democracy in Pakistan, and supporting the core principles of justice, tolerance, and peace. This can be accomplished by educating people about the true teachings of Islam, which encourage harmony and coexistence between different ideologies and faiths in the country. Although Pakistan is currently engulfed by political and religious extremism, the only thing that has kept the country out of this quagmire is to adhere to the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

“Extremes to the right and the left of any political and religious dispute are always wrong.”

(Dwight D. Eisenhower)

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