
Who is Entitled to Receive Zakat According to the Quran? Elucidating Social Impact of Zakat, Clarify How can Poverty be Alleviated with its Distribution in Islamic Society

CSS 2017 Islamiyat Past Papers Question, "Zakat in Islam and its Impacts on Society" is solved by Miss Ayesha Irfan...

CSS 2017 Solved Islamiyat Past Papers | Zakat in Islam and its Impacts on Society

The following question of Islamiat is solved by Miss Ayesha Irfan, the highest scorer in CSS Islamiat. Moreover, the question is attempted on the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

Question Breakdown

The examiner asked about the entitles of Zakat mentioned in the Quran in the first part, whereas, in the second part, it is required to answer that Poverty is alleviated through zakat and its social impacts. The first part is an outline, breaking the question into different parts. Moving further, an Introduction is given, followed by entitles of Zakat by Quran, then elaborating social impacts of Zakat, then how poverty is alleviated through zakat, and conclusion.


1- Introduction

2-Understanding the concept of Zakat

3-Who is entitled to receive Zakat according to the Holy Quran?

Allah Almighty has outlined eight categories of people who are entitled to receive Zakat.

  • ✓Al-Fuqara (the poor)
  • ✓Al-Masakin (the needy)
  • ✓Amilina Alaiha (Zakat collectors)
  • ✓Al-Muallafatul Qulub (attracting hearts)
  • ✓Fir Riqab (liberating the enslaved)
  • ✓Al-Gharimin (debtors)
  • ✓Fi Sabilillah (in the way of Allah) 
  • ✓Ibn al-Sabil (wayfarers/travellers) 

4-Elucidating the social impact of Zakat

  • ✓A strong financial support to society
  • ✓A shield against crimes
  • ✓Creation of generosity

5-How can poverty be alleviated with the distribution of Zakat in Islamic society?

  • ✓By providing direct financial assistance and healthcare services through Zakat funds
  • ✓By initiating child nutrition and food distribution programs through Zakat funds
  • ✓By introducing education and skills training programs through Zakat funds
  • ✓By promoting entrepreneurship and job placement services through Zakat funds
  • ✓By providing infrastructure and water and sanitation facilities through Zakat funds

6-Critical analysis


Answer to the Question


Zakat, the bridge to prosperity, is the third fundamental pillar of Islam after Shahadah and Salah. It is actually a compulsory charitable obligation for Muslims, which has the potential to bring millions out of poverty. While becoming obligatory in 2 A.H., it holds a significant position in Islam as it has been mentioned thirty-two times in the Holy Quran. Delving into the details, Allah Almighty has outlined eight categories of people who are eligible to receive Zakat, namely the poor, the needy, its collectors, etc. Undoubtedly, it is an ideal and most appropriate system for the circulation of wealth from the affluent believers to the deserving ones. Its transformative power changes society from economic dependence to self-sufficiency by becoming a strong financial support to society, a shield against crimes, and a source of generosity among Muslims. Not only this, the chains of poverty in Islamic society can be broken down by initiating Zakat-funded direct financial assistance and healthcare services, education and skills training programs, infrastructure and water facilities, etc. This answer elaborates on the eight eligible recipients of Zakat, its social impacts, and how poverty can be alleviated with its distribution in Islamic society.

Understanding the concept of Zakat

Before moving forward, it is important to first discuss the meaning of Zakat. It is actually derived from the Arabic word “Zakah” that literally means “cleanliness, purification, increase, and growth.”.  It purifies the payers from their greed and selfishness and cleanses their remaining wealth. As far as its meaning in Shariah is concerned, Zakat is the Islamic custom of donating a part of one’s wealth that meets certain characteristics to the underprivileged. Undoubtedly, it is a tax that is usually calculated as 2.5% of an individual’s total wealth and is intended to support the community and reduce poverty. Thus, Zakat is not a mercy but the right of the poor in the wealth of the rich.

Who is entitled to receive Zakat according to the Quran?

In Islam, every Muslim is not eligible to receive Zakat. It cannot be given to parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, spouses, and the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Actually, Allah Almighty has categorized specific people in the Holy Quran who are eligible to receive Zakat. In Surah At-Tawbah, verse 60, Allah Almighty states,

“Alms are only for the poor and the needy, and for those employed to collect (Zakat), for those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to Truth), for freeing captives, for those in debt, for Allah’s cause, and for the (stranded) traveller. (This is) an obligation from Allah, and Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.”


The verse indicates that only eight types of people are eligible to receive Zakat. In the following section, these eight types of people are discussed in detail.

  • Al-Fuqara (the poor)

To begin with, the term “fuqara” refers to those who are impoverished and unable to meet their basic needs, such as food, shelter, clothing, and healthcare. Therefore, these individuals qualify to receive Zakat. This obligation by Allah Almighty ensures that the assistance reaches those facing genuine economic hardships and to support them financially.

  • Al-Masakin (the needy)

Additionally, the term “masakin” refers to extremely needy people. These people do not have resources or possessions, and they struggle to meet their financial obligations. Usually, unemployed or underemployed individuals fall in this category. Thus, Allah Almighty has made these individuals entitled to receive Zakat to alleviate their financial difficulties.

  • Amilina Alaiha (Zakat collectors)

Next, officials responsible for collecting, managing, and distributing Zakat are also eligible to receive a portion of it as compensation for their efforts. Undoubtedly, this ensures the effective administration and distribution of Zakat funds in society.

  • Al-Muallafatul Qulub (attracting hearts)

In addition to that, those who are newly converted to Islam are eligible to receive Zakat (if they are needy). For example, if someone has converted and is detached from their family and friends, the Zakat fund helps them start their new journey. Moreover, non-Muslims who are inclined towards Islam but cannot embrace it because of fear of losing resources are also entitled to receive Zakat. Thus, Allah Almighty has made both the newly converted and attracting hearts towards Islam entitled to receive Zakat, as Zakat helps strengthen their faith or facilitates their conversion.

  • Fir Riqab (liberating the enslaved)

Furthermore, Islam strictly discourages slavery at all levels. Therefore, Zakat funds can be allocated to liberate slaves or prisoners of war, thus, fostering freedom and empowerment. That is why, slaves and prisoners of war are eligible to receive Zakat to help them secure their release.

  • Al-Gharimin (debtors)

Besides, individuals who are burdened by debts and are unable to free themselves from financial constraints are also the eligible recipients of Zakat. This provision allows them to break the shackles of indebtedness and regain economic stability.

  • Fi Sabilillah (in the way of Allah)

Further, Muslims engaged in activities that benefit the broader Muslim community, such as scholars, educators, and those who are fighting for the cause of Allah Almighty far away from their homes, are entitled to receive Zakat. The Zakat fund can help them have a better life.

  • Ibn al-Sabil (wayfarer/traveller)

Last, Zakat can also be given to a traveller who is left alone in a foreign land and needs money to get back to his destination. Moreover, refugees are also wayfarers and are entitled recipients of Zakat as they leave their countries because of violence and oppression in search of a safe and better place. Thus, Zakat funds provide assistance to them during travel. Here, it is important to note the condition that the person should be traveling for a lawful purpose; otherwise, he is not entitled to receive Zakat.

Elucidating social impacts of Zakat

As far as the social impacts of Zakat are concerned, Zakat is considered to be an act of piety through which one expresses concern for the wellbeing of fellow Muslims and preserves social harmony between the wealthy and the poor. Hence, it encourages redistribution of wealth and strengthens a sense of solidarity amongst members of the Muslim Ummah. In the following section, social impacts of Zakat are mentioned in detail.

  • Strong financial support to society

The first social impact of Zakat is that it serves as a strong financial support to society as it provides essential economic assistance to the poor and needy. Moreover, it also helps in paying off debts, thus, freeing people from financial burdens. Not only this, Zakat funds also promote skill development and entrepreneurship, generating employment opportunities and, thus, bringing the destitute population above the poverty line. In Surah Al-Maarij, verse 24-25, Allah Almighty states,

“And those within whose wealth is a known right for the petitioner and the deprived…”

The verse demonstrates that Zakat is the redistribution of wealth from the affluent to the needy. That is how, Zakat becomes a strong financial support for impoverished people by alleviating their financial difficulties without encumbering them like usury.

  • Shield against crimes

The second most important social impact of Zakat is that it serves as a shield against crimes in society. Actually, it effectively alleviates poverty and bridges the wealth gap between the rich and the poor, thereby reducing the likelihood of crimes committed because of financial desperation. In other words, Zakat enables recipients to become self-sufficient, hence, reducing their reliance on illicit activities, such as stealing, mugging, bribery, usury, corruption, etc. For instance, during Hazrat Umer R.A.’s era, the distribution of Zakat was so effective that not even a single recipient of Zakat was left in Medina, thereby resulting in a prosperous society having negligible poverty-related crimes. The example demonstrates that transparent and effective distribution of Zakat in society brought social stability and minimized poverty-induced crimes in Medina. In this way, Zakat undoubtedly becomes a shield against crimes in society.

  • Creation of generosity

The third most significant social impact of Zakat is the creation of generosity among the members of society. Actually, Allah Almighty has infused the spirit of social welfare among Muslims through Zakat by promising its payers that their wealth will be purified and increased manifold after paying it. In Surah Ar-Rum, verse 39, Allah Almighty states,

“Whatever you give, (only) seeking interest at the expense of people’s wealth will not increase with Allah. But whatever charity (Zakat) you give, (only) seeking the pleasure of Allah—it is they whose reward will be multiplied.”

The verse promotes Zakat and prohibits interest-based transactions. Hence, the concept of Zakat creates a sense of generosity among believers by ensuring them that they will be blessed and saved from the wrath of Allah in both worlds.

How can poverty be alleviated with the distribution of Zakat in Islamic society?

Poverty can be alleviated with the distribution of Zakat in Islamic society in the ways mentioned below.

  • By providing direct financial assistance and health care services to vulnerable populations

First, poverty can be alleviated in Islamic society by providing direct financial assistance and healthcare services to the destitute and underserved population through Zakat funds. This assistance can help them meet their basic necessities of life and come out of the vicious cycle of poverty. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)’s Zakat Program Report, 2019, “Through Zakat funds, UNHCR have lifted over 20% of refugee families out of destitution and raised them above the poverty line in Jordan in just 20 months.” Moreover, Indus Hospital in Karachi, Pakistan, is also a good example of a self-sustaining organization that developed using Zakat, providing free healthcare services to the underserved population. These illustrations depict that Zakat funds can become a game-changer for eliminating poverty from society. Thus, poverty can be alleviated in Islamic society by providing Zakat-funded direct financial assistance and healthcare facilities to the poor and needy.

  • By initiating child nutrition and food distribution programs for the impoverished through Zakat funds

Second, poverty can also be alleviated in Islamic society by initiating child nutrition and food distribution programs for the impoverished through Zakat funds. Basically, well-nourished individuals perform better academically and professionally, thus, contributing to the economic growth of society. Therefore, Zakat-funded food programs can play a vital role in eliminating poverty from society. For instance, in 2023, the UAE Food Bank distributed 3 million meals during Ramadan to feed people in need. This is an epitome for other countries to introduce similar food distribution programs through Zakat funds on national levels to end starvation. Hence, poverty can be alleviated in Islamic society by introducing child nutrition and food distribution programs through Zakat funds to eliminate malnutrition, a leading cause and effect of poverty.

  • By introducing education and skills training programs through Zakat-funds

Third, the introduction of education and skills training programs through Zakat funds can also eliminate poverty in Islamic society. Actually, literacy rate and employability can be increased by introducing Zakat-funded scholarships, vocational skills training programs, and imparting market-orientated technical and professional training under a wide range of demand-driven courses. These courses mainly include information technology (IT), entrepreneurship, electrical work, plumbing, tailoring, etc. In this way, effective Zakat distribution can improve the earning potential of individuals, thereby, addressing the root cause of poverty. For instance, the At-Tae’lim Project is an education (skill development) program of Cybernetics Robo Limited funded by the Zakat Fund in Bangladesh. Similarly, such initiatives can be taken at the national level in other countries as well to equip the underprivileged people with education and skills, ending intergenerational poverty. Thus, poverty can be alleviated in Islamic society by initiating education and skills training programs through Zakat funds.

  • By promoting entrepreneurship and job opportunities through Zakat-funds

Fourth, poverty can be reduced in Islamic society with the distribution of Zakat by promoting entrepreneurship and job opportunities through its funds. In essence, there are many skilled professionals, such as tailors, launderers, butchers, drivers, etc., who do not have enough money to buy essential tools and machinery for their trades. Here, Zakat funds can become a life-saving aid for them to start their own businesses. Similarly, Zakat may also play a crucial role in helping farmers acquire land for agricultural purposes. For example, Al Mustafa Welfare Trust distributes sewing machines from Zakat funds to vulnerable women and widows, promoting entrepreneurship and ending poverty. Thus, the governments of Muslim countries should adopt such an initiative, as it can effectively decrease poverty by expanding earning opportunities, thereby, providing economic stability to the impoverished. Hence, poverty can be reduced in Islamic society by promoting small businesses and job opportunities through Zakat funds.

  • By providing infrastructure and water and sanitation facilities through Zakat-funds

Last but not least, poverty can also be reduced in Islamic society with Zakat distribution by providing infrastructure and water and sanitation facilities through its collected funds. Undoubtedly, infrastructure development, such as roads, energy stations, water systems, etc., not only improves access to markets, hospitals, and education institutions but also enhances employability, agricultural productivity, food security, and, hence, quality of life. For instance, Islamic Relief, a Zakat funded organization, works in 40 countries across the globe to build water systems for providing clean drinking water to the needy communities. It also installs irrigation systems, builds water tanks, trains communities, and distributes hygiene kits. The example demonstrates a clear model that governments should adopt at the national level to provide Zakat-funded infrastructure and water and sanitation facilities. Thus, poverty can be alleviated in Islamic society by providing Zakat-backed infrastructure and water and sanitation facilities.

Critical analysis

Critically, in today’s world, the distribution of zakat has become a personal concern for the rich. None of the government officials can hold affluent people accountable for the payment of Zakat. That is why wealth is unfortunately accumulated in few hands; the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer day by day. Contrarily, as per the teachings of Islam, Zakat is a tax collected and distributed by the state. Though it is not a sin in Islam to take out Zakat and distribute it individually, Allah Almighty actually ordered the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to collect Zakat from Muslims; it was not commanded to the believers to take it out and individually pay it to the prescribed recipients. Predominantly, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said to Muadh bin Jabal (R.A.) after appointing him as the governor of Yemen,

“O Muadh (R.A.)! Collect Zakat from the rich and distribute it among the poor and needy.” 

Therefore, the hadith signifies that the collective system of Zakat is necessary in Muslim countries to ensure that Zakat is effectively collected and distributed without being refused by any of the rich. In the current situation, where Muslim countries are entangled in the shackles of poverty, such a collective system of Zakat by the state will empower the government to introduce Zakat-funded programs to provide direct financial support, food security, education and skills training, economic empowerment, and community development projects to the impoverished population, thus, permanently breaking the chains of poverty.


In conclusion, Zakat is one of the key tenets of Islam that transforms the economic condition of society from struggling to stable. However, not every Muslim is eligible to receive zakat; Allah Almighty has mentioned only eight categories of people who are eligible for zakat. Some of them are the poor, the needy, Zakat collectors, new Muslims, etc. As far as Zakat’s social impacts are concerned, they are far-reaching, as they provide strong financial support to society, become a shield against poverty-induced and poverty-causing crimes, and create a spirit of generosity among believers. Moving ahead, poverty can undoubtedly be alleviated in Islamic society by initiating Zakat-funded direct financial assistance and healthcare services, education and skills training programs, infrastructure and water facilities, etc. Hence, the concept of Zakat undeniably provides a way out for Muslim countries entangled in the chains of poverty.

CSS 2017 Solved Islamiat Papers

1- Who are entitled to receive Zakat according to the Quran? Elucidating social impact of Zakat, clarify how can poverty be alleviated with its distribution in Islamic Society?
2- Write a comprehensive note on the right of inheritance granted to women by Islam.
3- How were the Rightly-guided Caliphs elected? To what extent their system of government be regarded as democratic?
4- Elucidate how the Prophet of Islam (Peace be upon him) exemplified him as the greatest peace maker in the world by making reconciliation with pagans, Jews and Christians?
5- Explain the concept of self-purification in the light of the Qur’ān and Sunnah and its impact on society.
6- Enumerate the reasons of extremism in Pakistan and suggest solutions to eradicate it in the light of Islamic teachings.
7- Define Ijma’ (consensus) and explain its different kinds. Highlight its importance in the light of the Qur’ān and Sunnah.

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