Write a 200 words paragraph on The Role of NCOC in Combatting COVID-19 | The following topic was asked in the English Precis and Composition Paper of PMS 2021
Anum Saba has attempted this 200-word paragraph on the given pattern, which Sir Syed Kazim Ali teaches his students, who have consistently been qualifying their CSS and PMS essays. The paragraph is uploaded to help other competitive aspirants learn how to write a 200-word paragraph; how to put arguments in it; how to connect sentences and give transitions; how to write a topic sentence; how to put evidence within the paragraph.

The Paragraph Starts From Here!
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has been a new threat to all countries. However, developing countries like Pakistan have faced much more serious repercussions than the rest of the world. Nonetheless, with the government’s timely intervention, the situation was controlled from getting worse, as was witnessed in some countries. Pakistan owes its success in this regard to the National Command and Operation Center (NCOC) established to control the spread of the terrible disease. The NCOC has been so successful in its function that it has been applauded by Bill Gates, the World Health Organization (WHO), and several developed countries. The organization has managed to curb the pandemic due to a number of steps taken by its team of experts. First, it has arranged about forty campaigns to raise awareness about using personal protective equipment and avoiding contact with the infected. Next, it coordinated holistically with all healthcare institutes of every province, which was arduous. Not only this, but it has also ensured that businesses, education institutes, industries, and restaurants in highly infected areas remained closed to stop the spread of the virus. Thus, the NCOC has efficiently combatted COVID-19 in Pakistan by working sagaciously.
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