CSS 2021 Solved Islamiyat Past Papers | Teachings of Islam Regarding Co-Existence
The following question of Islamiat is solved by Miss Ayesha Irfan, the highest scorer in CSS Islamiat. Moreover, the question is attempted on the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

Question Breakdown
The examiner asked about the teachings of Islam regarding co-existence in a multi-faith society. However, in order to flourish in Islamic studies, you will need to provide a comprehensive analysis of the teachings of Islam regarding social harmony and brotherhood.
2-Co-existence between different faiths: The Charter of Medina
3-Teachings of Islam regarding co-existence in a multi-faith society
- ✓Respect for other faiths
- ✓Universal equality
- ✓Justice and fairness
- ✓Preaching against harsh actions
- ✓Collective peace
- ✓Education to avoid extremism
4-Critical analysis

Answer to the Question
Islam is a complete code of conduct, preserving numerous teachings on dealing with the many arising difficulties. As such, multi-faith societies have always existed. The State of Medina established by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) bolstered a harmonious relationship between Muslims, Jews, Christians, Pagans, and others. During the caliphates and subsequent Islamic empire, many non-Muslim territories came under Muslim rule. Drawing on the teachings of the Quran and Hadith, Islam has a rich history of maintaining peaceful and respectful coexistence in multi-faith societies; it teaches respect for other faiths, preaches equality, establishes fair justice, guides against harsh actions through education, and maintains collective peace and equilibrium.
Co-existence between different faiths: The Charter of Medina
The Charter of Medina stands as the golden document and the first written document detailing clauses of peaceful coexistence among the different tribes of Medina. Before Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) migration to Medina, the two Jewish clans Aws and Khazraj had been infighting for generations, making the city an anarchic society. With the Charter of Medina, not only did the Jewish tribes put aside their long bloodbath, but harmony descended among Muslims, Jews, Pagans, and Christians. They assumed different responsibilities, respected each other’s faith, and dealt with matters with justice and fairness under the leadership of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Charter of Medina. It stands as a guiding document on establishing co-existence in a multi-faith society.
Teachings of Islam regarding co-existence in a multi-faith society
From the guidance of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah established by Hadith, Islam teaches co-existence in a multi-faith society by upholding the principles of respect, harmony, justice, and collective well-being. The teachings are discussed in detail below.
- Respect for other faiths
First, the basic teaching of Islam is respect towards other faiths and other people. Islam preaches against the use of force in converting religion and other matters of life. According to the Quran in Surah al-Baqarah, Ayah 256, “There is no compulsion in religion.” This indicates that Islam cautions respect in a multi-faith society, for respect is the base on which coexistence establishes and thrives. Without the foundation of respect, other tenants like equality and peace are not possible.
- Universal equality
After respect, Islam teaches equality against discrimination based on colour, race, and religion. According to the Quran in Surah al-Hujurat, Ayah 13, “People, We created you all from a single man and a single woman, and made you into races and tribes so that you should recognize one another.” It shows that Islam preaches equality while recognising the differences in humankind and even making the differences the basis for equality. While all states made the minorities a substandard and lower class, the Islamic state provided non-Muslims the same freedom and rights in exchange for a small tax. In this way, Islam brings about universal equality among different faiths.
- Justice and fairness
Islamic history is ripe with instances of justice and fairness carried out by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Righteous Caliphs. When a noblewoman in Makkah was to face the punishment of theft and people pleaded with the Prophet (PBUH) to intercede, he remarked, “I would cut even the hand of Fatima if she committed a theft.” (Sahih Bukhari) This principle is the foundation of a non-discriminatory justice system that overlooks the difference between the rich and the poor, Muslim and non-Muslim, and powerful and powerless is trusted by society and propagates peace in the state. Hence, it teaches the core of co-existence to inhabit and thrive in a multi-faith society.
- Preaching against harsh actions
After justice, Islam recommends caution against harsh and baseless violent acts against others. For co-existence in a multi-faith society, taking aggressive and emotional actions erodes the peace and trust between different faiths. According to Surah al-Ma’idah, Ayah 32, “Whoever kills an innocent person is as if he has killed the whole of humankind…” This verse indicates that condemnations of punishing harsh actions. Indeed, such harsh deterrence is necessary for mindless violence to erupt between different strata of society.
- Collective peace
In addition to the principles of conduct and justice, collective peace is established and maintained between groups by committing to a treaty or agreement. A written agreement erases hostility between different groups of faiths. Indeed, the Charter of Medina, Treaty of Hudaibiya and Hild ul-Fudul are examples of agreements in multi-faith societies preferring collective peace over individual gain in Islamic history. In Hilf ul-Fudul, for instance, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) brokered peace and justice among the different warring tribes of Makkah—a rare feat for the clan mentality prevailing in pre-Islamic Arabia. Hence, Islam teaches to prefer and maintain collective peace for co-existence.
- Education to avoid extremism
Last but not least, the ultimate guidance of Islam for maintaining the coexistence in multi-faith society over different decades and even generations is to seek knowledge and educate against hatred. It is the only way to avoid extremism to take root in society. According to the Quran in Surah al-Isra, Ayah 36, “Do not follow blindly what you do not know to be true: ears, eyes, and heart, you will be questioned about all these.” This indicates that education upholds the principles established to preserve coexistence in a multi-faith society.
Critical analysis
In a robust analysis, Islam preaches the principles of respect, equality, justice, and collective peace for its followers to co-exist in a multi-faith society. These are important to withhold in the current evolving structure of societies formed by globalization and modern nation-states where democracy is prevalent. The injustices and discrimination prevail in multi-faith and multi-ethnic societies across the world, with increasing instances of Islamophobia and Xenophobia taking hold of the masses. As such, it is imperative to look towards Islam, the complete code of life, to guide one’s behaviour regarding co-existence in modern society.
In conclusion, Islam is an all-encompassing collection of guidance pertaining to all walks and difficulties of life. It teaches principles and preserves examples to guide the Muslim Ummah for generations to come. Regarding co-existence in a multi-faith society, the teachings of Islam are clear towards the collective well-being and prosperity of the state. It teaches respect for all faiths without discrimination, universal equality despite differences, and fair justice to ensure peace and stability. Moreover, Islam promotes treaties to establish collective peace and continuous education to maintain the achieved peace and keep away from hatred and extremism. Indeed, the principles of Islam are universal in their application and guide the proper actions of mankind.

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