CSS Solved Islamiyat Past Paper 2021 | Suggestions to Combat Islamophobia in Islam
The following question of Islamiat is solved by Miss Ayesha Irfan, the highest scorer in CSS Islamiat. Moreover, the question is attempted on the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

Question Breakdown
About this specific question, the examiner offered a thorough explanation of Islamophobia as an indication of extremism. Nonetheless, offering a glimpse into the past of Islamophobia is essential. Following its comprehensive answer to the main topic, it provided valuable examples that serve as the icing on the cake. The recommendations for countering Islamophobia are explained in this section.
1- Introduction
2- Debunking the terms “Islamophobia” and “Extremism”
3- A historical glance of Islamophobia across the World
- ✓ 3.1-Hegemony of European empowerment on the Muslim majority in the 19th century
- ✓ The Reconquest of Spain by Christians
- ✓ Rebirth of Islamophobia after 9/11 at global level
4- How Islamophobia is a sign of extremism?
- ✓ Anti- Muslim thoughts of the Western community
- ✓ Enhancing racism against Muslims at the global level
- ✓ Encourages extreme negative narrative against Muslims
5- Remedial measures that encounter extremism
- 5.1- ✓By centralizing Muslim Ummah
- 5.2- ✓By clearing the misunderstandings about Islam globally
- 5.3- ✓By ensuring the impartial and favourable involvement of social media
- 5.4- ✓By enhancing direct interaction with the Western World
- 5.5- ✓By strengthening global Islamic organizations
6- Critical analysis
7- Conclusion

Answer to the Question
The term “Islamophobia” refers to prejudice, fear, and hostility aimed toward Muslims or the Islamic religion in general. The most excellent divisive issue facing the Muslim World in today’s multicultural culture is the growth of Islamophobia. It has surfaced as a fresh instance of racism and Muslim stereotyping, and it poses an imminent danger to the Muslim Ummah. Before the term “Islamophobia” was coined, there were negative perceptions about Islam and its adherents. Averse representations date back almost as far as Islam itself, especially from Middle Eastern writers whose governmental or religious (Christian) institutions were questioned by the spread of Islamic culture throughout the region. However, Islamophobia demonstrates anti-Muslim sentiments in the Western World, supporting racism against Muslims worldwide and promoting incredibly derogatory stories about Muslims that reflect the extreme narrative of others. However, some of the strategies to eradicate Islamophobia from the Muslim World include the combined efforts of all Muslims, the beneficial role of the media, and raising awareness of an accurate understanding of Islam around the globe.
Debunking the terms “Islamophobia” and “Extremism”
The term “Islamophobia” refers to discrimination that originated in the Middle Ages and is still common in Western society, originating in the Middle Ages. It refers to the hatred and fear directed at Islam and Muslims, as well as the aggressive, exclusive, and discriminatory behaviours that result from these sentiments and target Muslims and others who are thought to be Muslims. The best way to conceptualize Islamophobia is as a type of cultural racism that incites hostility based on ethnicity, culture, and religion. On the other hand, Extremism is the quality or state of being extreme or “the promotion of extreme actions. The phrase is generally used in a political or religious context to describe an ideology regarded as being very different from the majority viewpoint in society, either by the speaker or by an implicit shared societal agreement.
A historical glance at Islamophobia across the World
Historically, the political rivalry between Islamic empires and European Christian kingdoms that dates back to the medieval period is considered the origin of Islamophobia. During this time, both Muslims and Christians adversely portrayed the other, viewing the other faith as inferior and a misrepresentation of God’s genuine revelations. In this competition, European empires took the upper hand by the 19th century and established colonial power over large portions of the World’s Muslim-majority regions. The clergy typically portrayed Islam as a crude, uncivilized, and reversed faith; they thought Islam directly threatened European culture. After the Cold War, and especially after the 9/11 attacks, this story was given new life as the “clash of civilizations” framework was used to explain the rise of Islamist terrorism and to defend continued Western military intervention in areas with a majority of Muslims under the pretence of the War on Terror. For instance, an assembly in Switzerland passed legislation in 2009 prohibiting the building of minarets, which are essential components of Islamic mosques. 2010 saw the French government pass legislation outlawing the niqab (also known as the hijab). Activists claim that the Austrian government’s 2021 release of an internet map of Islamic mosques, community centres, and other locations poses a severe security danger to these establishments.
How Islamophobia is a sign of extremism?
Nevertheless, extremism generally possesses an intense sense of self-righteousness and an unwavering belief in one’s truth. The deeply ingrained feeling of righteousness allows the believer to develop a critical mindset toward the views of others, which is followed by intolerance. Unfortunately, the suffering that exists in Pakistan is indescribable. Although Gen. Ziaul Haq, the former dictator, may have been the most responsible for encouraging radicalism and intolerance for his limited benefit, he is not the only one. Yet, no one has made any real effort to stop the decay since he was slain 36 years ago. Islamophobia is not simply an indication of extremism; it also reflects anti-Muslim sentiment in the Western World, which feeds the flames of bigotry against Muslims worldwide. Additionally, it promotes a highly derogatory narrative about Muslims and labels them as a threat to Western culture and civilization. Thus, Islamophobia is a manifestation of extremism, indicating the extreme views held by non-Muslims toward the Muslim population.
Remedial measures that encounter extremism
Extremism and Islamophobia are just like a giant devil that possesses the whole Muslim Ummah. Consequently, it is essential to remove this catastrophe from the entire globe. Islamophobia can be countered through some strict remedial measures.
“The question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be.”
(Martin Luther King)
- By centralizing Muslim Ummah
Although the term Islamophobia is a hard nut to crack, it can be combated by taking proactive measures to lessen prejudice. Above all, the Muslim community must unite on one platform to deal with it. Since maintaining international connections and fostering collaboration need unity, the Muslim community should unite behind a single goal to confront anti-Islamic ideology worldwide, allowing Islam’s adversaries to be detained before acting in a hateful manner toward Muslims. Along with eradicating Western phobia, Muslim nations must promote a neutral and cooperative climate within the society. As Allah says in Surah Al-‘Anbiya’-92, “Indeed this, your religion (Ummah), is one religion (Ummah), and I am your Lord, so worship Me”. Thus, to eliminate extremism and Islamophobia worldwide, the Muslim community must come together on a single platform.
- By making explicit the correct comprehension of Islam over the World
Undoubtedly, Islam is a religion of charity, peace, and prosperity, but the World misinterprets it due to some wolf-like ulama that use Islam for their own sake. Therefore, worldwide awareness campaigns and peace negotiations are needed for this, especially in the Western nations where Islamophobia is most pervasive. Furthermore, Muslims residing in the West are expected to embody genuine compassion through Islamic principles. In addition to altering the global perspective on Muslims, it may also impact in what manners the common populace perceives Islam. In conclusion, it is critical to make it clear to the World that Islam opposes the pursuit of violence and chaos. As the Holy Quran describes in the Surah Al Baqarah-190, “You may fight in the cause of GOD against those who attack you but do not aggregates. God does not love the aggressors”.Thus, to evacuate Islamophobia and extremism, the World must understand Islamic teachings and their nature accurately.
- By guaranteeing the impartial and favourable involvement of social networking sites and the media
Undoubtedly, social media builds a wall around the World from which no one can escape. Unfortunately, it is a weakness of Islamic scholars that they cannot adhere to the wrong misinterpretation of Islam by social media. Hence, The main factor fostering the impression of Islamophobia has been the biased role played by the worldwide press. Grimly, humanity lives in an era of information warfare, where certain events are made worse. For instance, the media has frequently highlighted occurrences that were Islamophobic to foster hatred toward the Muslim population in recent history, which includes the incidents of 9/11 and the Bombay attack. Any suspicious conduct carried out by a bearded man counts as a terrorist assault. On the other hand, non-Muslims’ violent activities are permitted as accidents like the massacre of Myanmar Muslims and the Palestine community. In summary, the concept of Islamophobia would have been eliminated by now if the media had played a positive and unbiased role.
- By enhancing Western world direct interaction
The speed of mass media has reached new heights in the modern era due to globalization. As a result, Muslims and the Western community may engage directly without any difficulty. However, Westerners must have a closed-minded understanding of the actual doctrines of Islam. Correspondingly, Muslims living in the West are supposed to conduct their lives as actual examples of kindness, as taught by Islam. It might affect how the public perceives Islam as well as how the outside world perceives Muslims. For instance, One of the well-known converts to Islam is Mike Tyson. While serving a jail sentence in the mid-1990s, the former heavyweight champion converted to Islam. Muhammad Ali, another legendary boxer, became an Islamic convert in the middle of the 1960s. These instances demonstrate that their conversion to Islam adhered to extensive research and observation of the religion. Thus, the direct connection between the Muslim community and the West is necessary to resolve any concerns connected to Islamophobia and extremism.
- Ensuring that global Islamic organizations play a meaningful role
The adage, “United we rise, and divided we fall,” emphasizes the strength of unity. Even though Islamic organizations like the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) represent half of the World’s population and have a GDP of US$ 23.948 trillion, their internal flaws have prevented them from accurately representing Islam’s core values and eliminating Islamophobia worldwide. Therefore, to counteract Islamophobia, these organizations and Muslim nations ought to collaborate. As Allah says in the Quran, “Hold fast together to the cable of Allah and be not divided” (3:103). That is the only way to defeat the ideology of Islamophobia and defend the rights of Muslims worldwide.
Critical analysis
Critically, Islamophobia is undoubtedly a sign of extremism because it Highlights the extreme and negative mindsets of non-Muslims towards Muslims. Islamophobic disapproval of Muslims and everything Islamic is fueled by ignorance and fear. Right-wing and fundamentalist Christian circles are among the numerous places in the globe where there is a profound “othering” of Muslims. These days, the term “extremist” does not exclusively refer to Muslims; many individuals with affiliations to other religions are also prone to practising extremist behaviour. For example, the demolition of the Babri Mosque and the widespread mistreatment of Muslims in India are examples of fanaticism that led to the development of Islamophobia.
Even though the entire globe has been entangled in this scourge, the only chance for ending Islamophobia is found in the Muslim community and Muslim organizations. It is possible to mitigate Islamophobia by using some progressive strategies. The Muslim Ummah should be centralized first and should have a correct understanding of Islamic teachings. Moreover, by operating with integrity, social media and worldwide Muslim organizations may deliver the last blow. Thus, only the Muslim Ummah can wipe off the dirt on Muslims due to Islamophobia

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