
Explain the Concept of Self-Purification in the Light of the Qur’ān and Sunnah and its Impact on Society.

CSS 2017 Islamiyat Past Paper Question, "Self-Purification in Islam and its Impacts" is solved by Miss Ayesha Irfan...

CSS 2017 Solved Islamiyat Past Papers | Self-Purification in Islam and its Impacts

The following question of Islamiat is solved by Miss Ayesha Irfan, the highest scorer in CSS Islamiat. Moreover, the question is attempted on the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

Question Breakdown

About this specific question, the examiner has asked about the concept of self-purification in the light of the holy Quran and Sunnah, and he has also asked about its social impacts. Basically, this question is divided into two sub-questions, carrying ten marks each. First, you have to develop an understanding of the concept of self-purification. Afterwards, you have to write three to five arguments with strong evidence to better explain the impacts of self-purification on society. Finally, end your answer with a critical analysis and a conclusion.



2-Understanding the term ‘self-purification’

3-Expounding the concept of human self (Nafs) in Islam

4-An overview of types of human selves (Nafs) in Islam

  • ✓The Inciting Self (Nafs-e-Ammara)
  • ✓The Reproaching Self (Nafs-e-Lawwama)
  • ✓The Tranquil Self (Nafs-e-Mutmainna)

5-The concept of self-purification in the light of the holy Quran

6-The concept of self-purification in the light of the Sunnah

7-The impacts of self-purification on society

  • Mitigating social evils
    • Evidence: Verses 17 to 21 of Surah Al-Lail state, “He who gives his wealth to purify himself and does not accept any reward from anyone, but seeks only the pleasure of his Lord, the Most Exalted, and surely, soon he will be well-pleased.”
  • Promoting high ethics and morals
    • Evidence: Imam Al-Ghazali wrote in his book ‘The Revival of Religion Sciences’ that manners are the reflection of a person’s soul and its inner image.
  • Mounting humanitarian initiatives
    • Evidence: The last Prophet (PBUH) said, “The dearest of people to Allah Almighty is the one who does most benefit to people, and the dearest of deeds to Allah, the Exalted, is joy that you bring to a Muslim, or relieving him of distress, or paying off debt for him, or dispelling his hunger. And to walk with a brother to meet his needs is dearer to me than observing itikaaf in this mosque, the mosque of Madinah, for a month.”
  • Fostering a sense of self-accountability in society
    • Evidence: Hazrat Hassan Al-Basri said, “The true believer is a guardian of his own self and continuously calls his soul to account for the sake of Allah. The reckoning of the Day of Resurrection will only be easy for those who continuously call their souls to account in the life of this world.”
  • Instilling justice in society
    • Evidence: Verse 135 of Surah Nisa states, “Oh, you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even though it be against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, be he rich or poor, Allah is a better protector to both than you. So follow not your lusts, lest you may avoid justice, and if you distort your witnesses or refuse to give it, verily, Allah is ever well acquainted with what you do.”
  • Developing empathy and compassion
    • Evidence: Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Allah is compassionate and loves compassion. He gives for compassion what He does not give for harshness.”
  • Promoting social cohesion
    • Evidence: According to the hadith of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), “A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim. He does not oppress him, nor does he leave him at the mercy of others.”

8-Critical analysis


Answer to the Question


The cornerstone of Islamic teachings, which form the basis of Islamic society, is self-purification. There are essentially two ideas that fall under the general heading of self-purification. There are two types of purification: spiritual and physical. While both spiritual and physical purification have received a lot of attention in Islam, inner-self-purification has received more attention. Since it is simple for a man to wash away dirt, Islam has unquestionably placed a strong emphasis on the purification of the inner self (nafs), and filth from his body and environment, but the man finds it extremely challenging to cleanse his inner self. According to scholar Amin Ehsan Islahi, the divine Messengers’ main goal was to highlight how crucial it is for people to refine and purify themselves.In essence, inner self-purification aids in the removal of spiritual illnesses from the heart, including rage, jealousy, hatred, worldly attachment, voracity, and self-importance. In the meantime, it assists people in decorating their hearts with calmness, humility, kindness, honesty, and truthfulness. Without a doubt, self-purification has a big impact on society because it drives out social evils, encourages morality and ethics, makes people feel more accountable to themselves, and strengthens social bonds. As a result, self-purification promotes prosperity in society and improves living conditions worldwide.

Understanding the term ‘self-purification’

Jalaluddin Muhammad Balkhi, also known as Rumi, said,

“Purify yourself from the attributes of self (nafs), so that you may see your own pure and untarnished essence.”

Before moving ahead, it is vital to understand the meaning of self-purification. Basically, self-purification in Arabic is called Tazkiyah-e-nafs, which has two words. Tazkiyah means to purify, and nafs means soul, self. Therefore, Tazkiyah-e-nafs refers to the purification of the soul and heart from wickedness and the association of the inner self with virtuousness. Moreover, it has two stages: first, expelling evil acts and adorning good virtues. Imam Ghazali said,

“Self- purification is a process of cleansing oneself from savagery, bestiality, and demonic traits, which are then filled with divine qualities.”

This fact highlights that self-purification means to purify the inner self from all kinds of ills, like disbelief, insincerity, dissembling, enviousness, greediness, and worldly desires. At the same time, self-purification refers to beautifying the heart with lofty attributes of repentance, determination, thankfulness, fear of Allah, trustfulness, and kindness. Therefore, self-purification is about expelling all sins, evils, and vices and then adorning the self by developing it, refining it, and reforming it with noble manners. 

Expounding the concept of human self (Nafs) in Islam

To continue, it is crucial to grasp the concept of self (nafs) in Islam because self-purification is also a struggle of a person against the inciting self to actualize the tranquil self. Basically, nafs is an Arabic word whose literal meaning is self. Generally, it also refers to the desires and lust of a man. Moreover, the holy Quran uses the word self (nafs) to indicate a person’s inner self and consciousness and awareness of right and wrong, influencing behavioural responses and attitudes. Therefore, the self (nafs) is something within human beings that influences their actions. Additionally, self-purification is attained when humans are able to control their inner selves (nafs) from attaining evil desires. Verse 40 of Surah An Naziat states,

“And as for those who were in awe of standing before their Lord and restrained themselves from evil desires, paradise will be their home.”

This verse signifies that people who worship their Lord and purify their inner selves by abandoning evil desires will enter paradise. Hence, self (nafs) is the inner potential of a man to do good or a bad thing. 

An overview of types of human selves (Nafs) in Islam

To add on, three adjectives have been used in the Holy Quran to describe three different types of human selves (nafs). Here, light has been shed on the types of human selves (nafs). 

  • The Inciting Self (Nafs-e-Ammara)

To begin with, the self-Amarah (nafs-e-ammara) is the first type of self (nafs) that rules over human beings. Basically, it is dominated by inner desires and gratification. When the inner self (nafs) of a man desires anything, it overshadows the consciousness of right and wrong, forcing him to fulfil his desires by any means. Moreover, a person with an inciting self commits sins willingly without any regret. Certainly, the inciting self influences people’s actions, making them subjugated to evil desires. Verse 53 of Surah Yusuf states,

“Indeed, the soul (nafs) is inclined to evil.”

This verse indicates that the human soul is prone to evil desires, such as greed, lust for power, arrogance, jealousy, selfishness, and so on. That is why Muslims are urged to control their evil desires, purifying their inner selves from sins. In short, the inciting self urges a man to do evil. 

  • The Reproaching Self (Nafs-e-Lawwama)

Next, the reproaching self (nafs-e-lawwama) is the second type of human self (nafs). Basically, the word Lawwamah means to incriminate, to reproach, and to repent. When people with the reproaching self commit sins, they feel guilty of their actions, eventually leaving the path of sins because of consistent repentance. Verse 2 of Surah Al-Qiyamah states,

“And I do swear by the self approaching soul!”

This fact highlights that Allah has sworn an oath by the self-reproaching conscience to show honor for the believing souls who take account of their deeds and regrets, feel sorry for their shortcomings, and reproach themselves, ultimately abandoning the path of sin. Thus, the reproaching self makes people accountable for their sinful acts, forcing people to be sorry for their wrong acts. 

  • The Tranquil Self (Nafs-e-Mutmainna)

Besides the inciting and reproaching selves, the tranquil self (nafs-e-mutmainna) is the third type of human self (nafs). Under the umbrella of the tranquil self, there are basically two concepts. First, people with the tranquil self are satisfied with the decisions of Allah Almighty; their happiness is linked with those decisions and acts that please their Lord, the Exalted. Second, the tranquil self is a state of serenity, tranquillity, and peace for people who have reached the stage where they no longer commit wrong actions and bad deeds. In verses 27-28 of Surah Al-Fajr, the Allah Almighty said,

“Allah will say to the righteous, ‘O tranquil soul! Return to your Lord, well-pleased with Him and well pleasing to Him.”

These verses depict that the real slaves of Allah Almighty do not let their inner selves (nafs) be led astray by evil desires; ultimately, they become satisfied and tranquil.

Furthermore, in this worldly material life, everyone else is striving to achieve pleasure, but the tranquil self (nafs) is yearning to meet his Lord, Allah Almighty. Surely with the remembrance of Allah do hearts find calmness, and Allah gives this person a special gift, a return to his Master in a state of tranquility. To sum up, the tranquil self is the self that feels peace and satisfaction at following the right path and abandoning the wrong ways. 

The concept of self-purification in the light of the holy Quran

In succession, the purification of the soul is a prerequisite for closeness to Allah, the Exalted. Indeed, the whole point of mortality and spirituality is to purify one’s soul. It is only then that the soul starts shining by obtaining the love of the Lord via self-purification. Moreover, the holy Quran teaches Muslims that success and salvation in this life and in the hereafter depend on self-purification. Verse 14 of Surah Al-Ala states,

“Indeed, he who has purified himself shall succeed.”

This verse highlights that a Muslim can become successful by abandoning unbelief, polytheism, and bad deeds and adorning himself with one’s conduct with good deeds and a strong faith in monotheism, the foundation of Islam. Furthermore, verses 88-89 of Surah As-Shuaraa state,

“The day when neither wealth nor children will be of any benefit. Only those who come before Allah with a pure heart will be saved.”

These verses depict that on the Day of Resurrection, money and offspring cannot save a man from the hellfire; rather, his clean heart will save him from the burning fire. Next, verses 7-10 of Surah Shams state,

“And by the soul and He Who perfected it, then inspired it to understand what is wrong and what is right for it. Indeed, he succeeds who purifies it, and indeed, he fails who corrupts it.”

These verses again indicate that Allah Almighty has stressed the fact that self-purification will bring success in this life and hereafter. Thus, the only standard for getting success and appeasement from the Lord of the Universe is self-purification. 

The concept of self-purification in the light of the Sunnah

Now, delving into the concept of self-purification in light of the Sunnah. Certainly, Allah, the Exalted, has sent His Prophets to humanity from time to time to guide human beings to the path of purity. Before exploring further, it is pertinent to note that the literal meaning of the Sunnah is the path; therefore, it refers to the path shown by the holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through his sayings, acts, tacit consents, and acknowledgments of statements and activities. Further, the holy Prophet (PBUH) not only taught Muslims to maintain outward cleanliness but also alluded to Muslims to purify their inner selves. When the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) returned from one of his campaigns and told his companions, “You have come from the smaller jihad to the greater jihad.” They said, “And what is the greater jihad?” Then the Prophet (PBUH) replied,

“The striving of Allah’s servant against their idle desires.”

This hadith clarifies that the struggle of a Muslim against the inciting self to attain the tranquil self is the greatest battle that Muslim fought to acquire self-purification.  In addition, self-purification is a key to paradise, as the last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said, “No human being will enter Paradise if there is as much as the weight of a seed of arrogance in his heart.” This hadith highlights that as arrogance is one of the impurities of the inner self, the impure heart will not be allowed to enter paradise. Thus, self-purification is a definite criteria to gain success in the life hereafter because it purifies a human’s heart from all sorts of impurities.Apart from that, the holy Prophet (PBUH) also defines the best people in sight of Allah. Abdullah bin Amr (R.A.) reported: We said, “O Messenger of Allah (PBUH), who are the best people?” The Prophet (PBUH) replied, “One with a heart swept clean and truthful speech.” Then we said, “O Messenger of Allah (PBUH), we know truthfulness in speech. What is a heart swept clean?” The Prophet (PBUH) said, “One that is God fearing and pure, in which there is neither sin nor transgression nor envy.” We said, “Who shows a sign of it?” The Prophet (PBUH) replied, “One who despises worldliness and loves the Hereafter.” We asked,“And who shows a sign of it?” The Prophet (PBUH) answered, “A believer with good character.” This hadith indicates that the best person is someone who has a purified heart, which means he is not inclined towards sins. Such a person has no lust for this material world, highlighting the qualities of self-purification. Thus, through self-purification, a person can become the best person in sight of Allah. 

 The impacts of self-purification on society

In addition, self-purification rendered great impacts on society, making society evolve in a better way. Here, some impacts of the self-purification on society are discussed.

  • Mitigating social evils

First, self-purification helps society evolve by reducing social evils. Essentially, through self-purification, a person can abandon sinful acts and evil desires and beautify his inner self with good deeds and virtues. Undoubtedly, when a person’s self is purified, he is able to control his evil desires. As a result, social crimes are reduced, making society prosperous. Moreover, when people’s inner selves are purified, they do not lust for this material world, minimizing corruption, dissembling, theft, and so on. Verses 17 to 21 of Surah Al-Lail state,

“He who gives his wealth to purify himself and does not accept any reward from anyone, but seeks only the pleasure of his Lord, the Most Exalted, and surely, soon he will be well-pleased.”

These verses signify that when a person gives a portion of wealth as charity to needy ones, he can purify his inner self because charity helps in getting rid of the love for this world. Verily, people with purified souls do not want to attain power, accumulate wealth, and acquire luxuries of life, ultimately reducing social evils. Thus, self-purification is a vital factor for the evolution of society as it helps in mitigating social evils. 

  • Promoting high ethics and morals

Second, self-purification also promotes high ethics and morals in society, prompting effective evolution. Self-purification is the process of expelling bad deeds and adorning good deeds within one’s personality. Therefore, when a person’s inner self is purified, he is reluctant to indulge in sinful acts, like lying, deception, aggressive behavior, self-pride, and so on. Rather, he is inclined towards high moral values, such as truthfulness, honesty, kindness, humbleness, patience, justice, etc. Imam Ghazali wrote in his book ‘The Revival of Religion Sciences; that manners are the reflection of a person’s soul and its inner image. This fact depicts that the good manners and ethics of the person are the reflection of the purified soul. Hence, self-purification undeniably promotes high moral values in people, making society evolve in a productive way. 

  • Mounting humanitarian initiatives

Third, self-purification is a crucial factor for the evolution of society as it fosters humanitarian activities in society. Essentially, self-purified people serve humanity for the sake of Allah Almighty, sowing the seed of compassion, kindness, and helpfulness within society. Once a man came to the holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and asked, “O Messenger of Allah (PBUH), who among people are dearest to Allah? Then the last Prophet (PBUH) replied, “

The dearest of people to Allah Almighty is the one who does most benefit to people, and the dearest of deeds to Allah, the Exalted, is joy that you bring to a Muslim, or relieving him of distress, or paying off debt for him, or dispelling his hunger. And to walk with a brother to meet his needs is dearer to me than observing itikaaf in this mosque, the mosque of Madinah, for a month.

This hadith demonstrates that Allah has enjoined Muslims to serve humanity to please their Lord. Furthermore, Muslims with purified souls endeavor to please Allah Almighty by serving humanity. In this way, humanitarian initiatives surge in society, making the society evolve in a better way. Therefore, self-purification is a vital element for the evolution of society as it assists humanitarian initiatives. 

  • Fostering a sense of self-accountability in society

Fourth, self-purification creates a sense of self-accountability with people, thereby evolving society. Basically, self-accountability refers to a person’s own review of his activities, identifying wrongdoings and promising correction in the future. Moreover, self-purification is a struggle of the person against the inciting self to actualize the tranquil self. To achieve self-purification, the person always analyzes his actions, whether they are wrong or right, creating a sense of self- accountability. Hazrat Hassan Al-Basri said,

“The true believer is a guardian of his own self and continuously calls his soul to account for the sake of Allah. The reckoning of the Day of Resurrection will only be easy for those who continuously call their souls to account in the life of this world.”

This quote indicates that a Muslim is responsible for his own deeds and becomes successful in this world and hereafter through self-accountability. Unequivocally, when people hold themselves accountable to Allah Almighty, they abstain from social evils, like bribery, corruption, theft, dissembling, etc., making society flourish. Hence, self-purification is an essential element for the evolution of society because it instils a sense of self-accountability in people. 

  • Instilling justice in society

Fifth, self-purification is surely a vital element for the evolution of society as it instills justice in society. Basically, self-purification creates a sense of self- accountability that prevails in society at a higher level, making the institutions of a state strong enough to do justice. Certainly, when the rulers, judges, and other higher authorities hold themselves accountable, they neither do favoritism norcome under the influence of the powerful, prevailing justice in society. Verse 135 of Surah Nisa states,

Oh, you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even though it be against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, be he rich or poor, Allah is a better protector to both than you. So follow not your lusts, lest you may avoid justice, and if you distort your witnesses or refuse to give it, verily, Allah is ever well acquainted with what you do.

This fact highlights that Allah, the Exalted, has ordered Muslims to hold justice with everyone, even with enemies. In addition, purified souls become submissive to the orders of Allah Almighty, trying to act justly. Therefore, self- purification is an important feature for the evolution of society. 

  • Developing empathy and compassion

Sixth, self-purification is an imperative element for the evolution of society because it develops empathy and compassion among people. Basically, through self-purification, a person’s inner self gets cured of spiritual diseases; hence, the person becomes free from jealousy, aggression, hatred, and arrogance. Furthermore, a self-purified person develops empathy and compassion for others, showing kind, loving, and caring behaviour. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said,

“Allah is compassionate and loves compassion. He gives for compassion what He does not give for harshness.”

This hadith signifies that Allah Almighty has ordained Muslims to show compassion for others to get reward from their Lord. Additionally, people with purified souls obey Allah, the Exalted, to please Him by showing mercy, kindness, empathy, and compassion for every class of society, thereby making society thrive. Thus, self-purification helps society evolve by developing empathy among people. 

  • Promoting social cohesion

Seventh, self-purification is a crucial element for the evolution of society as it promotes social cohesion. Certainly, when people struggle to abandon sinful acts for acquiring self-purification, the crime rate will decrease in society, bringing satisfaction and unity among people. Besides that, when people hold themselves accountable for their actions, justice will prevail in society, providing equal rights to everyone in society. These factors help society thrive, promoting unity and cohesion among people. According to the hadith of the Holy Prophet (PBUH),

“A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim. He does not oppress him, nor does he leave him at the mercy of others.”

This hadith depicts that Islam promotes social unity and urges Muslims to help each other in times of distress. Undeniably, social cohesion is attained through self-purification by casting aside arrogance, harshness, deception, cruelty, etc. Therefore, self-purification is an essential element for the evolution of society. 

Critical analysis

Critically, self-purification is undeniably an essential element for the evolution of society because it transforms the inner selves of people from wickedness to virtuousness, minimizing social evils and promoting justice, humanitarian activities, moral values, and unity in society. Undeniably, self-purification is one of the vital messages of Islam, urging people to adopt spiritual purification along with physical purification, making Islamic society an epitome of perfection. However, the condition of Islamic society in today’s era clearly demonstrates that Muslims have ignored the teachings of Islam, neglecting the importance of self-purification. Evidently, the Muslim world is grappled with the menace of deception, corruption, greediness, theft, arrogance, dishonesty, and the lust of the material world, resulting in the devolution of society. Therefore, Muslims should focus on their self-purification to attain success and development. Furthermore, Muslims can acquire self-purification by following the teachings of the Holy Quran and Sunnah. Certainly, self-purification can be attained by offering prayers, observing fasts, paying Zakat, and performing Hajj, because these five pillars of Islam abstain Muslims from sinful acts and attract them towards good deeds. Thus, the attainment of self-purification is necessary for Muslims, as it is an essential element for the evolution of society. 

Hazrat Ali said,

“Body is purified by water. Ego by tears; Intellect is purified by knowledge, and soul is purified with love”


Conclusively, self-purification is the most important theme in Islamic theology because it is not only a prerequisite for closeness to Allah Almighty but also a significant factor that makes society an example of perfection. Essentially, it is a crucial driver for bringing productive change in society, as it alleviates social evils and promotes high moral values, humanitarian activities, self-accountability, justice, compassion, and unity in society by expelling bad deeds and evil desires and adorning one's heart with good deeds. In short, self-purification helps society evolve. 

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