CSS Solved Islamiat Past Papers | Self-Purification is an Essential Element for the Evolution of Society Explain.
The following question of Islamiat is solved by Miss Ayesha Irfan, the highest scorer in CSS Islamiat. Moreover, the question is attempted on the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

Question Breakdown
In this question, the examiner has demanded the proper explanation of self-purification as an Essential Element for the Evolution of Society. However, to secure good marks in Islamic studies, giving an appropriate introduction and the types of self/nafs is crucial. Furthermore, the Concept of nafs concerning the Holy Quran will enhance the quality of one’s answer after it hits the central part of the question with appropriate incidences. To explain this part, one can mention elements for the evolution of society according to Quran and Hadith.
1- Introduction
2- Understanding the term self-purification
3- The types of nafs
- ✓Nafs al- Amarah
- ✓Nafs al-Lawamah
- ✓Nafs al-Muthmainnah
4- The Concept of the term nafs within the Qur’an
- ✓Nafs Signifying the Soul, human Being, the Heart, Power of Understanding, and an Inclination to Good and Evil.
5- Self-purification is an essential element for the evolution of society according to the Quran and Hadith
- ✓self-purification mounting Humanitarian initiatives
- ✓self-purification fostering mutual understanding
- ✓self-purification Fostering Cooperation
- ✓self-purification initiating solidarity across diverse communities
- ✓self-purification nurturing a culture of moral integrity
- ✓self-purification increasing Harmony in society
- ✓self-purification instilling Justice in society
6- Critical analysis
7- Conclusion

Answer to the Question
The central tenet of Islam is the purification of the self (tazkiyah nafs), which implies that since the two are inextricably linked, people must maintain their bodies and souls in good condition. Someone who ignores his surroundings, clothes, and physical needs or who keeps himself filthy and chaotic is not considered pious. In actuality, the Quran’s teachings, the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) hadith, and his customs (Sunnah) have deeply embedded the idea of cleanliness and nafs in the Muslim mind. Scholar Amin Ehsan Islahi asserts that executing and instructing tazkiyah is the true aim of prophetic missionary work and the ultimate goal of Sharia law. Humans have an inherent need to maintain physical cleanliness (fitrah). In Islam, this cleanliness is defined as ritual washing or ablutions at the time of prayer, keeping the body, clothes, and surroundings clean, and cleaning off any dirt or grime from the body.
Understanding the term self-purification
The Arabic-Islamic term “tazkiyah” refers to tazkiyah al-nafs, which means “sanctification” or “purification of the self.”Nevertheless, tazkiyah literally means ” removing impurities and undesirable growth.”
However, the term “nafs” (self) refers to a sexual force that is linked to the entire body and collectively. It is the source of the traits that are considered blameworthy. Its purification entails removing all negative traits and acquiring the qualities of the positive traits.
According to the Quran,
(91:9) He who purifies it will prosper,
(91:10) and he who suppresses it will be ruined.
These verses are significant because they discuss the nature of the soul, its potentiality and duality, and the possibility of its defilement or purification. Therefore, this is the only set of verses in the Qur’an that mentions both the
The types of nafs
According to the Quran, “O you who have believed, upon you is [responsibility for] yourselves,” each person must decide what behaviour is proper in light of its teachings (5:105). Al-nafs al-Amarah, Al-nafs Al-lawwama, and Al-nafs Al-mutma’inna are the three different types of nafs.
إِنَّ النَّفْسَ لَأَمَّارَةٌ بِالسُّوءِ
Indeed, the nafs overwhelmingly command a person to do sin.[12:53]
This, therefore, alludes to that which is ruling over oneself, or nafs. This indicates that the nafs give us instructions and commands. Therefore, the nafs just command and dominate us when it has any desire, wish, or appetite. That nafs is the one in charge of a human being.
Furthermore, Lawwamah, it’s the same type of word as Ammarah and Allah Almighty has mentioned this in the Quran
وَلَا أُقْسِمُ بِالنَّفْسِ اللَّوَّامَة [75:2]
In this instance, “lawwam” refers to the acts of self-incrimination, self-reproach, taking responsibility, and self-mulamat. Thus, this is that nafs that can occasionally lead someone to commit a sin, but that nafs then accuse itself, condemn itself, and feel awful and guilty. After that, the person is meant to feel so much worse about their transgressions that they give up on them. Nafs-ul-mutmainnah is the nafs’ third usage in the Quran-e-Kareem.
يَا أَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ ارْجِعِي إِلَى رَبِّكِ رَاضِيَةً مَرْضِيَّةً
To the righteous, it will be said, “Oh reassured soul, return to your Lord well pleased, and pleasing to Him” [89:27-28]
The definition of mutma’in is having attained a calm state. The calm, satisfied, peace, and contentment nafs. Of course, the presence of both peace and satisfaction from doing sin and desiring sin makes this place peaceful. It has no illicit intentions. The nafs has desires; that much is true, but its desires are only positive ones.
The Concept of the Term nafs within the Qur’an
- ✓Nafs Signifying the Soul
This is demonstrated by the Qur’anic account of the soul (ruh) emerging from the body at death by the angels, who finally cause the disbelievers’ demise by ripping their souls from their bodies. Further, the human being as a whole, comprising both the body and the soul, is once again referred to as the nafs in the Qur’an. Q 31:28 is one of the verses that identifies this usage; it discusses and portrays the creation and resurrection of humans as being simple for God, as though it were the creation and resurrection of a single person. Moreover, The word “nafs” in this sense denotes the capacity of the human mind to comprehend and reason in order to arrive at and perceive particular ideas and concepts. Not only that, but the Qur’an has made it clear that a person can grasp an idea until it solidifies in his mind to the point where he is certain of its reality and takes it to be true, to the extent that he is concerned. Furthermore, within the Qur’an, the term “nafs” implies not only an intellectual meaning but also an emotional one. Some verses that suggest this kind of interpretation are Q. 7:205 and Q. 12:77, where it is said that the nafs are responsible for both remembering things (dhikr) and keeping things secret.
Except to these, One of the nafs’ most notable traits is its dual nature, which is described in the Qur’an as having an inclination toward both good and evil, as well as a propensity to fluctuate between the two. This is indicated in several verses, such as Q. 50:16, Q. 75:2, and Q. 79:37.
Allah says,
“He who purifies himself, who remembers the name of his Lord and prays, shall indeed be successful.” (TMQ, 87:14-15)
How is self-purification an essential element for the evolution of society?
- ✓Eliminating social evils
In Islam, sincere intention and forceful action are the first steps in the battle (jihad) against the nafs (ego). A Muslim’s battle is manifested in their deeds against wrongdoers and starts when they confront their ego, fear, and temporal desires. Once, the Prophet (PBUH) said, “There is none among you in whom there is not a devil”. “Even in you, O Messenger of God?” they asked. “Even in me, but God helped me to overcome him, and he has submitted to me, so he doesn’t order anything except good. However, self-purification is helpful in eliminating social evils because it forces people to exercise critical thought and discern between right and wrong or good and bad. “Abu Na’eem reported: Ibrahim ibn Adham, may Allah have mercy on him, said: The most difficult jihad is the struggle against desire. Whoever can prevent himself from his desires will be relieved from the world and its trials, and he will be protected and safe from its harms”.
- ✓Promoting high ethics and morals
Anas Karzoon said tazkiyah al-nafs is the purification of the soul from inclination towards evils and sins, and the development of its fitrah towards goodness, which leads to its uprightness and reaching ihsaan.” The initial awakening to purification is realising that the spiritual quest is more significant than our prior values for material possessions and aspirations. “Verily ethics and morals are according to intentions” is the first line of the tazkiyat al-nafs process, and “Worship Him as though you see Him” is the last: Ihsan, the station of perfect character.
- ✓Mounting Humanitarian initiatives
Moreover, self-purification mounts humanitarian initiatives in society. This element promotes human services for the sake of Allah, and it sows the seed of compassion within society. Allah said
“As for him who feared to stand before his Lord and he restrained himself from his desires, then Paradise will be his refuge.”Surah An-Naziat 79:40
- ✓Fostering mutual understanding
Self-purification promotes social understanding between people. This component plants the seed of compassion in society and encourages human services for Allah’s sake. The Prophet (PBUH) is reported to have said: “Allah is pure and likes purity; He is clean and likes cleanliness; He is generous and likes generosity; He is hospitable and loves hospitality, so clean your courtyards.” (Tirmidhi). Thus, accepting other people’s opinions is a crucial step toward self-purification.
- ✓Initiating solidarity across diverse communities
Islam views solidarity as a means of achieving social harmony, regulating social and economic relations, and promoting societal cohesion and unity. Undoubtedly, human self-purification is the source of this solidarity.
وَاعْتَصِمُوا بِحَبْلِ اللَّهِ جَمِيعًا وَلَا تَفَرَّقُوا
And Hold Fast To The Rope of Allah, All of You Together, and Do Not Be Divided. [Sureh Al Imran 3:103]
- ✓Nurturing a culture of moral integrity
One of the cornerstones of society ought to be the restoration of the morally upright and ethically strong culture, as demanded by the prophetic paradigm of leadership. Without a doubt, the only tool available for fostering a culture of moral integrity is self-purification. Undoubtedly, the Almighty gave humans particular traits among all of creation. From “the lowest of the low (as far al-sailing)” to “the highest of the high (a’la al-million),” humanity was created by the Almighty according to the quality of their honourable and dishonourable deeds.
- ✓Increasing Harmony among society
“Hold not yourselves purified; The Almighty knows very well him who is the Almighty-fearing.” (an-Najm, 32), scholars remark on the Quranic verse: “It is revealed concerning a group of people who would say, ‘We have our prayer, fasting, and pilgrimage to save us!'” A man would be better served by keeping his acts of worship and good deeds under wraps so they are not tainted by service and conceit. Therefore, self-purification eliminates man’s pride and arrogance and fosters Harmony in society.
- ✓Instilling Justice in society
The self, nafs, actually serves as a two-dimensional vehicle. It could bring justice to society and raise man’s value to the pinnacles of maturity, but it could also bring him down to the lowest of low. As a result, the self has the capacity to act as a double-edged knife in both directions. Nonetheless, the fundamental instrument that directs a person toward the correct path is self-purification.
يَا أَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ
O they human being that hast attained to inner peace(89:27)
Critical Analysis
Al Tazkiyah, or the purification of the heart and soul, is a central theme in the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and is vital to everyone’s existence. This cornerstone of Islam develops people’s morality, spirituality, and consciousness. Pure hearts and tazkiyah lead to qualities such as kindness, mercy, generosity, piety, dependability, which leads to social evolution. Critically, Tazkiyah is significant because it can feed people’s hearts and minds with praise for Allah and His qualities. However, three components made up of man- mind, body, and spirit—are all created by Allah (SWT). The element of excellence, without which a Muslim can never be fully realized, is the most significant and vital of the three. Thus, self-purification is the key to excellence that leads evolution in society.
To put it briefly, the main principle of Islam is the purification of the self (tazkiyah nafs), which suggests that people should take care of their bodies and souls since they are intertwined. When they’re in good shape, it ripples through to their community. Thus, self-purification plays a crucial role in society’s evolution because it promotes humanitarian initiatives, mutual understanding, Cooperation, solidarity across diverse communities, moral integrity, culture cultivation, Harmony among society, and implementation of justice. According to Iqbal,

CSS 2024 Solved Islamiat

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