
Elucidate How the Prophet of Islam (Peace Be Upon Him) Exemplified Him as the Greatest Peace Maker in the World by Making Reconciliation with Pagans, Jews and Christians?

CSS 2017 Islamiyat Past Paper Question, "Prophet of Islam (PBUH) as Peace Maker" is solved by Khirman Batool under the supervision of Miss Ayesha Irfan...

CSS 2017 Solved Islamiyat Past Papers | Prophet of Islam (PBUH) as Peace Maker

The following question of Islamiat is solved by Khirman Batool under the supervision of Miss Ayesha Irfan, the highest scorer in CSS Islamiat. Moreover, the question is attempted on the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

Question Breakdown

The examiner inquired about the most crucial moments in the peace-making of Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) life.  Also, in the second part, it is required to mention some examples of Prophet Muhammad( PBUH) that assisted in resolving the current-era problems. The first part is an outline, breaking the question into different parts. Moving further, an introduction is given, followed by important moments of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as a peace making, critical analysis, and conclusion.



2-Moments Prophet of Islam (Peace be upon him) exemplified him as the greatest peacemaker in the world by making reconciliation with pagans, Jews and Christians

  • ✓Establishing Hilf-ul-fudul to prevent peacekeeping
  • ✓Negotiating peacefully in Harb-ul-Fijar- the Sacrilegious wars
  • ✓Making a second pledge of al-Aqba to undermine the ethnic insurgencies
  • ✓Signing Treaty of Hudaybia to prevent wars between evergreen enemies
  • ✓Using the least violence in wars
  • ✓Giving human rights on the basis of equality
  • ✓Resolving conflicts of the disputed areas of Jews and pagans of Makkah
  • ✓Ensuring human rights
  • ✓Ensuring minorities’ rights
  • ✓Prohibiting attacks in civilian areas
  • ✓Backing with a strong navigation system

3-Critical analysis


Answer to the Question


Holy Prophet PBUH was the greatest bearer of peace in the world. In fact, his strategies, both military and diplomatic, encapsulate peace promotion and protection of humanity. His strategies are the beacon of light for resolving current problems of the world. As the world is advancing in each field, several conflicts have arisen, leading to the crossroads of wars. However, to minimize the bloodshed and violence and to promote serenity in the environment of the world, one should follow the path of peaceful measures on battlefields by following the guidelines from the strategies of the Holy Prophet PBUH. The strategies include peaceful negotiation as he did at times of the Treaty of Hudaibia, Hilf-ul-fudul, and al-Aqba pledge.

Moments Prophet of Islam (Peace be upon him) exemplified him as the greatest peacemaker in the world by making reconciliation with pagans, Jews and Christians

  • Establishing Hilf al-Fudul to prevent injustice

Holy Prophet PBUH had used peaceful measures to resolve any issue and his actions portray it. For instance, he resolves the matter of trade between al-As ibn Wail al-Sahmi and Yemeni merchant Zubaid. The former had purchased some goods from Zubaid and paid a little money, regardless of the agreed price, after knowing that the trader had no support in Makkah. However, the merchant made several appeals to the Quraysh for justice, but his appeals went in vain due to al-As ibn Wa’il’s stronghold within the Quraysh. Nevertheless, Hazrat Abu-Talib paid off his money; afterwards, he informed the action to Holy Prophet. To stop such incidents, he formed a confederacy or alliance known as Hilf al-Fudul with the intention of establishing justice for everyone through peaceful measures. Notwithstanding the brutality, he used a peaceful way to resolve the issue, especially for those who lacked clan protection. Thus, it imparts the sincerity of the Holy Prophet PBUH towards the provision of justice to everyone through peaceful measures.

  • Negotiating peacefully in Harb-ul-Fijar –  the sacrilegious wars

Holy Prophet’s PBUH strategy to solve conflicts among tribes was outstanding. As seen in the case of  Harb-ul-Fijar, the Sacrilegious Wars, among the Quraysh and the Hawazin, both tribes were involved in eight wars against each other in 4 years due to some conflicts. But the Holy Prophet PBUH has stepped forward to resolve the conflicts among the disputants. He PBUH had collected all the arrows of their battle and put them in front of both tribes. Later, The PBUH asked them to stop their wars, or all the arrows would be a stroke in their chests. In consequence, both parties have solved their disputes. As described by the Holy Prophet PBUH in the Quran, he is sent to you as a messenger and a threatener; the attributes have helped Him in resolving conflicts among tribes. Therefore, he used peaceful measures to resolve the long-standing war between the two tribes instead of violence.

  • ✓ Making second pledge of al-‘Aqaba to undermine the ethnic insurgencies

After being a resident of an independent state, the rise of various ethnic conflicts was a great threat. So, Holy Prophet PBUH solved it with wisdom. There was a chance of conflicts rising among Khazraj and Awsas. The former had done so more fervently than the latter. Additionally, of the two groups, there were 62 Khazrajis present at the second pledge of al-‘Aqaba and 175 Khazrajis at the Battle of Badr, compared to only 63 Aws members. The ethnic insurgency might rise due to such differences. Therefore, He tied the tribes into a brotherhood and considered them as one unit. The preempt and wisdom of the Prophet had dissolved the conflicts before they actually occurred in a peaceful way.

  • ✓ Signing treaty of al-Hudaybiya to prevent war between evergreen enemies

As the people of Makkah were mostly disbelievers, and Muslims had migrated due to their ill behaviour, both states were rivals of each other. Muhammad had been approaching Mecca with approximately 1,400 followers in order to perform the pilgrimage, however, Meccans misinterpret it as an attack on Makkah. So, a Meccan delegation met the Muslims at their stopping place, Al-Ḥudaybiyah, situated about 9 miles away. There were chances of getting war at the time that was stopped by the Holy Prophet PBUH through a peaceful act, the Treaty of al-Hudaybiya. The treaty eased tensions between the two cities and permitted Muhammad’s followers to return the next year on a non-violent pilgrimage, which came to be known as the First Pilgrimage. It also reaffirmed the status of peace for a decade. The treaty that ended hostilities between Medina and Makkah is considered the catalyst for the spread of Islam in Makkah and throughout the Arabian Peninsula in Islamic history.

  • ✓ Using the least violence in wars

He PBUH makes such strategies of battles that do the least violence. Like in the case of Ghazwa-e-Hunain, He PBUH had adopted the way of minimum violence by graving the trench on the sides of Madina. The Prophet PBUH gave clear orders not to attack any women, children, and old people of the opponents. Additionally, PBUH also forbade the destruction of any crops or farm animals with the intention of destroying the opponents. Afterwards, he PBUH was in favour of not violating pledges among parties even in case of battles among the parties. Even, he PBUH had diminished the culture of mutilating dead bodies of opponents. Thus, He protects humanity in eras of war.

  • ✓ Giving human rights on the basis of equity

Holy Prophet PBUH had always been a supporter of humanity. He promotes peace in every aspect of life. In his last sermon, he says, “All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a White has no superiority over a Black nor a Black has any superiority over a White except by piety and good action.” Moreover, he gave rights to women and slaves also in his sermon. So, he eliminated all ethnic issues based on race and religion, promoting peace.

  • ✓ Resolving conflicts of disputed areas of Jews and pagans of Makkah

The current situation of the world is getting worse. The conflicts of disputed areas in the world are to gain hegemony, which is leading towards the adverse side of the world. As seen in the Ukraine war, the crisis can be resolved by signing a peace treaty among the countries. Both countries have ideological differences, which can be resolved by taking an insight into Harb-ul-Fijar. If both parties are not willing to resolve their conflicts, a mediating body must step forward to resolve the conflict among them.

  • ✓ Ensuring human rights

The contemporary era has witnessed many cases of human rights in different areas of the world. Gaza crisis has been in headlights for years, where human rights violations are at their peak. Rather, Gaza is facing extreme genocidal attacks. The crisis can be resolved by applying the principles of battles demonstrated by the Holy Prophet. Moreover, it would also be resolved by the UN if the organization revised its strategy towards the barbarians. The UN must consider strict policies against human rights violations.

  • ✓ Ensuring minority’s rights

Minorities in today’s society are facing severe conditions. They are facing genocidal attacks and ethical violations throughout the world. For instance, the Uyghur community in China and Negro-Americans in the USA are facing humiliation and discrimination on the basis of religion and colour. But by following the guideline from the charter of Madina for minorities rights one can resolve todays crisis.  So, by bringing equality for all in a multi-religious society, one can resolve the current ongoing minority rights violation.

  • ✓ Prohibition of attack in civilian areas

The contemporary age sees an air of terrorism as battlefields have been shifted to civilian areas. The world has encountered it in different wars, like in Iraq had lit the oil well in Kuwait in Gulf war. Such incidences can be prevented through maintaining the guidelines of holy prophet that to not to spoil the livelihood related things of the people against which one is fighting. Such brutal incidents can be stopped and diminished by bringing moderation in rules of battle fields following the footsteps of Holy Prophet PBUH.

  • ✓ Backing with a strong navigation system

The era has adopted a reiki system that has been revolutionized with the advancement of social media. However, the scope of falsified news has been increased to the maximum. So, to bring peace to the world, each country should be more focused on spies and navigation systems to prevent destruction on a large scale. And the system should be based on the guidance of the Holy Prophet PBUH espionage system that would assist one in survival against sudden attacks from anyone. And the stronger the espionage system, the stronger backing in battles.

Critical analysis

Holy Prophet PBUH was believer of Peace; therefore, when a conflict was able to resolved by just signing treaty among rival countries, he prioritized the peaceful treaties over battles. Moreover, his humanity based strategies as military strategist would be a ray of light and hope in darkness of the era. By following his methods one would be able to resolve long-standing, unresolved and ethical conflicts and end the ongoing battles of the world. Moreover, one should make long-term peace agreements instead of wars and their settlement.


All in all, the current scenario of wars based on conflicts and the ethical death of humanity can be resolved by taking guidance from the life of the Holy Prophet PBUH to overcome the destruction of the battles and promote peace in times of battles. For instance, the evergreen rivalry between India and Pakistan can be resolved by taking guidance from the Treaty of al-Hudaybiya, where long-standing neighbour countries ended their rivalry and signed a peace treaty for the next ten years. The Russia-Ukraine war can be resolved by agreeing to the convergences of both countries signing a long-term peace agreement among both countries and giving human rights to all. Thus, by taking an insight from the life of the Holy Prophet PBUH, one can resolve current issues through peaceful measures.

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