
How Can the System of Accountability in Pakistan be Idealized in the Teachings of the Holy Prophet?

CSS Islamiat 2024 question, "How Can the System of Accountability in Pakistan be Idealized in the Teachings of the Holy Prophet?" is Solved by Miss Ayesha Irfan...

CSS Solved Islamiat Past Papers | How Can the System of Accountability in Pakistan be Idealized in the Teachings of the Holy Prophet?

The following question of Islamiat is solved by Miss Ayesha Irfan, the highest scorer in CSS Islamiat. Moreover, the question is attempted on the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

Question Breakdown

In this question, the examiner has demanded the proper explanation of how the system of accountability in Pakistan is idealized in the teachings of the Holy Prophet. However, in order to secure good marks in Islamic studies, giving a proper introduction to the current situation of accountability in Pakistan is crucial. Furthermore, the importance of accountability with reference to the Holy Quran will enhance the quality of one’s answer. After it hit the main part of the question with appropriate incidences. To explain this part, one can mention the incidents from the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) related to the system of accountability.


1- Introduction

2- Current situation of the system of accountability in Pakistan

  • ✓Politicized accountability, corruption, politicization of the system, weak judicial system, absence of true democracy, and weak system of law and order have engulfed the country.

3- Importance of accountability with reference to the Holy Quran

  • ✓Everyone is responsible for their work, and he/she is accountable for that. Allah did not create us without any purpose. For these purposes, we are created as the Khalifa (vicegerent). (2:30)

4- Idealizing the system of accountability in Pakistan according to the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

  • ✓By establishing rule of law
  • ✓By strengthening of accountability institutions
  • ✓By enforcing  justice in society
  • ✓By strengthening the accountability department
  • ✓By rejecting power and bribing receivers
  • ✓By maintaining the equality of humans in society
  • ✓By foisting appropriate taxes
  • ✓By enforcing merit selection of people for the governmental offices
  • ✓By establishing economic justice and the law of equality
  • ✓By proclaiming the Principle of Consultation as per the Qur’anic order

5- Conclusion

Answer to question


Accountability plays a fundamental, substantial, and vital role in the development and transformation of both the individual and the community. In Pakistan, one of the most often used political catchphrases is “accountability.” Statements like “accountability for all,” “across-the-board accountability,” and “Pakistan has no future until the menace of corruption is seriously tackled” may be merely political catchphrases. Still, they fundamentally shape the narrative around accountability. In its broader sense, it means teaching and preparing every individual and organization to become aware of their responsibility for the results of a role they have been given. Current accountability laws desperately need to be reviewed in order to effectively combat the threat of corruption, systemic politicization, and a feeble legal system. As a result, the only thing that saved the nation from this sorry state was the teachings of the Holy Prophet(PBUH).

Current situation of the system of accountability in Pakistan

In Pakistan, the discussion of accountability has always elicited strong feelings, deep division, and intense controversy. Unfortunately, the country has been facing politicized accountability, a weak judiciary, and corruption that fuels the existing fire of a weak accountability process. Since shortly after independence, Pakistan’s history of accountability has been fraught with controversy. For instance, since 1949, nearly every government-led accountability initiative has been accused of being a political victimization scheme. Furthermore, serious concerns have been raised regarding the quality of the ongoing accountability process by several court orders, observations made by judges during court proceedings, and at least one speech given in September 2019 by Justice Asif Saeed Khosa, the then-chief justice of Pakistan. However, the nation has been overtaken by a lack of genuine democracy, corruption, systemic politicization, a feeble legal system, and a feeble law and order apparatus.

Importance of accountability with reference to the Holy Quran

Islam takes its concept of accountability from the Quran. This verse has made all Muslims aware as believers:

Everyone is responsible for his/her works, and he/she is accountable for that. Allah did not create us without any purpose. Among the purposes, we are created as the khalifa (vicegerent)”. (2:30)

Therefore, every Muslim’s obligation to fulfil their assigned responsibilities in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Book is a straightforward analogy between hesab and accountability in Islam. Since traditional accountability mechanisms do not transcend human society or have any belief in a connection to God, Islam is thought to adhere to a broader concept than the modern sense of accountability. It extends far beyond financial accountability, where all actions are seen as having an accountability component. Nobody is above the law in the Islamic administrative system.

Idealizing the system of accountability in Pakistan according to the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

  • By establishing rule of law

Since its founding, Pakistan has been mired in a maze of political system politicization and a fragile legal and order system. Thus, adhering to the authentic teachings of Islam and the path of accountability modelled by the life of the Holy Prophet is the only path toward hope. For example, The Prophet (PBUH) declared that the governors were not allowed to wear silk clothing, keep Arab horses, keep a doorkeeper, or eat refined flour. Therefore, The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) dismissed Mu’az bin Jabal from Yemen and Al-Ala’ Ibnul-Hadhrami, his ‘Amil over Bahrain, after Abdu Qays’ delegation filed a complaint against him. Furthermore,  Officers earning large salaries, doorkeepers, chamberlains, and bribe recipients were all gone. Therefore, Pakistan desperately needs to implement this kind of accountability in order to combat challenges like corrupt practices, a lax rule of law, and politicized accountability.

  • By enforcing the true nature of justice

He (PBUH) absolved the government of all corruption and administrative errors, which are typically evident in Pakistani administration. Pakistan has regrettably experienced either no justice at all or delayed justice, and as the well-known proverb is concerned, “Delayed justice is denied justice.”In this sense, he (PBUH) set an example for the rest of the world by enforcing the reasonable laws of nature with true justice and moderation. Justice served to declare the support of both the weak and low classes and to promote mutual compromise between the parties involved in the case. Because Allah loves justice, he (PBUH) complied with the Quran’s instructions. For instance, A woman from the Quraish tribe stole something after they conquered Mecca. Her family attempted to claim that she was spared the “punishment” of having her hand amputated (hadd). Hazrat Usama Bin Zaid, the Prophet’s close friend, brought the issue to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) asked him if he wished to make an intercession on Allah’s behalf when he had done so. Then he(PBUH) replied, “By Him in Whose Hand Muhammad’s soul is, if Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad, stole, I would cut her hand.” Therefore, there is an urgent need to establish an accountability system for the Prophet’s teachings because Pakistan has been engulfed in a myriad of issues as a result of inadequate accountability.

  • By strengthening the accountability department

Regretfully, no marital status- or accountability mechanism has been found in Pakistan. Bribery, corruption, and a host of other ills have taken hold of Pakistan, impeding the development of a perfect accountability system. One important rule for accountability, for example, is that the various departments should have equal authority and responsibility. In the modern era, when problems are more complex in nature, their significance has grown. The prophetic era of Madinah State offers ample and excellent guidance and examples in this regard. “The holy prophet said to wait for Domesday when Al-Amana (Trust) is lost, such as the trust in moral responsibility, honesty, and all the duties Allah has ordained.” Therefore, an improved accountability system could be established in Pakistan by doing what the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did, which was to strengthen accountability associations.

  • By rejecting power and bribery

According to a maxim, “POWER tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” In Pakistan, a country still in its infancy, people have witnessed the process firsthand many times, so such words are easy to throw around. Islam strictly forbids bribery and power pride. For instance,  verse 188 of Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2) warns against unfairly bribing officials and acquiring wealth. It acts as a reminder that partaking in immoral behaviour upsets Allah’s delicate balance and feeds injustice and sin. When Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) was appointed Khalifa, he chose to keep the minimum wage of a labourer for himself. In addition, “he threatened to raise the labour minimum wage in order to boost his own pay if this minimum wage proved insufficient”. For the benefit of the nation, it is, therefore, essential to draw lessons from the lives of the Holy Prophet and his companions. Nonetheless, according to the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), abuse of power and bribery should be rejected, so Pakistan’s accountability system should be idealized.

  • By announcing the equality of humans in society

The fact that no decision was made without first hearing from the parties involved and that no one’s rights were violated without a chance to present a defence was another crucial aspect of his legal system. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) also gave the Qazis assigned outside of Madina the directive to consult with all parties involved before rendering a decision in any lawsuit. Regarding judicial matters, the door of recommendation was firmly shut. For instance, There was a Jewish man who had been harmed by a Muslim and went to the Prophet to seek justice. The Prophet showed his dedication to justice for all when he heard both sides of the argument and decided in the Jewish man’s favour. Because they practised discrimination in the administration of justice, many nations have perished in the past. Their respectable men were treated leniently when they committed crimes, but their ordinary men were punished by the law. He established the idea that everyone was equal in the eyes of the law. Therefore, maintaining equality before the law is essential to achieving a proper accountability mechanism in Pakistan.

  • By imposing appropriate taxes

He (PBUH) declared that all human rejects are equal, assessed the citizenship status of each state, and levied the proper taxes. Additionally, he (PBUH) suggested giving each tax a permanent name. For this, he (PBUH) established the finance office and appointed financial officers. In order to guarantee proper equality within society, he (PBUH) created specialized positions that led to the establishment of a comprehensive financial management system. By allocating funds to the impoverished class, including slaves and jaria (women slaves), in a way that preserved their dignity and respect in society, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) significantly raised their standard of living.

  • By preferring merit selection for the governmental offices

The most outstanding model of excellent morality and ethics, especially justice, is the Prophet Mohamed. His friends also looked up to him; in particular, the Prophet referred to the second Caliph, Omar Ibn el Khattab, as rational or wise because he could always distinguish between right and wrong. In one of his speeches after ascending to the position of second caliph, Omar Ibn el Khattab urged the populace to change him if they felt he was treating them unfairly. Knowing that God views all people as equals, with no distinction between the rulers and the ruled, he was placing himself on an equal footing with the general public.

  • By making a political economy based on economic justice and the law of equality

In Islam, one of the most crucial facets of justice is social and economic justice. There are three fundamental components to social justice in Islam, as Dr. Sayed Qotb explained in economic Justice in Islam. These are the social and economic interdependence of all members of the society, the total equality of men, and the freedom of conscience.

  • By declaring the Principle of Consultation as per the Qur’anic order

In accordance with the Quran’s command to “make consultation regarding your affairs,” he (PBUH) announced the Principle of Consultation. Because he rejected the society of authoritarians, hypocrites, and upper and lower classes, it has been demonstrated that the holy Prophet (PBUH) never proclaimed himself to be an authoritarian during his time in office. He (PBUH) felt that the best way to run the government was to meet regularly with the Cabinet of the State (government officials) and consult with the top ten companions (known as “Ashra-e-Mubashshira”) who were informed that they would be granted forgiveness and Jannah in their lives. The advice and recommendations from every member of the Senate and the House of Representatives were equally accepted by the Holy Prophet (PBUH). In order to make sure that the disabled were included in the consultation and decision-making process for the state, he (PBUH) also conferred with special people. Thus, in order to achieve accountability in Pakistan, the Principle of Consultation must be declared in accordance with the Qur’anic order, and consultation on every matter must be made.


Undoubtedly, Pakistan has been rendered with many administrative, social, and economic evils like bad governance, political polarization, weak democracy, and a lifeless law and order system due to a weak system of accountability. Therefore, the system of accountability in Pakistan is idealized in the teachings of the Holy Prophet. These lessons include establishing a real sense of democracy, upholding the real nature of justice, rejecting bribery and power, declaring that all people are equal in society, and enacting the right taxes. Furthermore, it is imperative that candidates for public office be chosen on the basis of their merit and expertise and that political economy be founded on the principles of equality and economic justice. Aside from this, the key elements that assist in rescuing Pakistan from this predicament are the proclamation of the Principle of Consultation in accordance with the Qur’anic order and the making of consultations regarding every matter.

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