
What is meant by National Reconciliation? What are its Ingredients? Can we Equate National Reconciliation with National Reconciliation Ordinance?

National Reconciliation and National Reconciliation Ordinance

CSS 2010 Solved Pakistan Affairs Past Papers | National Reconciliation and National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO)

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Question Breakdown

In this question, the examiner has asked you three things: first, the meaning of national reconciliation; second, the ingredients of national reconciliation; and third, can we equate it with the NRO issued by President Musharraf? So, give equal weightage to all three points.


1- Introduction

2- What is Meant by National Reconciliation?

3- What are the Ingredients of National Reconciliation?

  • ✔ Acknowledgment of Past Injustices
  • ✔ Justice and Accountability
  • ✔ Inclusivity and Representation
  • ✔ Dialogue and Mediation
  • ✔ Reparations and Compensation
  • ✔ Forgiveness and Healing
  • ✔ Legal and Institutional Reforms
  • ✔ Economic Equity
  • ✔ Political Will and Commitment

4- Why can’t we equate National Reconciliation with National Reconciliation Ordinance?

5- Conclusion

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Answer to the Question


National Reconciliation is a term used for establishing or fostering national unity in countries plagued with political issues, socio-political stratification, or political crisis. As a result, it enables the state and its citizens to realize the requirement of resolving conflict for a better future. The components or ingredients of National Reconciliation are Acknowledgment of Past Injustices, Justice and Accountability, Inclusivity and Representation, Dialogue and Mediation, Reparations and Compensation, Forgiveness and Healing, Legal and Institutional Reforms, Economic Equity, and Political Will and Commitment. We cannot equate it with national reconciliation. The following reasons prove the fact. First, it was criticized as a political tool used by the then-president to secure political alliances to legitimize and maintain his rule. Second, it had remained unable to address systematic issues.  Third, it was a short-term rather than long-term strategy to abate the political conflicts followed by another political crisis.  To conclude, the NRO cannot equate with the broad and inclusive concept of national reconciliation rather than a politically gain-motivated tool for securing alliances.

What is Meant by National Reconciliation?

National Reconciliation is a term used for establishing or fostering national unity in countries plagued with political issues, socio-political stratification, or political crisis. According to the United States Institute of Peace, reconciliation includes truth-telling and the sharing of historical narratives or dialogue to better the relations between the state and its citizens affected by conflict. As a result, it enables both to realize the requirement of resolving conflict for a better future. Besides, it aimed to cure national ethno-politico social and religious divides by addressing the issues through strategies like truth commissions, amnesty, and reparations. However, it promotes accountability and forgiveness. In addition, it establishes strong foundations for collective development and stability by highlighting the element of the common future.

What are the Ingredients of National Reconciliation?

The following points encapsulate the components or ingredients of National Reconciliation.

  • Acknowledgment of Past Injustices

The first ingredient of National Reconciliation requires three fundamental elements: recognizing injustices, seeking an apology, and truth-telling. It includes recognizing past violence, injustices, or wrongdoings that caused grievances on the part of the public and conflicts between the state and its citizens. Then, one must admit that it’s their responsibility to maintain or ensure justice. It can be merely a representative or a renowned leader. However, truth-telling involves documenting and analyzing the events or actions that caused conflicts or that led to the circumstances that led to a crisis.

  • Justice and Accountability

Second, justice and accountability that involves three significant actions for conflict resolution, such as addressing crimes happened in the past, restoration of justice for those crimes, and amnesty or pardons. Among these, amnesty or pardon is highly selective. Addressing past crimes involves fair trials or the establishment of truth commissions for the provision of justice against the responsible who are charged with crimes, such as corruption or violence. Restoration of justice not only involves punishing perpetrators but also making efforts to repair the harm caused by that incident.

  • Inclusivity and Representation

Third, inclusivity and representation involve three notable steps such as involving all stakeholders, consensus building, and gender inclusivity. Engaging all stakeholders involves civil society and political parties, among other religious and ethnic groups, in the process of national reconciliation. Consensus building includes granting equitable representation in decision-making to solve disputes. Then, gender inclusivity enables the participation of women and other marginalized groups in the decision-making process.

  • Dialogue and Mediation

Fourth, the dialogue and mediation involve open communication, third-party mediation, and trust-building measures. Open communication refers to the establishment of platforms that promote dialogue between conflicting groups. It can promote mutual understanding that can assist in dispute resolution.  Third-party mediation involves the process of engaging neutral mediators to facilitate dialogue that will eventually reduce tensions. Besides, trust building includes the process of transparency and mutual commitments to foster trust between the contending parties.

  • Reparations and Compensation

Next, the reparations and compensations involve compensations that may be moral and material. In addition, it includes rehabilitation programs. Material and moral compensations provide reparations who suffered the violence. These compensations may be in the form of fiscal or rebuilding destroyed communities in case of violence. Then, rehabilitation programs are designed to support the socio-economic well-being of the victims.

  • Forgiveness and Healing

Sixth, another ingredient of national reconciliation is forgiveness and healing. It encourages forgiveness; however, ensuring justice is a prerequisite.   Then, in the process, psychological support is provided ideally to cure post-trauma in case of bloodshed, violence, or any other insurgencies. Here, community healing programs help navigate the pragmatic remedies to cure victims of oppression to foster reconciliation.

  • Legal and Institutional Reforms

Seventh, the provision of legal and institutional reforms is another component that helps to strengthen the rule of law by reforming judicial systems. As a result, it helps in ensuring justice and equality in the future. Then, institutional accountability mechanism helps to address social ills like corruption and weak governance. It also includes human rights protections that give safeguards to prevent violence in the future.

  • Economic Equity

Eighth, economic equity is the component that aims to address inequality by mitigating economic disparities that are a source of discord. It also enables the passage of providing basic services to improve the well-being of the community. Besides, job opportunities help reduce poverty and strengthen the integration of different groups in the workforce.

  • Political Will and Commitment

Last, the essential component of national reconciliation is political will and commitment. It includes leadership accountability to affirm that leaders must genuinely commit to efforts instead of securing political gains. Then, long-term consistent policies or strategies are designed for sustainable reconciliation. It is also ensured that politics must not be polarized and actions must promote unity.

Why can’t we equate National Reconciliation with National Reconciliation Ordinance?

It can be referred to as the National Reconciliation Ordinance, which was the presidential National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) issued by the then President General Pervez Musharraf in 2007. But we cannot equate it with national reconciliation. The following reasons prove the fact. First, it was criticized as a political tool used by the then-president to secure political alliances to legitimize and maintain his rule. The reason is politics of patronage is deeply rooted in Pakistani politics, and representatives need patrons to maintain their ruling periods. Second, it had remained unable to address systematic issues.  Third, it was a short-term rather than long-term strategy to abate the political conflicts followed by another political crisis.  Last, the NRO can not equate with the broad and inclusive concept of national reconciliation rather than a politically gain-motivated tool for securing alliances.

The following diagram compares the NRO and concept of national reconciliation.

FeaturesNational ReconciliationNational Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO)
FoundationA broader, inclusive, long-term process focused on national healing and unityA presidential ordinance granting amnesty to politicians to secure alliances
AimFacilitate political gains and maintain legitimacy of the ruleCases were withdrawn without judicial scrutiny
ImplementationShort-term results, Negative impacts for laterThrough justice mechanisms, Truth commissions, Reparations.
PerceptionPragmatic step towards nation-building.Criticized as a political tool undermining justice and accountability
ResultLong-term stabilityShort-term results Negative impacts for later


To conclude, the NRO by President Parvaiz Musharraf cannot equate with the broad and inclusive concept of national reconciliation rather than a political gain-motivated tool for securing alliances. We cannot equate it with national reconciliation because it was criticized as a political tool used by the then-president to secure political alliances to legitimize and maintain his rule. Then, it remained unable to address systematic issues.  Last, it was a short-term rather than a long-term strategy to abate the political conflicts followed by another political crisis. 

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