CSS Solved Islamiyat Past Paper 2022 | Deen, Religion, and Importance in Human Life
The following question of Islamiat is solved by Miss Ayesha Irfan, the highest scorer in CSS Islamiat. Moreover, the question is attempted on the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

Question Breakdown
The examiner asked the candidates to commence by focusing on the importance of Deen (the doctrine of life) in human life. Nevertheless, in order to achieve success in Islamic studies, one must present a thorough exposition of the Quranic explanation of Deen. Furthermore, making a small distinction between religion and Deen will raise the bar for responding.
1- Introduction
2- The concept of Deen according to the Quran
3- Importance of Deen in human life
- 3.1-Deen provides guidance and spirituality
- 3.2-Deen provides wisdom, knowledge, and hope
- 3.3-Deen Leads Mankind from darkness to light
- 3.4-Deen sets the criterion for Justice
- 3.5-Deen brings modesty and easiness
4- Difference between Deen and religion
- 4.1-Deen is Comprehensive Way of Life; Religion as Ritualistic Practice
- 4.2-Deen is universal; religion is regional
- 4.3-God’s Almighty Power in Deen; Elected Representatives in Religious Polytheistic Practices:
5- Critical analysis
6- Conclusion

Answer to the Question
Islam is the religion of integrity in which The Almighty, the Creator and Ruler of the cosmos, has revealed to humanity the moral code that guides the material world. As Allah stated, “[0 Muhammad] we believe in Allah and the Revelation given to us, as well as to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes,”. We hold to the Revelation their Lord gave to Moses, Jesus, and all the other prophets. We give ourselves over to Him, not distinguishing between the two.” (3:83). Religion and deen are complementary traits despite their inherent differences. In a broader sense, Deen is a complete way of life that leads people to success and prosperity. Conversely, religion only addresses a part of life and is not all-inclusive. However, religion also leads people astray from the truth. However, in his book Four Basic Quranic Terms, Syed Abul-Ala Maududi describes Deen as “a complete system encompassing all dimensions of human life, including personal conduct, social norms, and governance.” Maududi believes that Deen is more than just a collection of private rituals and beliefs.
The Concept of Deen According to the Quran
Faith, belief, and mannerism are the various interpretations of the Latin word deen. Because it addresses every topic in its entirety. Since religion is restricted to a particular set of dogmas, certain worship rituals, and various social customs to commemorate significant life events, it is a limited term that limits the breadth of human existence. In Islam, deen refers to a way of life where one worships and obeys Allah, the Almighty, in a way that is not limited to the religious sense but to all aspects of one’s existence. The Holy Quran defines Islam as Deen al-Haq or the true path of life. As stated in Surah An-Nur, verse 24:2,’ And do not let pity for them make you lenient in ˹enforcing˺ the law of Allah.’ The Qur’an recounts four different contextual interpretations. According to its definition, it is a Deen that alludes to the day of judgment, faith, and laws and directs people toward righteousness.
Importance of deen in human life
Deen aids humanity in manoeuvring the complexity of the erratic, modern world.
- Deen provides guidance and spirituality
The quest for material goods and the urge to amass wealth have caused humans to lose their inner peace due to evolution. For those caught in a never-ending cycle of misery, Deen provides spirituality by helping them find comfort in Islam and divine guidance. According to the Quran, “Our Sustainer is He who gives onto everything [that exists] its true nature and form, and thereupon guides it [towards its fulfilment].” (Surah Taha: 50). As a result, deen guides and spiritualizes people and leads them toward everlasting peace.
- Deen provides wisdom, knowledge, and hope
Amid the challenges of the world, Deen is a beacon of hope. When people have faith in Allah, their divine direction is enough to keep them on the straight and narrow. Additionally, it imparts a feeling of tranquillity. Knowing Allah by Himself is sufficient to help you overcome life’s challenges. Allah emphasizes in Surah Taha: 50 that “He who gives onto everything [that exists] its true nature and form, and thereupon guides it [towards its fulfilment] is Our Sustainer.” Deen is, therefore, referred to as a treasure of knowledge, understanding, and hope.
- Deen Leads Mankind from darkness to light.
A man without divine direction is lost in the dark, without direction or purpose. Before the arrival of Islam, people were morally corrupted and ignorant. Islam taught people the difference between right and wrong and enlightened them with divine wisdom. In Surah Ah-Hadid:9, ‘It is He who sends down upon His Servant [Muhammad] verses of clear evidence that He may bring you out from darknesses into the light. And indeed, Allah is to you Kind and Merciful.’ Thus, the deen guides humanity towards enlightenment.
- Deen sets the criterion for justice.
Since Deen is all-inclusive, it contains lessons on every aspect of life. Islam enables people to discern between good and wrong because Allah has made it evident which evils are harmful in various ways. Furthermore, a person only needs to adhere to divine teachings to be morally pure and abstain from immoral and sinful conduct. In Surah Al-Baqarah 185, it is mentioned that ‘Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was sent down as a guide to mankind, also clear Signs for guidance and judgment between right and wrong.’In addition to providing guidance, Deen establishes the groundwork for justice in a community. It contains a comprehensive framework for establishing justice in society through adherence to the laws Allah gave the Prophet (PBUH) to execute. In Surah Al-Nisa: 105, it is mentioned, ‘We have sent down to you the Book in truth that you might judge between men, as guided by Allah.’ Islamic laws are based on the standard of judgment established by the Quran, the ultimate source of divine guidance.
- Deen brings modesty and easiness
Indeed, each religion is distinct from the others due to its personality and qualities. The foundation of Islam’s deen is modesty, an essential virtue that includes outward conduct and inner character. “Truly, each religion has a character, and Islam’s character is modesty,” said Ibn Abbas. Thus, deen brings modesty, ease, equality, and justice for everyone.
The Difference Between the Concept of Deen and Religion
Deen and religion are polar opposite concepts due to their notable distinctions.
- Deen is Comprehensive Way of Life; Religion as Ritualistic Practice
One of the main differences between Deen and religion is comprehensive and ritualistic practices. Deen provides a holistic understanding of sincere conduct and interactions in every aspect of life, reinforcing that Deen governs one’s existence, including moral and social responsibilities. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, “Deen is the name of the reward of good and bad”. (Sahih al-Bukhari) Indeed, according to Surah Al-Bayyinah (98:5), Allah says, ‘And they were not commanded except to worship Allah, [being] sincere to Him in religion (Deen), inclining to truth, and to establish prayer and to give zakat. And that is the correct religion (Deen).’ On the other hand, religion is limited to an individual’s belief system, including a set of ethics and cultural values. It also depends on fragments, and its system lacks a precisely defined state. For instance, Hinduism is a complex system of beliefs that includes a variety of gods and goddesses, as well as a focus on karma, dharma, and the cycle of rebirth.
- Deen is universal; religion is regional
Variations and universality are two more critical distinctions between Deen and religion. Deen is everlasting and unchanging because it embodies God’s unchangeable precepts and laws. Islam is a comprehensive deen that addresses both worldly and spiritual issues. It says in Surah Al-Ma’idah (5:3) that, ‘‘This day I have perfected for you your Deen and completed My favour upon you and have approved for you Islam as your Deen.’ On the other hand, due to cultural or sectarian variations, different people may practice and interpret the religion differently. With time, religion can adapt and develop. Alfred North Whitehead believed that religion was a matter of personal preference. It is identified and understood through pragmatic reasoning, which suggests that there are particular actions or behaviours that we ought to take.
- God’s Almighty Power in Deen; Elected Representatives in Religious Polytheistic Practices:
Moreover, Deen follows monotheism because Islam is predicated on the idea of tauheed or the unity of God. It declares unequivocally that there is only one true God and that he is worshipped. However, some religions—like Christianity with its doctrine of the Trinity and Hinduism with its pantheon of gods—incorporate polytheistic ideas into their systems of belief. However, Allah Almighty appoints the leaders and authorities in Deen. For example, in Islam, Khilafat was given to Al-Khulafa’ Ar-Rashidun following the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). In contrast, the people elect their leaders in religion. In Hinduism, for instance, various mythologies give birth to Gods, and each God is associated with a distinct set of powers.
Critical Analysis
Critically, Deen illuminates the precepts of Allah Ta’ala, giving life direction and meaning. Every facet of life is highlighted, including the political, social, cultural, moral, and psychological. The holy book, the Quran, covers a wide range of topics, making it the ultimate source of guidance. Humans should adhere to Deen-i-Islam to improve their moral character and transform society. Islam, a religion dating back 1,400 years, answers every contemporary issue. Since its precepts apply to all facets of life and are universal, it is still regarded as the most authentic branch of Islam.
Deen and religion differ significantly, making them unique in their own right. Islam is the only deen that fosters understanding and peace between various cultural groups through its teachings on justice, reconciliation, humanity, religious freedom, moral behaviour, and the pursuit of knowledge. Consequently, deen regards ass as the lone hope and establishes equality, justice, and modesty.

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