
CSS Environmental Science Past Paper Analysis (2016-2024)

CSS Environmental Science Analysis

CSS Past Papers Analysis Optional Subjects | CSS Environmental Science Past Paper Analysis (2016-2024)

The past paper analysis of CSS Environmental Science is a dedicated effort by Sir Ammar Hashmi to help Environmental Science students decide which section to focus on more deeply. The analysis below shows how many questions from each section were asked in the CSS Environmental Science exams from 2016 to 2024. Also, the number written in brackets after every statement shows that the asked question is of that mark, e.g., a 20-mark question is represented by (20). Furthermore, this analysis will help the aspirants understand what type of questions are usually asked from a particular section.

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1- History of environmental thought

  • What is the Importance of the Report “Our Common Future” in the history of the Environmental Movement? What common threats were identified in the report, and what measures were suggested for the sustainability of the earth system? (20)
  • Discuss and comment on the social and economic dimensions of Agenda 21. (8)
  • Write the main principles of Rio Summit 1992. (10)
  • Enlist the conventions and treaties passed in Agenda 21. (10)

2- Sustainable development issues

  • What is the relation between poverty and food security? (8)
  • Energy from biomass (5)
  • Write a detailed note on Alternative Energy Resources. (10)
  • What are the Environmental Impacts on food production? (10)
  • What are the different steps in anaerobic treatment for biogas generation? (7)
  • How will you define Biodiversity? What is meant by the instrumental and intrinsic value of species? Why biodiversity is decreasing? Discuss different factors of biodiversity loss. (20)
  • Carrying capacity (5)
  • What is anaerobic degradation? Describe the four key stages in the anaerobic degradation of organic waste. (20)
  • If the population of the top carnivores declines, what will happen to the landscape ecosystems? (20)
  • Biodiversity loss (5)
  • Population (5)

3- Interdisciplinary nature of environmental science

  • What is genetic engineering or biotechnology, and how it may affect the agriculture and the environment? (12)
  • What are the events that triggered the interest in bioremediation? (7)
  • Write a note on Environmental Geology. (6)
  • Discuss the dose-response relationship in Environmental Toxicology. (10)
  • Define environmental economics and briefly explain the interrelationship between environment and economics. (10)
  • How can biotechnology, bioengineering and the increasing use of genetically modified organisms help us to deal with increasing food demands? (20)

4- Environmental pollution

  • Discuss in detail the Environmental Implications of Demographic factors. Elaborate the consequences of each Environmental Implication. (20)
  • Impacts of Noise Pollution (5)
  • Causes of Desertification (5)
  • Genetic Pollution (5)
  • Urban Heat Island Effect (5)
  • Which of the GHGs are the most significant contributors to the global warming? How do they work? And what mitigation steps could be taken to stabilize the GHG content of the atmosphere? (20)
  • Discuss the global efforts that are currently in place to protect our ozone shield. What evidence is there that such efforts have been effective? (12)
  • How do forest burning and land clearing affect the global climate? (8)
  • Eutrophication (5)
  • Smog (5)
  • How the hazardous material is defined, identified, and differentiated from the toxic material? Explain the environmental problems and health risks linked with hazardous waste. (10)
  • E-waste (5)
  • What is meant by smog? Explain the main causes of smog in Punjab. Summarize the effect of key meteorological factors on the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere. (20)
  • Elaborate the concept of greenhouse effect and its importance to global climate. (8)
  • What are the drivers and indicators of Climate Change, and how do they affect the natural and societal system? (12)
  • Ozone Depletion (5)
  • Desertification (5)
  • What are the various mechanisms involved in atmospheric SO2 removal? (20)
  • Eutrophication is a phenomenon caused by the abnormal growth of algae in a water body. What are the reasons for algal bloom, and how can this phenomenon be controlled? (20)
  • What are the five major air pollutants coming out of the burning process? Smog formation occurs due to certain air pollutants. What means and ways can be used for its control? (20)
  • Write the physio-chemical parameters of wastewater and also explain wastewater treatment technologies. (10)
  • Define and explain the Eutrophication of water body. (10)
  • Discuses briefly noise pollution. (10)
  • Explain the phenomenon of global warming. Which of the greenhouse gases are the most significant contributors to global warming? What steps could be taken to stabilize the greenhouse gas content of the atmosphere? (20)
  • Define Eutrophication. Explain the difference between natural and cultural eutrophication. Discuss the methods of combating Eutrophication. (20)
  • E-waste (5)
  • What is the ozone layer? Explain its depletion resulting from the atmospheric NO, H, OH, and CI. (20)
  • Atmospheric smog (5)
  • Air pollution (5)
  • Greenhouse gases (5)
  • What is the mechanism of ozone depletion? What chemicals in the upper atmosphere are responsible for ozone layer depletion? What are the impacts of ozone layer depletion? (20)
  • One of the methods to control the pollution problem is the introduction of regulatory mechanisms, incentives and fines. In your opinion how can we control the smog problem by using one of those methods? How would you implement a plan at a city level to mitigate the smog problem? (20)
  • What is the greenhouse effect? What is the mechanism of the greenhouse effect? Which major air pollutants are responsible for causing global warming? Why is Pakistan considered more vulnerable to the effects of climate change when its contribution is less than 1% in total global GHG emissions? (20)
  • Eutrophication (10)
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5- Climate change

  • How Technological Development leads to Climate Change and consequent change in Natural and Societal Systems? Also furnish possible adaptation options to Climate Change. (20)
  • Carbon Sequestration (5)
  • CDM (5)
  • What do you understand by climate and microclimate? (4)
  • What impact would changing climate have on the ‘ecosystem in general’ and ‘coastal environment in particular’? (8)
  • Carbon footprint (5)
  • REDD+ (5)
  • Carbon Footprints (5)
  • Pakistan is located in a semi-arid region of the world; hence, it is more prone to climate change effects. Explain what adaptation measures will be feasible in the worst climate change situations in regions like Pakistan. (20)
  • Discuss the major outcomes of Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM). (10)
  • Write in detail the effect of climate change on natural and societal systems. (10)

6- Environmental Governance

  • What are the salient features of the Environmental Policy of Pakistan? Discuss if pertinent laws and institutions are existent and justifiably effective. (20)
  • What are the key factors of the National Climate Change Policy 2012? (10)
  • Write a brief note on National Drinking Water Policy 2009. (10)
  • Give a brief about the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedural stages. In the context of EIA, what type of information is gathered when establishing a baseline? (15)
  • What is the importance of public participation in an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process? What is the difference between EIA and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)? (20)
  • What are the main steps of conducting an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)? (10)
  • What is a Green Revolution? Give a brief account of the green revolution in Pakistan. (10)
  • Define risk analysis. Discuss the four steps of risk analysis used by EPA. (20)
  • Write in detail the history and main features of the Indus Water Treaty with a special focus on its significance in the current scenario of water stress in Pakistan. (20)
  • What are the potential environmental impacts of the Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)? (20)
  • Discuss important components of Pakistan’s National Climate Change Policy. What is the Impact of the 18th Amendment on Climate change policy formulation in Pakistan? How Pakistan can benefit from COP 28? (20)

7- Global Initiatives

  • What are the salient requirements of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change? Why there was a need for supplementary Kyoto Protocol? Elaborate the controversies associated with the protocol. (20)
  • Trace the political history of UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol. Do you think that the UNFCCC (2015) conference in Paris was the next step in reaching an agreement on climate change?
  • Superfund (5)
  • What stands for CERCLA, and why it is related with hazardous waste? (10)
  • Wetlands (5)
  • Discuss the Montreal Protocol and its subsequent amendments. (20)
  • Why environmentalists are interested in wetlands? Describe various mechanisms for sustainable management of wetlands in Pakistan. (20)
  • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (10)
  • Kyoto Protocol (10)

8- Environmental assessment and management

  • Do you believe that Genders play their roles differently in Environmental Management and Conservation? Discuss in detail the concept of “Ecofeminism” from international and national perspectives, taking into consideration the gendered rights to resources. (20)
  • Discuss Briefly some Common Types of Occupational Health & Safety Hazards. (5)
  • GIS & Remote Sensing (5)
  • How is hazardous waste classified? What are the various options for handling hazardous waste? (20)
  • Discuss in detail the Hospital Waste Management codes of Practice. (10)
  • What are technological approaches to Environmental management? (10)
  • Discuss the solid waste disposal technique. (10)
  • GIS (5)
  • GIS and RS (5)
  • What is the difference between an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)? List and explain the entire EIA process. Where in the project cycle should an EIA be initiated? (20)
  • What is occupational health safety and management? Provide examples of at least five workplaces with possible associated exposure risks. how can such exposure risks be minimized/ controlled? (20)

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