
Compare and Contrast the Resistance Movement of East Pakistan with the Present Movement of Baluchistan. Suggest Remedies.

CSS 2010 Solved Pakistan Affairs Past Papers | Compare and Contrast East Pakistan and Balochistan | Miss Bushra Arooj

CSS 2010 Solved Pakistan Affairs Past Papers | Compare and Contrast East Pakistan and Balochistan

The following question of CSS Pakistan Affairs 2010 is solved by Miss Bushra Arooj, the best Pakistan Affairs Coach, on the guided pattern of Sir Syed Kazim Ali, which he taught to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

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Question Breakdown

In this question, the examiner has asked you two questions. First, he asked to compare and contrast the resistance movement of East Pakistan with the present movement of Baluchistan. So, you have to write similarities and differences. Second, he asked you to write a way forward or remedies.  These questions demand an analytical approach where you have to compare and contrast two events in case one event happened in the past. So, attempt the question analytically. Notably, the questions related to history demand the incorporation of historical background, and it is better to start by contextualizing the event.


1- Introduction

2- Comparing and Contrasting the Resistance Movement of East Pakistan and the Present Movement of Baluchistan

2.1 Historical Context

  • ✔East Pakistan Resistance Movement
  • ✔ Baluchistan Resistance Movement
  • ✔ Leadership and Organization of the East Pakistan Resistance Movement
  • ✔ Leadership and Organization of the Baluchistan Resistance Movement
  • ✔ Nature of Resistance of the East Pakistan Movement 
  •  ✔Nature of Resistance of the Baluch Resistance Movement
  • ✔ Role of Central Government in the Case of the East Pakistan Resistance Movement
  • ✔ Role of Central Government in the Case of the Baluch Resistance Movement

2.2 Socio-Economic Context

  • ✔ Socio-Economic Factors- East Pakistan Resistance Movement
  • ✔ Socio-Economic Factors- Baluchistan Resistance Movement

3- Conclusion

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Comparing and Contrasting the Resistance Movement of East Pakistan and the Present Movement of Baluchistan

Historical Context

  • ✔ East Pakistan Resistance Movement

The historical conflict drivers of the East Pakistan Resistance Movement include myriad socio-economic and political factors. East Pakistan had a larger population than West Pakistan in 1947, but the domination of Punjab in the politics and economy inhibits the process of equitable resource distribution in other provinces. East Pakistan demanded more political representation and wanted the state to preserve its distinct ethnic identity but felt alienated in the socio-politico and economic fields. Two factors were stimulating the alienation of Bengalis. First, the government’s unacceptance to accept their numeric preponderance and granting them more provincial autonomy. Second, the Bengali vs Urdu dilemma. Several constitutional developments were made to resolve the issue but met with failure. The turning point came in 1970 when Mujib ur Rehman, the leader of the Awami League, became victorious in the general elections but was ignored, and the premiership was passed to Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in 1970. After a bloody liberation war, East Pakistan was dismembered from West Pakistan, and Bangladesh came into being in 1971.

  • ✔ Baluchistan Resistance Movement

The historical conflict drivers of the Baluchistan Resistance Movement include myriad multi-dimensional factors. However, these drivers were integrated, making conflict resolution impossible and leading cause of the intermittent uprisings by the Baloch nationalists. The perseverance of ethnocultural identity has remained among the leading reasons for the resistance against the involvement of other sovereign authorities in the area. Its roots can be traced back to the colonial history of the Indian subcontinent. Although social stratification or fragmentation has remained a paramount feature of the Baloch society, they never compromised on their distinct socio-cultural and political identity. In the middle of the 18th century, a prominent leader and figure in the Baloch mythology, Nasir Khan, militarily opted to unify the separatist elements of the Baloch society and established an administration system. Besides, due to its social fragmentation, the economic development remained uneven in the province. As a result, extremist tendencies took place on the region’s part, especially against the Pashtuns of Northern Baluchistan and Afghanistan. These anti-factors exposed Baluchistan more prone to the domination of Punjab, which was the most populated province. In the 18th century, the British exploited the region, and as a result, the region was divided into seven parts. In 1884, it was annexed and became the territory of British India. This is the fact that the area remained marginalized in terms of infrastructural and economic development as compared to other regions during the colonial period. Before partition, some tribal chiefs made alliances based on ethnic homogeneity and supported Baluch separatism. However, the movement lags ideological narrative and is not well integrated. Resultantly, the area came into the jurisdiction of the Government of Pakistan after the partition of the Indian subcontinent.  So, multi socio-economic and political factors regulate the movement.

  • ✔ Leadership and Organization of the East Pakistan Resistance Movement

The movement was highly centralized and cohesive. It was led by a political party, Awami League, under the leadership of Sheikh Mujin-ur-Rehman, who had remained an undisputed leader, representing the Bengali people.  The movement was supported by the majority of the Bengali community under clear objectives enunciated in the Six-Point Program of Mujib-ur-Rehman.

  • ✔ Leadership and Organization of the Baluchistan Resistance Movement

As I discussed, the Baluch society is highly fragmented. Similarly, it also lacks mainstream leadership, where many factions, such as tribal leaders and armed insurgent groups, regulate the movement. It is less cohesive and weakly integrated. The separatist groups include militant and terrorist organizations often associated with attacks and the spread of terror, such as the Baluch Liberation Army (BLA), Baluch Liberation United Front (BLUF), Lashkar-e-Baluchistan (LeB), Baluch Republican Army (BRA), and Unified Baluch Army (UBA). Besides, the movement has remained not fully supported by the regional population, whereas more people support greater autonomy rather than separation.

  • ✔ Nature of Resistance of the East Pakistan Movement 

The movement evolved with the passage of time from Bengali’s resistance against marginalization as compared to West Pakistan to the political struggle for socio-economic and political rights to the armed struggle of achieving a separate country. Eventually, East Pakistan became dismembered, and Bangladesh came into being. Notably, the Bengalis had international support, especially from India.

  • ✔Nature of Resistance of the Baluch Resistance Movement

The movement is characterized by armed resistance marked by militant and terrorist tendencies. However, the movement has separatist elements that demand separation. In addition, it is supported by political activism, which is loosely integrated. Notably, the movement has not gotten any international support but is certainly supported by regional hegemon for political interests.

  • ✔ Role of Central Government in the Case of the East Pakistan Resistance Movement

The central government made several attempts to abate the crisis by constitutional means. However, the strong centralization inhibits the process of granting provincial autonomy to East Pakistan. When it was on the edge of dismemberment, the central government ignored the aspiration again by not solving the political controversy between Mujib ul Rehman and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. As a result, the warfare led to the complete dismemberment.

  • ✔ Role of Central Government in the Case of the Baluch Resistance Movement

The central government, especially after the dismemberment of Pakistan (1971), dealt with Baloch nationalists with iron hands. However, more military engagements and enforced disappearances further aggravated the anti-behavior of Baloch nationalists. For example, the revolt of the 1960s as a response to the One Unit Scheme was harshly suppressed by the government instead of negotiations on their stance of provincial autonomy. Then, the most disastrous insurgency of the 1970s by the Baluch started after the dismissal of the Baluch provincial government by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. It was also dealt with iron hands by the government. After 2004, the insurgencies took their roots again. In 2006, it was more exacerbated when a military operation led to the killing of the Baloch leader Nawab Akbar Bugti.

Socio-Economic Context

  • ✔ Socio-Economic Factors- East Pakistan Resistance Movement

After 1947, Bengalis hoped for better representation in the decision-making cadres of the country. Unfortunately, even the quota of 40 percent for the inclusion of Bengalis in Civil Service (against 23 percent for Punjabis) introduced in 1949 to make up for their socio-economic backwardness had failed to address the problem effectively. The unacceptability of the importance of the Bengali language by West Pakistan led the way to widespread Bengali nationalism and politicization of their ethnicity, which dwindled the sense of national integrity. From parity to the disparity between the east and the west wing, disenchanted Bengalis always felt alienated. It happened under the strong centralization of the Ayub Khan rule, where Bengalis were neglected deliberately in the socio-economic fields. The period could regarded as the route to ethnic divisions that led to the debacle of East Pakistan. They outcried, busted, frustrated, felt alienated, and wanted freedom. Ayub Khan neglected the development of the East Wing. He ordered the transfer of 2.5 billion dollars earned from the export of jute from the East Wing to the West Wing. However, the economic degradation of the agrarian society during his regime created severe regional imbalances that largely contributed to the separation of East Pakistan. The economic disparities created acute differences in the living standards of the wings. The Gross provincial product was 1237.4 crore rupees for East Pakistan and 1209.1 for West Pakistan in 1950. But in the later years, the GPP grew to Rs1867.1 crore for East Pakistan and Rs.2009 crore for West Pakistan. However, the increasing gap aggravated a sense of marginalization among the people, and open discords happened between the representatives, which ended in 1971.

  • Socio-Economic Factors-Baluch Resistance Movement

As I discussed, the uneven economic development and marginalization of Baluchi in the development process caused them to feel alienated. The general feeling of alienation led to the growth of separatist elements within the Baluch community. For example, the guerrilla warfare of the 1960s by Sher Muhammad Bijrani Marri and militants was aimed at securing more share from the Sui gas fields. However, the recent crisis has different reasons. So, the construction of the Gwadar mega port, the war in Afghanistan, gas exploration projects in the region, and the state-led military operations have fueled the crisis.  First, the construction of the Gwadar mega-port, which was announced in 2001, a Chinese-funded development project on one side and a diplomatic option on the other, has remained the source of contention between the Baluchi’s and the state. For illustration, the port location should have guaranteed opportunities for Baluch’s. Unfortunately, the government has excluded the – should have fact.  For the most part, the Chinese engineers and workforce have been employed for the construction of the massive port.  As a result, despite the increase in the economic activity in the province, there has been little improvement in the living standards of Baluchi. Other issues include land disputes, as the government sold part of the land to make profits.

Second, gas exploration has now increased in the region. As the region is a transit site for a proposed Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline, the Baluch insurgents targeted gas pipelines to show their discontentment.  Then, the war in Afghanistan caused an infusion of Pashtun refugees into Baluchistan, which was anathema for the Baluchi people because they had historical grievances referred to as the Baluch-Pashtun divide. The influx of Pathan migrants caused more military engagement to counter-terrorism in the region, which was not accepted by Baluch nationalists.  In addition, the Quetta region became the defector capital of terrorists, such as the Taliban and members of Al-Qaeda. As a result, the insurgencies started in Baluchistan.

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