
Sir Syed Kazim Ali Notes

Most Important Political Terminologies for CSS and PMS Aspirants
Most Important Political Terminologies for CSS and PMS Aspirants
This article comprehensively overviews the most important political terminologies crucial for CSS and PMS aspirants. Learning to write them will enable aspirants to navigate complex...
Economic Terminologies for CSS and PMS Aspirants
Most Important Economic Terminologies for CSS and PMS Aspirants
This article comprehensively overviews the most important economic terminologies crucial for CSS and PMS aspirants. Learning to write them will enable aspirants to navigate complex...
Most Important Education Terminologies
Most Important Education Terminologies for CSS and PMS Aspirants
This article comprehensively overviews the most important education terminologies crucial for CSS and PMS aspirants. Learning to write them will enable aspirants to navigate complex...
CSS PMS Essays Topics
CSS PMS Essays Topics
CSS PMS Essays Topics are set for my students who want to go further and practice hard to qualify for the essay paper. An essay...
Urdu to English Translation Practice Passages
Urdu to English Translation Practice Passages
In competitive examinations, Urdu to English translation passages assess a candidate’s language proficiency, critical thinking, and cultural understanding. Mastering this skill requires a deep understanding...
Comprehension Practice Passages by Sir Syed Kazim Ali
Comprehension Practice Passages by Sir Syed Kazim Ali
Comprehension practice passages are created to help CSS aspirants practice and prepare for the comprehension questions. I have meticulously designed comprehensive practice passages to help...
What is the Perfect Infinitive, and How to Use it in Sentences?
The use of perfect infinitives | How to use perfect infinitives in sentences | The use of perfect infinitives in the present, past, and future...
How To Use Colons Advanced Grammar Rules With Examples
How To Use Colons: Advanced Grammar Rules With Examples
The colon (:) is a punctuation mark that causes much confusion. As the British and American grammarians and writers use it differently, competitive aspirants and passionate English...
Most Important Prepositions Practice for CSS & PMS Aspirants
The role of the English language for competitive aspirants has always been important as it is regarded as the language of competitive communication, through which...
Roots, Suffixes, and Prefixes CSS and PMS Aspirants Must Learn
Roots, Suffixes, and Prefixes CSS and PMS Aspirants Must Learn
I have written all the crucial roots, suffixes, and prefixes that CSS and PMS aspirants must learn to score up to 17 to 18 in...
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