Yes, technology can play a dual role in climate change. It not only badly affects the climate but also can play a crucial role in controlling its bad impacts. Climate change is a challenge for the modern world and innovations are the solution to control it.
The technological revolution can control the bad impacts of climate change. Global warming is the main cause of climate change. Technology is imparting in global warming. Global warming is the increase in the temperature of the atmosphere. This increase in temperature also leaves disastrous impacts on the earth, which changes the life of the survival on the earth. It creates many significant challenges for humans. In addition to it, there are some greenhouse gases (GHG) that cause global warming. These gases include methane, carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbon, nitrogen, etc. These gases are the heat trapper. Moreover, such gases are volatile. These gases move up after release from the source and reach into the atmosphere. After that, they accumulate there and cause heat trappers. Due to it, the heat cannot move anywhere and has become a major cause of global warming.

There are major causes of global warming. As the world is modernizing in technology, the earth is at stake. But, surprisingly, the solution to save the earth from the destruction, caused by global warming, is also technology. The first, how technology has an association with the increase in global warming. Scientists are looking for more inventions. For it, more industries are required. These industries install modern machines and instruments. In the preparation of the products and experimentation, many harmful gases are released. These gases collaborate in global warming. The industries: fertilizer, pesticides, textiles, pharmaceutical, and many other industries are the major contributor to the emission of such gases. Furthermore, transport is the witness of modern technology. This technology has made traveling easier and people can move to any part of the world at day or night time. The use of transport vehicles either public or private transports has increased in the concentration of the GHG. Sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, methane, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, etc. are the main components of the emission from transport. Besides it, in the agriculture zone, fertilizers are essential for the proper growth of the crops. The essential nutrients are provided to the crops through it. But, nitrogen is the common component. A far from it, electronic appliances: refrigerators, air conditioners, are present in, almost, every home. Chlorofluorocarbon is emitted from these appliances. This gas leaves harmful effects on the health as well.

Global warming causes climate change and changes the structure of the earth. The glaciers melt, as a result. The harmful radiations also reach the earth due to ozone depletion- which saves humans from the harmful radiations coming from the sun- ultraviolet radiations (UV). These radiations can cause skin cancer, respiratory disorders, and gastrointestinal disorders. But, the only way forward to control it is to the invention of new technologies. Scientists have worked on it and have introduced many technologies through, which we can curb it. These technologies work to control the emission of GHG so that climate change can occur in a positive direction. These technologies are carbon controlling projects, changes in the weeds of cows, energy-efficient devices, the use of data centers, and many other technologies. Starting with carbon controlling projects, some projects are installed which absorb the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere. It is a very efficient project and has reduced the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Similarly, the cows are given such weeds, which can reduce the methane gas in their manure. In addition to it, energy-efficient devices for homes are introduced. These devices do not release GHG in such a large amount. Furthermore, computers are used by many people in offices and homes. These computers use a lot of electricity. But, the technology of data centers has reversed the situation. These are very energy efficient. Moreover, remote working is the best solution to reduce the contributor- global warming- climate change. However, remote working can reduce the use of transportation and use of electronic appliances, etc. To sum up, technology is an efficient way to reduce the contribution of technology to climate change. By the substitution of the less energy efficient technology with the more energy-efficient and technology, climate change can be put on a track from the negative to the positive.
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