CSS 2021 Solved Islamiyat Past Papers | Belief in the Day of Judgement and Effects on Humans
The following question of Islamiat is solved by Miss Ayesha Irfan, the highest scorer in CSS Islamiat. Moreover, the question is attempted on the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students, scoring the highest marks in compulsory subjects for years. This solved past paper question is uploaded to help aspirants understand how to crack a topic or question, how to write relevantly, what coherence is, and how to include and connect ideas, opinions, and suggestions to score the maximum.

Question Breakdown
The examiner asked about the belief in the day of Judgment and its manifestation in individual life as well as the collective life of humans. The first part is an outline, breaking the question into different parts. Moving further, an Introduction is given, followed by a detailed segment on belief in the day of Judgment, then elaborating individual effects of the belief in human life, then effects of the belief on the collective lives of humans are explained, later critical analysis and conclusion.
2-What is the belief in the Day of Judgment?
- ✓What is a day of Judgment?
- ✓Understanding the belief in the Day of Judgment
- ✓Understanding the importance of the belief in judgment day
3-Impacts of the belief in the Day of Judgment on an individual level
- ✓Instilling fear of Allah in man
- ✓Instilling fear of punishment in man
- ✓Imparting the sense of responsibility in man
- ✓Inculcating character reforms in man
- ✓Building patience in man
4-Impacts of the belief in the Day of Judgment on the collective lives of humans
- ✓Spending resources on needy and poor people
- ✓Establishing a sense of brotherhood
- ✓Developing tolerance and forgiveness
- ✓Ensuring the rule of law
- ✓Eliminating social evils
5-Critical analysis

Answer to the Question
Islam has given its followers five basic beliefs, and belief in the Day of Judgment is one of them. The belief ensured that if other beliefs remained ineffective from doing sins, it would surely prevent man from doing evil deeds. Individually, it fosters fear of Allah and the punishment when a man is called again. This also ensures good character and instils patience in man. Collectively, when men prevent themselves from evils, a society emerges that has the rule of law. Moreover, society would have a fear of Allah, which would allow people to spend their resources on the poor, and a sense of solidarity and unity would rise.
What is the belief in the Day of Judgment?
To understand the belief in the day of Judgment, it is crucial to understand the day of Judgment hereafter.
- What is a Day of Judgment?
The Day of Judgment is a day when all life is captured, and destruction is spread everywhere. Then Allah would hold a court to reward everyone’s deeds that he had performed in this temporary world. Moreover, the concept of hereafter is not only in Islam, but it is a belief that is present in Judaism and Christianity as well.
- Understanding the belief of the Day of Judgment
The belief in the Day of Judgment is one of the basic beliefs of Islam, and without having a firm belief in the day, no one can be a Muslim. The belief states that everyone in the world would die, and when Trump would be blown, everything in the world would die. After that, Allah would ask everyone to be raised from their graves, and a Court would be held by Allah to reward the creation of their deeds.
“And Allah sends down rain from the sky, giving life to the earth after its death. Surely, this is a sign for those who listen.”
Sura Al-Nahal- verse 65
That has strengthened the belief in the Muslims that it is only Allah who can give you rebirth even if your body is turned into dust particles like He has sent you rain from the evaporated drops.
- Understanding the importance of the belief in judgment day
The concept of the Day of Judgment is crucial to keep a man on track and prevent him from indulging in sins. It has several purposes, like giving rewards, giving testing grounds to people, needing justice for unjust societies and people, and elaborating on the objective of the creation of the world and man.

Impacts of the belief in the Day of Judgment on an individual level
One who believes in the day of Judgment must have the following impacts on his life.
- Instilling fear of Allah in man
One who believed in the day of Judgment would feel fear of Allah in his heart. His actions would be cautious as the belief constantly reminds him about the rewards concept elaborated in the belief.
“And fear Allah, and know that you will meet Him.”
Sura Baqarah verse 233
Moreover, when a man keeps in mind that he will have to face his creator, he will be abstained from wrongdoings. Thus, on an individual level, the belief instils fear of Allah in man, preventing him from wrongdoings.
- Instilling fear of punishment in man
Also, the man who has a firm belief in the day of Judgment would be in continuous fear of punishment. Moreover, he knows that this life is temporary and that there is another eternal life, and if he were punished, it would be permanent.
“Indeed, the righteous will be in pleasure, and indeed, the wicked will be in Hellfire.”
Sura al-Infitar verse 13-14
The lust for good reward and fear of punishment prevent man from sinning. Therefore, the belief instils fear of punishment in man.
- Imparting the sense of responsibility in man
Moreover, the belief imparts a sense of responsibility in man. As one knows that all of his actions would be rewarded, it instils a sense of responsibility in man. Moreover,
“So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.”
Sura Al-Zalzalah verses 7-8
He knows that the world is a cultivation field for the hereafter; therefore, man tries to be responsible, performing all good deeds, like helping others, taking care of others, and considering as well as fulfilling the rights of others. Thus, the belief imparts a sense of responsibility in man.
- Inculcating character reforms in man
When a man fears Allah and His rewards, it shapes his character. And he also knows that life is temporary, and an everlasting effect on his soul would be generated.
“You will certainly have a never-ending reward. And you are truly ˹a man˺ of outstanding character.”
Sura Al-Qalam verse 3-4
In the verse, Allah explains to the man that you would be rewarded for your pure, outstanding character in the hereafter. Thus, the belief inculcates character reforms in man to be a good human being in society.
- Building patience in man
Lastly, the belief builds patience in man. As man knows, the current life is temporary, and there is an eternal life to live. This belief increases man’s patience level, and he ignores the troublesome things around him. As Allah discloses in
“And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits. But give good tidings to the patient, who, when disaster strikes them, say, ‘Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.“
This imparts a sense in man that he belongs to Allah, so for the sake of Allah, he must maintain his patience to get good rewards on the day of Judgment.
Sura Baqarah verses 155-156
Impacts of the belief in the Day of Judgment on the collective lives of humans
Next, the belief in Judgment also brings some fruitful effects on the collective life of human beings.
- Spending resources on needy and poor people
The belief instils fear of Allah in man. It also instils kindness in man. So, considering the day of Judgment, man spends his money on good things, like helping the needy around him. As Holy Prophet PBUH said in Sahih Muslim, the rich would be poor on the day of Judgment, but the one who spends his money on the needy. Moreover, one who leaves his lust for luxury things so he can spend on others would be rewarded in a better way. Therefore, the day of judgment belief made a man spend on the needy and poor people of the society.
- Establishing a sense of brotherhood
Additionally, the belief establishes an air of brotherhood in all people. As they sacrifice their necessities to fulfil others’ necessities, their brotherhood belief is strengthened among them.
“The believers are but one brotherhood, so make peace between your brothers. And be mindful of Allah so you may be shown mercy.”
Sura Hujrat verse 10
Moreover, by inculcating the belief in men, society would see society as being based on brotherhood.
- Developing tolerance in society
The belief is that this life is not eternal and that he would be rewarded for his good deeds in eternal life. This aids in developing tolerance in man.
“Indeed, they used to race in doing good and call upon Us with hope and fear, totally humbling themselves before Us.”
Sura Anbia verse 90
Moreover, man comprehends that all of his actions would be rewarded; if he showed aggression to others, it would undermine his eternal reward. So, to gain everlasting rewards, men collectively build a society that would have tolerance in it.
- Ensuring the rule of law
Also, the belief made it clear that man would be encountered for his deeds in this temporary world, so men who held the belief were sure to obey the law. Moreover, in the long run, society would emerge, ensuring the rule of law.
“To each of you, We have ordained a code of law and a way of life. If Allah had willed, He would have made you one community, but His Will is to test you with what He has given each of you. So, they compete with one another to do good. To Allah, you will all return, and then He will inform you ˹of the truth˺ regarding your differences.”
Sura Al-Maidah
There, Allah asked humanity to obey the code of law, and by revitalizing the concept of a Day of Judgment, He told them that he would reward them. So, the belief ensures the rule of law in Islamic society.
- Eliminating social evils
Lastly, the belief also eliminates social evils from society. The social evils of modern society are adultery, pornography, corruption, and ethical and moral degradation.
“O believers! Do not insult what they invoke besides Allah, or they will insult Allah spitefully out of ignorance. This is how We have made each person’s deeds appealing to them. Then to their Lord is their return, and He will inform them of what they used to do.”
Sura Al-Anam verse 108
By reminding the day of Judgment, He forbade man to not indulge in the deeds that are not righteous. So, the belief removes the social evils of modern society from the community.
Critical analysis
Critically analyzing the impacts, the belief in the Day of Judgment has revolutionary effects on man. It is human nature that if he cannot stop himself from evil, the only thing that can prohibit him from doing evil is fear. So, Allah has ensured the belief of judgment day and stamped that everyone would be encountered for his deeds. In return, a significant outcome of the belief bloomed, ensuring a society that was pure from social evils and had the rule of law.
In conclusion, the belief in the Day of Judgment is a basic concept of Islam. Moreover, it has a significant impact on people both individually and collectively in society. Individually, man fears Allah and punishment due to this belief, which ensures that he would not indulge in evil. It strengthens his character as well as his level of patience. Moreover, the collective effect on society saves men from indulging in social evils. Also, it reinforces brotherhood and solidarity in the community, ensuring society has the rule of law.
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