For sure, the parched dryness of the winter climate has desiccated and dehydrated your skin. This moisture-less and dull skin has grabbed your concern to a greater extent. Whatever moisturizer you are pouring in, it seems like it has become unproductive and vain. Your skin would not stop unlocking the moisture embedded in your skin; ultimately, it losses all its humidity.
Many high-priced products are available in the market. They might provide moisture and humidity to the skin but fail to bring its glow and radiant back when it comes to hands and feet. Your hands and feet are most likely to dry in winter, as they are exposed to the environment the most.
After reading the heading, a question has popped up in your head that what is DSM? I devise this regimen which is an acronym for Dipping, Scrubbing, and Moisturising. After trying it, you would certainly incorporate it into your routine. These three steps are as follows:

- Dipping
First and foremost, a liquid solution is prepared to immerse your hands and feet. It is a proven fact that dipping your feet in saltwater relax and calm your body. It eradicates stress and unwinds your nerves. To prepare, all you need is
- Warm water
- Two tablespoons of salt
- Two tablespoons of vinegar
- One tablespoon of any shampoo
After preparing it, dip your hands and feet in it for approximately 15-20 minutes.

2. Scurbbing
Once you have dipped your hands and feet in warm water, skin becomes mild enough to squeeze out impurities and dead skin. Scrubbing is often the prime choice to exfoliate dead skin. It clears away all the dirt and gives you a luminous glow. To prepare a mixture to scrub out dead skin cells, you need:
- Three tablespoons of salt
- Two tablespoons of coconut oil
When the mixture gets prepared, massage it entirely over your skin and scrub it for 10 minutes. You will notice dead skin and dirt extruding out. Leaving a velvety touch to your skin.

3. Moisturizing
When you arrive at the last step, your skin has become susceptible. It needs to be pacified by applying moisturizer that soothes your skin to the core. Therefore puff in some moisturizer that nourishes deeply. It is formulated with ingredients that keep your skin cells intact and provide nutrients for rejuvenation.

DSM is my personal choice when hands and feet care is my prime choice. It not only extracts impurities and dirt but also calms your nerves.