
Author at CPF

Saleha Javaid Chattha

Saleha Javaid Chattha is a student of MBA at Government College University, Lahore. She is a mural artist by profession. She loves to paint, whether it’s a canvas or a wall. She has done graffiti in different newly opened restaurants in Lahore. That is why she has a keen understanding of the quality and taste of the food. She knows every good food point in Lahore. Moreover, she is a professional academic writer and a passionate reader. She has an interest in Urdu literature. She has read many novels, short stories, and plays written by famous and influential writers in the history of Pakistan. As a student of MBA, she has an interest in marketing. Therefore, she writes about her experiences to influence the young generation. She wants to motivate every student to become an entrepreneur, to become something on their own. So you can follow her to get influenced by the diversity of her experiences and work.

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