
Author at CPF

Nauman Ahmad

Nauman Ahmad, a passionate visionary from Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, is on a remarkable journey to make a difference in the world. With a degree in Social Sciences from the University of Peshawar, he is currently an aspiring CSS candidate under the esteemed mentorship of Sir Syed Kazim Ali in his August 2024 Batch. After joining Sir Kazim's session, he has learnt a lot and transformed his past mistakes into stepping stones, particularly in mastering English. Indeed, in this journey, CSSPrepForum inspires him as he learns valuable insights through this website. Moreover, Numan also loves to write and is enthusiastic to present his productive insights to his readers via his writings. Seeing his dedication to writing, Sir Syed Kazim Ali has granted him the opportunity to get his writings published on CSSPREPFORUM.

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