
Author at CPF

Mubasit Naeem

Mubasit Naeem is a student of Sir Syed Kazim Ali. He graduated in Chemical Engineering with a remarkable CGPA. In his final year, he pursued a final year project on the production of hydrogen gas from rice husk (waste material). Moreover, he also served as vice president of the Literary Society. During his degree, he came across a beautiful world of writings, which left a strong imprint on his personality and directed his energy. His passion for acquiring knowledge has made him step into the world of writing. On entering this world, he met a renowned English guru, Sir Syed Kazim Ali. The guidance of the selfless mentor and his own quest for knowledge made him an efficient writer. His writing is about international politics, history, and worldly affairs, which mesmerizes the audience and inundates them with knowledge by elaborating another picture of the coin. For sure, the art of writing has made him represent his ideas, opinions, and pictures of ongoing scenarios efficiently. His way of delivering knowledge and his art of attempting to ask questions make him stand out from other people, which helps aspirants of PMS and CSS broaden their perimeter of thoughts.   Now, he has aspirations to pursue a career in civil service, with a passion for doing something extraordinary for his nation.

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