
Author at CPF

Abdul Khaliq Charan

Abdul Khaliq Charan, hailing from Hyderabad, Sindh, graduated from the National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Hyderabad campus, where he studied English. He is an aspiring CSS candidate, currently honing his essay-writing skills under the mentorship of expert English writing coach Sir Syed Kazim Ali through the Extensive English Essay and Precis Course, Batch March 2024. After taking this course, he aims to nourish his writing skills and gain real-time experience to enter the Civil Services Academy. Furthermore, with a keen interest in learning and writing, he has read hundreds of books. Moreover, he has a passion for writing about geopolitical events and socio-economic issues prevailing in his country. For Abdul Khaliq, writing holds great importance, not only in imparting knowledge but also in pacifying conflicts. Due to his aptitude, Sir Syed Kazim Ali has allowed him to have his writings published on the CSSPREPFORUM website.
Abdul Khaliq Charan

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