The story “The Story of Prophet Hazrat Adam (AS) and Hazrat Eve (AS)” is written by Syed Muhammad Sharjeel Ali, a student of class five and the youngest blogger in Pakistan. Instead of wasting time on games as most school-going kids do, the young, enthusiastic boy, Ayan Ahmed, is making his name in the world of blogging. He is one of the proud students of Miss Syeda Saba, Miss Amreen Mir, and Miss Zaineb – who are known because of their content writing coaching across the country. Let’s share Sharjeel’s stories, blogs, and poems with your younger siblings and kids so that they can also feel motivated and start writing like Ayan. Share your Kids work with us, and we will help you shape your kids future, indeed your future.

Billions of years ago, our beloved Allah Almighty created the sun, the moon, the earth, and everything that we see, hear, and experience in the world. After completing these, He saw that His creation was incomplete, so He asked His angels to collect clay from the earth. The obedient angles collected clay, and Allah made a man out of the clay and named him Hazrat Adam (AS), the first man in the entire universe and the father of all human beings. But the figure did not move forty long years; it just stood still there. When Iblis saw this figure, he was confused and scared. And after forty long years, one day, Allah breathed His spirit into Adam (AS). When the spirit reached the head of the figure, it sneezed. Then Allah asked all the angles, including Iblis, to prostrate before Adam (AS) as a sign of respect. One by one, all the angels prostrated before the Prophet Adam (AS) except Iblis.
Iblis said that he was better than the Prophet – Nauzubillah – because he was created from fire; whereas, the Prophet is created with the clay. Allah got angry with this disobedience, and He punished Iblis and expelled him from paradise. From that day, Iblis has been called a “Shaitan”. When he was kicked out of paradise, Shaitan became very angry with the human because he thought it was the man who became the reason for his expel. Coming back to our beloved Prophet and the mother of all human beings, Allah created the first man, Prophet Adam (AS) and the first woman, Eve (AS). They live in Paradise. Do you know? Hazrat Adam (A.S) is the father of all human beings, and Hazart Eve (AS) is the mother of all human beings. If the Almighty Allah did not create them, none of us could have been here in the world. We must be thankful to Allah and our great father and mother. We must follow all those rules that Allah has taught us and must be ready to fight against Shaitan because he is an enemy of all human beings.
Let’s Share the Story of the Kid with Your Kids and Encourage them to Start Writing instead of Wasting Time in Cartoon.
Do you also have kids or younger siblings, and you want them to engage in writing instead of wasting time in mobile games? Let’s contact us at Whats App 0332-6105842 to help them shape their future or share their work with us to impact society.
Initiative by Sir Syed Kazim Ali