CSS 2022 Solved Pair of Words | CSS 2022 Solved Pair of Words by Sir Syed Kazim Ali with Detailed Explanation
CSS 2022 Solved Pair of Words

1- Annalist & Analyst
“Annalist” (noun) means: An annals writer or a person who writes annals
“Analyst” (noun) means: An analysis conductor
- Sarah’s acceptance in any particular case of the version given by an annalist by no means implies that she has by careful inquiry satisfied herself of its truth.
- He is a psychoanalyst, and his political personality approach assumes that knowledge of the relevant personality traits enable the analyst to understand political attitudes and behavior.
2- Gest & Jest
“Gest” (noun) means: A tale of adventures, a story or tale or a deed or exploit
“Jest” (noun) means: A joke, a thing that said or done for amusement
- Ayan was looking for one grand gest that would serve as a fitting finale for his writing career.
- Hina was not amused at the embarrassing jest made about her in the business meeting.
3- Sleigh & Slay
“Sleigh” (noun) means: A vehicle mounted on runners and pulled by horses or dogs; for transportation over snow
“Slay” (verb) means: To kill a person or animal violently
- From that sleigh, one could hear the mummers’ shouts, laughter, and voices.
- He was found slain in an alley two blocks from his friend’s apartment.
4- Shoot & Chute
“Shoot” (verb) means: To kill or wound someone with something, like an arrow or a bullet
“Chute” (noun) means: A steep, narrow slope down which people or things can slide
- The man was shot dead by the police during a raid on his house.
- Passengers escaped from the plane’s front four exits by sliding down emergency chutes.
5- Coign & Coin
“Coign” (noun.) means: A place from which it is easy or possible to see something
“Coin” (noun.) means: A flat metal disk with stamp that used as money
- Their position gave them a panoramic coign of vantage.
- We each wanted the bedroom with the balcony, so we tossed a coin to decide.
6- Key & Quay
“Key” (adj.) means: Having married to only one person at a time
“Quay” (noun.) means: A strong and long structure where boats can be tied up to take on and off their goods
- Asma Jhangir was a key figure in the national law world.
- The dock area on the port was full of dilapidated warehouses and quays.
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