
CSS Compulsory Subjects Preparation Course

CSS Compulsory Subjects Preparation Course

Join Howfiv’s 3.5-month CSS Compulsory Subjects Preparation Course, and do not let these papers spoil your CSS result by learning how to prepare and score high in PA, CA, Ismaliyat and GSA.

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Approximately 60,000 to 70,000 individuals aspire to prepare for and pass the CSS and PMS examinations annually. Among them, approximately 90% are not actively engaged in self-preparation for the exams. Instead, they prefer to seek tips and tricks from those who have successfully cleared the exams, believing they can succeed with these shortcuts. However, the outcome often differs from their expectations, resulting in the exhaustion of all three attempts and subsequent criticism of the Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC). This highlights the crucial need for personal responsibility and initiative in self-preparation for these examinations.

On the other hand, a mere 10 per cent of candidates approach these examinations with unwavering dedication and invest significant effort in their preparation. They understand that success in these examinations cannot be achieved through shortcuts or reliance on others. They prioritize self-development and personal growth, abstaining from non-essential activities such as social media. Their approach to studying is comprehensive and unrestricted by fixed timeframes, with the sole aim of achieving high scores and entering their desired career path. These individuals are the epitome of students whom educators deeply appreciate teaching, as do coaches at Howfiv.

In the educational platform Howfiv, Sir Syed Kazim Ali and his coaches impose selective criteria for selecting students in the compulsory session. Only students capable of articulating and presenting arguments persuasively are granted admission. This selection process is rooted in the fundamental requirements of the CSS and PMS examinations, emphasizing the pivotal role of both knowledge and presentation. Failure to possess either skill invariably leads to unfavourable outcomes.

Consider an individual who possesses substantial knowledge but cannot effectively convey their understanding within the constrained timeframe of an examination. In such a scenario, they would face difficulty in addressing all questions comprehensively, ultimately leading to diminished scores or outright failure. Conversely, proficiency in the art of persuasion through writing would prove futile without the requisite knowledge of the subject matter, hindering one’s capacity to generate substantial content.

About CSS Compulsory Subjects Preparation Course

Simply, success in these examinations’ hinges upon the symbiotic relationship between knowledge and adept writing skills. Both are equally important and one cannot be successful without the other. So, at Howfiv, Sir Kazim and compulsory coaches grant admission to those students who have already learnt the writing skills. Usually, students in our compulsory session are from Sir Kazim’s extensive or crash course sessions. They reserve their seats 2 to 3 months before the compulsory session, understanding the importance of both knowledge and writing skills in their success.

Here, You will Find the Following

  • Course Details
  • What will you learn?
  • Course Syllabus
  • How to register for the course?
  • How to reserve a seat in the course?

Course Details

1Course Name
CSS Compulsory Subjects Preparation Course
Miss Bushra Arooj
Sir Ammar Hashmi
Miss Iqra Ali
Miss Ayesha Irfan
Miss Bakhtawar
Sir Rameez Ch
Miss Nirmal Hasni
Miss Saba Baloch
3Course Availability
All Year
4Course Starting
5Lecturing Modality
Online (via Zoom)
6Course Duration
3 Months
7Lectures a Week
10 Lectures (2-3 Hours/Lecture)
8Class Timings
Evening (after 6 p.m.)
9Available Seats
35 Seats Only
10Course Fee
Rs. 12,000/Course (for registered students)
Rs. 10,000/Month (for outsiders)
11Admin’s WhatsApp Contact

As the seats for the course are limited, students who have already registered for the CSS English Essay & Precis Course contact Miss Zaineb or other admins to reserve their seats.

WhatsApp at 0300-6322446 to Get Your Seat Reserved.

What will you learn in this course?

  • Pakistan Affairs (5 full-length mocks included)
  • Current Affairs (5 full-length mocks included)
  • Islamiat (5 full-length mocks included)
  • General Science & Ability (5 full-length mocks included)
  • How to attempt a 20-mark questions
  • Real-time evaluation (One to One)

Why is this Course Essential for CSS and PMS Aspirants?

This course is essential for CSS and PMS students and helps them prepare well in several ways:

  • Focuses on Self-preparation
    Relying solely on tips and tricks isn’t enough, so this course encourages personal responsibility and initiative, which are crucial for passing these exams.
  • Develops Both Knowledge and Presentation
    Since success requires substantial knowledge and the ability to present it effectively within exam constraints, this course ensures students can articulate arguments persuasively.
  • Complements Existing Knowledge
    The compulsory session targets students who have already built a knowledge base through Sir Kazim’s other courses (extensive or crash courses). This ensures they refine their writing skills to effectively convey their knowledge during the exams.

Course Syllabus Details

The following are the parts of the course that students cover in this session.

Pakistan Affairs Topics

Pre-Partition Period
1Evolution of a Muslim Society & its dynamics
2Downfall and Deformation of Muslim Society/Rule in Sub-continent & its factors
3Missionaries/Invaders/Rulers in the sub-continent & its vicinities.
4Sheikh Ahmed Sirhandi
5Shah Waliullah
6Syed Ahmed Shaheed and his Jihadi Movement
7Haji Sharee’tullah and his Faraizi Movement.
8Sir Syed Ahmed
9Aligarh Movement
10Deoband Movement (Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband)
11Aligarh v/s Deoband
13Indian Act of 1892
14Partition of Bengal 1905
15Shimla Deputation 1906
16Formation of All India Muslim League1906
17Minto-Morley Reforms 1909
18Annulment of Bengal 1911
19Reaction of Muslims on the Annulment of Bengal
20Lucknow Pact 1916
21Chelmsford-Montagu Reforms 1919
22Indian Act of 1919
23Elections of 1920 and 1923
24Khilafat Movement 1919-1922
25Muslim League Resolution of 1924
26Nehru Report 1928
27All India Muslim Conference
28Quaid-e-Azam’s Fourteen Points
29Simon Commission 1930.
30Round Table Conferences
31Gandhi-Irwin Pact 1931
32Communal Award 1932
33Indian Act of 1935
34Elections of 1937
35All India Muslim League Annual Session, 1938
36Lahore Resolution, 1940
37Cripps Mission 1942.
38Jinnah-Gandhi Talks
39Shimla Conference
40Elections of 1945-46.
41Muslim League Legislators’
42Cabinet Mission, 1946.
433rd June Plan.
44Radcliffe Award, 1947.
Post Partition Period
1Early Problems: Administrative Problems, Financial Constraints, Refugees Problems Constitutional Crisis, Territorial Disputes, and Canal and Water Dispute
2Delay in Constitution Making in various eras
3Judicial development and history of judicial activism in Pak. (Molvi tamizzudin case, Dasso case, Asma Jahangir case)
41970 elections and fall of Dhaka
5Constitutional History of Pakistan since 1947
6Constitutional Amendments and Federalism in Pakistan – The 18th amendment
7Political evolution and challenges of Pakistan since 1947
8Political instability and political polarization
9Role of digital democracy in the political system of Pakistan
10Social Issues: Poverty, Unemployment, Terrorism, Education
11Economic History and Issues of Pakistan since 1947
12Challenges to National Security and Sovereignty: Proxy War, Hybrid Warfare, 5th Generation Warfare, and National Security Policy
13Making of new provinces

Current Affairs Topics

1Foreign Policy Basics
2Pakistan China Relations
3Pakistan India Relations
4Pakistan Afghanistan Relations
5Pakistan Iran Relations
6Pakistan USA Relations
7Pakistan Russia Relations
8Pakistan Muslim World Relations
9US-India Relations
10Critical Analysis of Regional Organizations (SAARC, SCO, ASEAN, ECO, BRICS+)
11Regional Alliances (QUAD, AUKUS)
12International Organizations (UN, OIC, EU, NATO)
13South China Sea
14Cold War 2:0
15Important Economic Corridors (CPEC, IMEC, B3W)
16Palestine Israel Issue
17Russia Ukraine Issue
18Nagorno Karabakh conflict
19Kashmir issue
20China Taiwan Issue
21Iran-Saudi rapprochement
22Israel-Saudi normalization
23Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)
24Iranian proxies in the region
25Ethnic Crisis and Baluchistan
26Making of New Provinces
27Regional energy projects
28Internal energy crisis
29Petro-dollar deal
30IMF bailouts, their impacts, and what to do
31African theatre-civil wars
32Nuclear Proliferation and Nuclear Security
33Nuclear Politics in South Asia
34Changing world order
35Religious activism
Important International Topics
2Social media
3Artificial Intelligence
4Climate change

What More You Get Out of the Course

  • The course will also cover Political Science, Indo-Pak History, Current Affairs, and Essay Hot Topics
  • Will Learn How to Attempt 20 Marks Question to Score the Maximum Marks
  • Time and Stress Management
  • 5 Full Mock Exams
  • Individual Extensive and Rigorous Evaluation

General Science & Ability Topics

Physical Sciences
1Origin, Constituents, and Structure of Universe along with associated Processes and Hazards (Galaxy, Solar System, Sun, Moon, Earth)
2Processes of Nature (Rotation and Revolution and Eclipses -Solar and Lunar Eclipses)
3Geological Constituents Structure and Hazards (Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruption)
4Hydrological Constituents Structure and Hazards (Tsunami, Floods, and Avalanches)
5Atmospheric Constituents Structure and Hazards (Urban Fire, Wild Fire, Cyclones, Hurricanes, Typhoons, Mid-latitude Cyclones, Tornadoes and Droughts)
6Natural Disaster Management
7Weather Variables and Variations
8Energy Resources: Sources and Types (Renewable Energy and Non Renewable Energy)
9Conservation and Sustainable use of Energy
10Chemistry: Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, and Electromagnetic Radiations
11Modern Materials: Ceramics, Plastics, Semiconductors, Antibiotics, Vaccines, Fertilizers, and Pesticides
Biological Sciences
1Cell Structures, Functions, and Subcellular Organelles
2Biomolecules: Proteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates, and Enzymes
3A Brief Survey of Plant and Animal Kingdom
4Brief Account of Human Physiology: Nervous System, Circulatory System, Excretory system, Digestive System, Respiratory System, Immune System, and Skeletal System
5Common Diseases and Epidemics: Causes, effects, and prevention
Environmental Sciences
1Components of Environment: Lithosphere, Hydroshphere, Atmosphere, and Biosphere
2Environmental Pollution
3Air Pollution: Greenhouse Effect, Ozone Depletion, Acid Rain, Global Warming, and Climate Change
4Water pollution: Waterlogging and Eutrophication; Drinking Water Standards; and Purification of Water
5Land Pollution: Solid Waste Management
6Role of remote sensing and GIS in Environmental Science
7Global Initiatives for the Management for Atmospheric Pollution
Food Sciences
1Concept of Balance Diet:
2Quality of Food: Food Additives, Preservatives and Antioxidants
3Food Deterioration and its Control: Food Deterioration, Adulteration, and Preservation.
Information Technology
1Computer: Hardware, Software, I/O Processing, and Data storage
2Networking & Internet Standards
3Information Systems
4Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence Telecommunications: Mobile, Satellite Surveillance, GPS, and Fiber Optics
Ability Portion
Quantitative Ability
1Arithmetic: LCM, HCF, BODMAS, Square And Cube Root, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion
2Algebra: Algebraic expressions, Concept of simultaneous equations, Age problems, and Linear equations
3Geometry: Concept of angles, Types of angles, Concept of triangles, How the angle is obtained, and Polygons
4Data Analysis: Averages and Probability
5Statistical Diagrams: Histograms, Pictograms, Bar charts, and Pie chart
6Logical & analytical Reasoning: Systematic series questions, Blood relations, Sitting arrangement, and Sequential order of things
Mental Ability
1Intelligence and the diversity of mental abilities
2Matrix for analyzing mental abilities
3Scales for the measurement of the specific constructs of mental abilities

Islamiat Topics

1Introduction and concept to Islam
2Importance of Din in Human Life
3Difference between Din and Religion
4Islamic Beliefs & its Impact on Individual & Society and Fundamental of Islam (Tawheed and Prophethood)
5Islamic Worships: Spiritual, Moral and Social Impact
6Study of Sirah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as Role Model as an Individual, Diplomat, Educator, Military Strategist, and Peace Maker
7Human Rights and Status of Woman in Islam
8Dignity of Men and Women and Status of Minorities
9Meanings and the Vital Elements (Role of Civilization in Development of Human Personality and Community)
10Characteristics of Islamic Civilization (Tawhid, Self-purification, Dignity of Man, Equality, Social Justice, Moral Values, Tolerance, Rule of Law)
11Impact of Islamic Civilization on the West and Vice Versa
12Muslim World and the Contemporary Challenges and Rise of Extremism
13Concept of Public Administration in Islam
14Responsibilities of Civil Servants
15System of Accountability (hisbah) in Islam
16Quranic Guidance on Good Governance
17Concept of Governance and its Applications in the light of Qur’an, Sunnah and Fiqh
18Governance Structure in Islam (Shura, Legislation, Sources of Islamic Law)
19Governance under Pious Khilafat
20Particular letters of Hazrat Umar (R.A) and Hazrat Ali (R.A) to different Authority
21Salient Features of Islamic System: Social System, Economic System, Political System, Judicial System, Administrative System
22Procedure of Ijma and Ijtihad
Free Orientation for English Essay

Fee Structure

The fee for the CSS and PMS compulsory session for registered and non-registered students is the following:

For registered studentsRs. 12k for the 3.5-month-long compulsory session
For non-registered students Rs. 10k per month

How do you Secure Admission to the Howfiv Compulsory Session?

  • The application process is straightforward. Students, who have already been assessed by Sir Kazim, may submit their applications for the compulsory session when it is officially announced. Typically, this information is disseminated within our groups, or alternatively, Mam Zaineb may post a status on WhatsApp.
  • Students who are not registered in the session can also apply for the compulsory course. The process is the following:

The course is available for all competitive aspirants who have planned to give CSS-2025 or PMS-2024 a try. You need to apply for the course by sending the asked particulars to Miss Zaineb on WhatsApp at 0300-6322446.

  • Name
  • Age
  • City
  • Qualifications
  • Profession
  • Email
  • Contact Number
  • Number of CSS & PMS Attempt
  • DMC (if any)
  • Aspiring for (CSS 2025)
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